
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 9: Fighting for Freedom.

In the face of Guldan's unprofessional attentiveness, the Skeleton Sorcerer did not put up a defense, and he was too lazy to take care of this subordinate who was constantly going crazy.

As long as he could work for himself and help train elite warriors, he would not give this kind of subordinate a chance to grow.

The reason is simple, this kid is too smart, the last very smart subordinate he had, but he ended up choosing to rebel and almost didn't kill him yet.

The skeleton wizard was just dumb, not stupid, and he certainly wouldn't get hit twice for something he had already suffered once.

This was also the main reason why he had not allowed Guldan to grow by devouring the Soul Ghost Flame.

And during this time, Guldan had so many minions to help collect the soul ghost fire, at this time, all the bones were still yellow, mainly because of this.

If his skeleton changed, the skeleton sorcerer would definitely understand that he was stealing, and when that happened, he would be lightly watched, or he would cool off on the spot.

Therefore, Guldan strongly resisted the temptation to convert all of these soul ghost flames into system energy instead of absorbing them himself.

For today!

The large force marched forward with great vigor, only this time it was somewhat different from the past, usually this force of one hundred men marched in a dense formation to avoid being attacked by a strong enemy.

Today, however, it gradually spread out, eventually forming an extremely loose fish scale formation.

This kind of thing was of course noticed by the skeleton sorcerer, only that it didn't take it seriously because Guldan gave the right reason.

All around are wandering scattered first-order skeletons, if you want to deal with them, there is no need for a large force to move out en masse, that would be too much of a delay, hunting in groups of three or five is the perfect way, there is nothing wrong with the large force spreading out at this time.

Guldan, who was following the Skeleton Sorcerer, was also pulling away from them without any trace at this time, he was afraid that when the Bone Armored Mantis stormed out in a while, he would casually cut himself off as a stray fish.

If not for the skeleton sorcerer not allowing him to leave too far away, at this moment, Guldan would have hated to leave this group of guys by a hundred thousand miles.

Keeping his head down, he kept arranging his armor, even rummaging through the remnants of his backpack to find a helmet to put on, with a separate skull head underneath it.

With all the equipment ready, at this time, Guldan really looked like a bit of an ancient soldier.

Walking on the flat plains, Guldan waited left and right for half a day, and finally waited for the legendary sneak attack when he came to the middle of the plains!

Only a few rumbles were heard! Bones exploded on the originally flat plain! A dozen of bone-armored mantises hidden in the ground broke through the bones and came out, and between the two huge bone scythes in their hands sweeping across the ground, they instantly pounced on those skeleton guards!

Suddenly encountered a sneak attack, the entire skeleton troop was in a state of confusion, those skeleton soldiers at the outermost periphery were still in the middle of their silly hunt, while the skeleton soldiers in the middle who were originally in charge of the defense were approaching towards this side, while some turned around to escape.

Inside the entire team, only the 20 cannon fodder in the front row were behaving normally at this time, and were rushing back with a brain, trying to intercept the enemy.

Such a chaotic scene made the skeleton sorcerer doubly dismayed, he was still very confident in his ability to march and fight with this subordinate, just a dozen enemies? How did they perform so poorly today?

Eyes blankly turned back, the expected Guldan standing by his side did not appear, all the skeleton sorcerer saw was a body that fell to the ground with a thud.

There was a broken knife stuck in Guldan's chest, the whole knife went straight through his chest, and because of the reason that there was armor blocking his vision, he didn't know if he had hit the vitals of his soul.

As the guy fell to the ground on all fours, the skull on his neck, along with his helmet, rolled right off.

This left the large praying mantis that had burrowed out from beside him with a bewildered look on its face.

After stabbing the skeletal head on the ground with his clawed sickle and realizing that the thing had fallen and even dropped its jaw, the Great Mantis looked at his sharp claws in some confusion.

