
Training arc

When we saw the necromancer, it saw us.

It had been constantly creating skeletons and it looked like it had total control of them.

It immediately called for all skeleton's to attack the only 2 humans left on the mountain.

Ace and I started running as fast as we could. "[walk 1] has become [walk 2]! [jump 1] has become [jump 2]!"

The skeletons were still slowly gaining on us. I used climb on one. It was instantly under my control. A maxed out control skill is better than a not max level one after all!

Ace was in a different position however. He couldn't ride and even if he learned, his ride wouldn't be able to overpower a skeleton.

Ace started using [basic attack 1]s but he couldn't do anything to the skeletons.

Then, a skeleton got a hit on his leg, and he tripped, and I had too keep running but I could hear his screams.

So I ran.

I ran so hard the skeleton's bones started cracking.

I didn't stop until I was at the top of the mountain, where the skeleton's legs broke. I took advantage of the ride to kill the skeleton.

"You have killed a [skeleton]! +exp 50 +kills 1"

I cried. While I didn't know Ace very well, he was my only companion. My sadness turned to anger, and anger to hatred. Hatred for the Necromancer and the skeletons.

I would kill them.

I would kill them all.



With a fierce determination, I turned to training.

I was a weeb. I knew about cultivation and systems, so I meditated. I meditated to gain strength.

After a minute or 2,

"You have unlocked the skill [meditate 1]! +10 Mp"

After another minute,

"+10 Mp"

After I solved the problem of Mp, I needed a way to use it. So I imagined putting Mp in the air to create a arrow.

Obviously it didn't work first try but I got an air ball.

"You have unlocked the skill [air ball 1] and [basic air magic 1]!"


This would be it!

This is how I would kill the necromancer!

So I meditated and trained. I put all of my time into training. Who cares about a unique system? I just want revenge.



"1/48 hours left! Wrap it up!"

It is time.

Time to kill.