
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 8: A Chosen Place to Bury Bones

Following the Skeleton Wizard, Guldan shot him a glance without a trace.

In fact, he didn't need to sneak around, after all, he didn't even have a head, even if he was just ogling, who would be able to find out?

Playing with a fist-sized skeleton skull in his hand that was also left behind by an unknown race, Guldan's mood was a little heavy.

Granted, it's already replaced all the cannon fodder under this guy's command with turtledoves.

And it also took out many of his inner circle without a trace, leaving his defenses drastically depleted.

But the other party is ultimately a third-order skeleton sorcerer ah, even if the people on their side have been bound to each other with a pyramid form of soul oath, with a third-order undead, it's not enough to make this group of skeletons mutiny.

But the gap in battle power was too obvious, especially since this grandson also had a move of Spear of the Dead, if he were to be hit by a javelin, Guldan would have to cool off on the spot.

(No, a strong attack isn't the way to go, there's no guarantee he won't be the first to attack me, and there's no way to confirm that these first-order skeletons can defeat it ...... We have to find a way to make this guy run out of energy first!)

Thoughts constantly turning, Guldan began to think of any feasible plan.

It was too dangerous to die with a skeleton wizard, especially if one's own life was controlled by the other party.

It was necessary to find someone to weaken him before he could do so, and it would be best if he could take out all of this guy's personal guards, the second-ranked skeleton guards.

Without the guards, it would be much easier to deal with a long-range mage like him.

Pulling out a simple abstract version of the map he had drawn, Guldan began to check what strong enemies were marked nearby.

In fact, the Undead Realm didn't have a lot of supplies, and there were all sorts of corpses here that seemed to have been transported from various realms.

Along with them to transport over the same number of dead things, such as what weapons and armor, swords, guns and sticks, not a rare goods, but for some reason, the vast majority of the corrosion is very serious.

The tattered lock armor that Guldan was wearing at this moment, and the rusted half **** in his hand, were the best proof.

Even Guldan had seen a large wooden sailing ship of the World War II type on a skeleton hill!

But although he had seen a lot of dead things, Guldan, who had been wandering for nearly four months, had not seen a single living thing, but had seen some corpses that were rotting at an extremely high speed.

Carefully observing the corpses that were decaying at an extraordinary rate, Guldan finally came to the conclusion that the air in the Undead Realm was poisonous in nine out of ten cases!

A potent poison that quickly corrupts anything but the undead!

Otherwise, there's no reason to come in with so many corpses and not even one living person!

So much loot that came in with them! There's no reason for all of them to rust and rot!

Taking a pen and paper, Guldan began to circle the map.

"About ten miles to the left, there is a small canyon, the resurrection speed of the skeletons inside is much faster than outside, occupied by a group of skeleton horses, killing resurrected skeletons every day like stomping on gophers, the leader is a third-order skeleton horse king, his ability seems to be to create skeleton horses, the last time we met was two months ago, the number of skeletons at that time was around two hundred... ...... It won't work, the cavalry charge is too lethal, and there is a canyon there with long tunnels, just right for them to launch a charge, the danger of fighting them is too great! Switch!"

"Five miles to the right position, there is a giant skeleton acting alone, look at the body type should not yet be a teenager, the height of about 5m, only the last time I encountered this guy, the skeleton sorcerer turned around without saying anything, this guy's combat strength in all likelihood exceeds the third order ... ... or not, the skeleton sorcerer is too wimpy, if he chooses to retreat and let my little brother go up to attract the opponent's firepower, wouldn't that be stealing a chicken?"

"...... I remember that about 15 miles behind, I have previously encountered a nest of Bone Armor Great Mantis, this group of things strength is in the second rank, most like to play the decapitation tactic of capturing a thief, when I encountered it two months ago, the number should be between 20 Between 20 and 30, this can be tried, after all, the strength of the skeleton soldiers is too weak, these guys will not even take the initiative to attack, is it an instinct that was cultivated when they were alive? Or are they purposely left behind, used as bait to attract second-order skeletons to come closer?"

With his mind made up, Guldan put away the map and tied it to one of his ribs.

Guldan never cared about who killed the skeleton sorcerer, he had only one purpose from the beginning, and that was to let the skeleton sorcerer die so that he could return his freedom.

The Bone Armored Mantis has special habits, and doesn't like to attack prey that it can't see, usually picking an existence equal to its own strength to sneak attack, and has a strong ability to kill instantly.

Guldan didn't even notice them at first when he crossed that territory alone before.

It was only after a second-order skeleton soldier chased after other skeletons and inadvertently fell into this territory, and saw more than twenty bone-armored praying mantises ripping up and burrowing out of the ground, instantly slicing them into pieces, that Guldan realized that there was such a group of monsters hunting in this area!

At that time, Guldan was so scared that he ran out more than two miles in one breath before he dared to stop.

Since he had already chosen his target, Guldan naturally would not continue to hesitate.

After leading the troops in a slight reorientation, sticking to the edge of a mountain and turning around without a trace, the group began to turn back the same way again.

The Skeleton Wizard didn't pay too much attention to this sudden change in the direction of travel, he didn't even notice it.

After all, although this guy's IQ was higher than his counterparts, it was actually limited, after all, it was just a bunch of skeleton soldiers who didn't even have a brain, how smart could you expect them to be?

As long as there were skeletons on the road to kill and soul ghost flames to devour, things like which direction to go in wouldn't matter to the skeleton sorcerer at all.

After all, before Guldan's arrival, the men he led were also wandering aimlessly.

It could even be said that Guldan and the others were actually circling around before, never leaving a distance of more than 10 miles.

Because the outside represents the unknown, who is not sure whether walking far away will encounter any strong enemies, as long as nothing special happens, the vast majority of skeletons will never leave this territory under their feet throughout their lives.

They didn't choose to leave until they had been killed or had broken through to a certain realm.

After another day of rushing, when Guldan arrived at the area marked on the map, he hurriedly ordered his troops to rest in place.

He himself sat in a corner, escorted by a couple of elite minions, and surreptitiously opened the map and began to cross-reference it.

(Huge mutilated skeleton cow head! Rows of towering ribs stuck in the dirt! And wandering around, all first-order skeletons, none of them above second-order plains ...... Features all correct! (This is the place that didn't run away!)

Looking at the abstract skull and bull's head drawn on the map, and the twelve huge ribs inserted aside, Guldan carefully compared it, and after confirming that it was correct, he excitedly put the map away.

Turning his head to steal a glance at the skeleton wizard, Guldan clenched his fists violently.

The burial place has been found for the other party, so next, it's time to start inviting the king into the jar.

Fawningly bending over and saluting, Guldan's tone seemed unusually obscene.

"Taijun! Please come inside!"