When did he get this strong? He scared a skeleton soldier to death right out of the gate? It's hard to believe that he has evolved to the third stage without realizing it!

Feeling ecstatic, the Great Mantis unfolded his wings and wanted to roar, but he didn't want that right at that moment, a Spear of the Dead broke through the air and instantly blasted his head into pieces!

"Damn it!"

A raspy voice mixed with a jagged sound rang out, and the skeleton sorcerer, whose IQ was far higher than that of an ordinary skeleton soldier, couldn't help but curse fiercely.

Dead? He died in the nick of time! This guy can't pick his moments!

I should have known better than to let him strengthen it slightly!

Leaning up to the sky and hissing, invisible soul energy fluctuations spread out, the Skeleton Sorcerer attempted to use this method to get the skeletal soldiers under his command to follow orders.

However, these skeleton soldiers under him have long been secretly replaced by Guldan with his own subordinates, not to mention roaring a voice, you just roar for a day is useless!

Realizing that other than the 20 cannon fodder that ran back from the distance, plus his own personal guards, the other skeletons still didn't listen to his command, the Skeleton Sorcerer was a bit dismayed, but he couldn't think too much about it.

Regrouping! Command the Skeleton Guards to converge on themselves! The Skeleton Sorcerer begins to glow!

First Ring Spell! Skeleton Revival! Pull up a dozen skeletons on the ground first to spread the fire!

It was followed closely by the second ring spell Death's Hand! Accompanied by the landing of the staff! A large amount of ghostly aura spread out, coalescing into one translucent, shriveled palm after another on the ground, constantly pulling on enemy limbs, causing them to slow down or even come to a complete stop.

The force of these palms is not large, a normal person can easily break free, but they can't help the number of ah!

The densely packed arms constantly drilling out, enough to make people with dense phobia sick, once caught by a palm and failed to break free in time, then followed by a large number of palms gathered, until you completely fixed in place!

It had to be said that this Skeleton Sorcerer's ability was really strong, with group control and fixed click kills, it was completely made for fighting group battles!

As the Hand of Death was used, the mighty Bone Armored Mantises had their battle power reduced greatly.

The Skeleton Sorcerer continuously cast two Spears of the Dead, directly exploding the heads of the two Mantises that were fixed in place and unable to move, and after feeling the energy of the Soul Flame in his body depleting, the guy actually fiercely pointed towards the side.

In the next moment, the skeleton archer who had been following him and was desperately attacking, the soul fire in his eyes exploded, and as he blew his head to pieces, the scattered soul ghost fire swept towards the skeleton sorcerer and was quickly absorbed by him.

This guy actually chose to control the soul fragments to kill his minions! Using their soul flames to quickly replenish their power!

It's not a mean trick! But also very effective!

Quickly transforming the energy from the ghost fire, the Skeleton Wizard raised his hand and fired two more shots of Spear of the Dead! While not forgetting to add a Death Hand!

Energy drained again, he pointed his staff at another archer this time ......

The roaring sound continued to ring out, and Guldan, who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead by covering his chest ghost fire with his armor, secretly observed the situation through the crack.

After realizing that the battle did not progress as he expected, and that instead of being pushed into a corner, the Skeleton Sorcerer went on a rampage, transforming into a turret in a brutal manner and swiftly killing several Bone Armored Mantises, Guldan could not help but furrow his brows.

I can't! This is not the way to go! If things go on like this! The Skeleton Wizard will win!

By the time he realized that he was faking his own death, then he might actually have to sleep here for a long time.

Clenching his fists fiercely, Guldan quickly gave commands through the connection between the soul contracts.

Receiving the order, those Skeleton Soldiers who were originally waving their weapons around to feel the fish and watch the show, the flames in their eyes instantly boiled up, and they actually swung their swords to slash at their compatriots around them!

To be precise, it was those who followed the orders of the Skeleton Wizard! Even the skeletons that had signed a soul oath with him!