
The Skill Extractor in OnePiece

Note the main cover isn't mine. If the person who reads this fanfic thinks starting is ridiculous or at least the starting is worst well I can't do anything about it. NOTE: Read at least till chapter 8 and NO, MC has his journey. If my grammar is bad then please I am sorry I can't live up to your expectations, I am writing this for fun and to improve my writing skills not to hear your negative reviews. ( I will take your honest reviews about my grammar and if you want to talk about the story plot and character development then please just go and reach the abyss by digging with a toothpick )

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Devil fruit... Energy Networks or Chakra...Should I eat one???

2 days before the war between Alabasta and Baroque works -

A lot of activity was seen in the kingdom of Alabasta, whether it be in pirate activity, bounty hunters activity or marines the activity of all these forces were serious, especially when both pirates and bounty hunters teaming up as they were all headed towards the baroque works HQ which is Rain Dinners, which belongs to Crocodile himself. This openly proved that he was indeed gonna try to take over over Alabasta.

The criminal activity near the capital has increased by 5℅, small in a mathematical sense but in reality, this was a huge problem for Alabasta, all the soldiers were spread out and a person like Crocodile could easily weed them out if he was in the capital that is.

Infinite had been working on his Kekki Genki, but there wasn't much progress in it if not it was nill. Infinite was growing frustrated day by day due to it as he wanted to master it. Infinite had good progress in his earth chakra mastery and also he was currently the personal guard for King Cobra, though Pell and Chaka were strong but not as strong as Infinite and Pell was stronger than Chaka only due to him knowing Haki.

The lively streets were now not as colourful as before due to the declaration of war and meanwhile, marines were watching the show without interference according to their superior orders.

Infinite had also met Hina on his morning and night walks also he had told her that he was currently a mercenary working under the king. Hina introduced Smoker and before leaving them on his second walk of the day, he used his sharingan and checked their chakra network (It will be called an energy network for others except for Infinite the only exception being now ) and saw that that smoker had white with a mix of red in his chakra network, Hina had white with a mix of purple, Pell and Chaka white with a mixture of green and everyone else had white. This raised a question in Infinite's mind ' Does different devil fruit types have different chakra colours? ' which he thought most likely, he also thought of a theory that people only have spiritual energy inside them and physical energy was added or the other way around by the devil fruits thus a person can use its power although using it like ' Kekki Genki '. So Infinite categorised it under energy and not chakra, he also saw that everyone's chakra network was normal as their energy gathers near their belly button, while devil fruit eaters energy gathers at their heart.

The marines were friendlier than they were supposed to be as most of them knew Infinite was a powerhouse and they also got to know his age was 17, which came as an utter shock as he was still way too young to be held such high power and he has a long time nearing his prime age, unlike the current admirals who are just stepping into their current prime age.

When these reports of a newfound powerhouse were sent to Marine HQ, it peaked a lot of interest from the superiors of marines. The spies of the underworld in marine bases also sold this information.

Though Infinite didn't know that he had caused a commotion in Grandline Paradise, which attracted the attention of all the ' Warlords of the sea ', and underworld as well, and many wanted him to be their tool in their hands and thus marines prioritised Infinite's power or at least wanted him to be close to them.

There were even talks among superiors of marine HQ that the next ' Warlord ' position will belong to Infinite. The power he posses and the way the world works Infinite shouldn't have attracted the attention of people at least, not to the underworld and marines.

And there Infinite was oblivious about anything about how famous he is. But still, none made a move as this war will be when underworld and marines would see his true strength and if it wasn't at the level of hype his name had created it would be useless for the underworld or at least for most of them.

Infinite was so strong that all the criminal activities were mostly taken out by him. Also, few people were caught red-handed when they were using dance powder and when caught they were spouting lies like ' King Cobra ordered it!!!' , ' King Cobra held my family hostage ' and such until Infinite stepped in used his Genjutsu for revealing the hidden truth.

******** Marine HQ, Maine Ford -

Sengoku " So is the file on all his strengths ready? "

Officer " Yes sir, do you want me to bring it now sir? ". " Do bring it ". " Yes sir ".

Sengoku sat on his chair while reading other files until he heard a knock and Garp just burst inside without even leaving Sengoku time to give him an answer and he just left it as it was pretty usual.

Garp " So, Sengoku what is about the youngster all the people are talking about??? ".

Sengoku " It's a kid we came across recently, in terms of strength he is almost equal to

' Mid Rear - Admirals ' and if he is hiding his strength then maybe equal to them or one position higher and he is also just 17 years in age. Can you believe it, Garp. "

Garp nods and feels bad for the kid as he will be in the middle of a tug of war between power-hungry people.

' Kid you should have joined marines or become a pirate in the least though I don't recommend it you will be at least alive and you could live a little longer, ... hope you don't get slaved by these people '.

********* Somewhere in the middle of Alabasta kingdom and in the desert -

" So, you thought you could defeat me. Huh... pathetic, just cause you have a devil fruit doesn't mean you shouldn't think you can defeat every single person."

The other party wasn't giving an answer.

" Well if you lived a little more you could be pretty good as you have a lot of endurance, but now died in my quicksand made by my devil fruit ".

The person was none other than Crocodile, the other party was none other than Straw hat Luffy, he fought straight with Warlord Crocodile only to be defeated by him in less than a minute. Though Crocodile would love to play with these kinda people, he was frustrated as his name was now known to every single person in Alabasta as a villain and the hard work he had done to build to be a hero vanished, his time bomb was defused by a newcomer who was a variable in his plan.

Then Crocodile started to create 3 sand tornadoes and sent them towards Alabasta's capital. Then Crocodile started to move towards his casino which is now the Baroque Works HQ, the war was in 2 days and he was also stripped of his Warlord position and the announcement will be on tomorrow, though he hated the way marines took his position away and said right on his face he couldn't do anything to them. He was at most strong as Middle Vice - Admirals or a level below and his pride was damaged by the other party to the extreme.

******** Back in the royal palace -

Infinite was studying the devil fruit Brogy and Dorry gave him. It was fascinating for him when he saw the energy inside it in the form of red flames, he also has three more devil fruits that he got from pirates who were making trouble in Alabarna.

Among the three fruits, one had an energy in the form of red flames, another in the form of purple flames and finally another in the form of green flames. Infinite deduced that among these three one was a Logia which was the rarest and said to be the strongest among all other three types as it gives a person elemental nature, the one with purple flames being paramecia and the powers they give differs and finally Zoan which gives the person animal powers or animal forms, they are strong in physicality in general and is said to have low growth rate but strong at the start.

Though Infinite was tempted to eat the logia type devil fruit, he controlled himself not to.

The day passed by and the next day emerged but the tensions were still high.

Somewhere in a hotel a women just came inside a room and checked a person who was holding his straw hat and sleeping soundly and with some heavy injuries though they were healed sooner than anyone could have expected.

This person was none other than Straw Hat Luffy and the women are none other than Nico Robin also known by her code name as ' Miss Allsunday ' by Baroque Works and she was the partner of Crocodile. She saved Luffy after his fight against Crocodile as many won't be alive after a duel with him. She took some interest in him but quickly left that place after checking on him. Soon a group of people entered the room just after she left, these were none other than the StrawHats pirates or at least one group.

They have to go to Alabarna as soon as possible and they have to reach it by tomorrow and they don't have time.

What do you think? will MC join Marines or become a warlord or join an underworld faction and stuff???

X_x_INFINITY_x_Xcreators' thoughts