
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 7:The First Barrel of Money Into the World.

As the saying goes, there is nothing difficult in this world, as long as you are willing to work hard.

After all, the Emperor Heaven would not disappoint those who had the will to do so, and after continuously knocking for more than an hour, Guldan finally welcomed the result.

The Skeleton Soldier whose entire heavenly cap was about to be knocked to pieces seemed to feel that he would absolutely die if he continued like this, and ultimately chose to submit.

Feeling the submissive aura emanating from the skeleton soldiers, Guldan's entire skeleton frame shivered with excitement.

Reaching out, he gently probed inside the skull's eye socket.

In the next moment, a power that belonged solely to the soul was transmitted, instantly integrating into Guldan's soul fire.

At that moment! Guldan only felt as if he had reached the peak! The entire soul was trembling! A beautiful melody seemed to be ringing in his head.

This electrifying sensation has slowly emerged ......

"Duhhhhhh! This tingling sensation! Why it's like being electrified!"

Shaking his body and forcing himself to come to his senses, Guldan quickly shaved the skull and pressed it to his neck once again.

The skeleton, on the other hand, did not continue to resist this time, and was as docile as a pet cat.

Soul Pledge, a common means of subjugation between undead.

The method is very simple, only need to let the other party will be part of his soul fire submitted to their own, and then their own soul fire devoured, then their own will be able to grasp the other party's life and death power, a little upset can let the other party soul flying away.

Guldan also signed this kind of oath with the skeleton sorcerer at this time, which means that his little life at this time, has been held by the skeleton sorcerer.

This was the main reason why Guldan was so disgruntled and bent on rebellion.

He had already handed over his life to the other party, yet the other party was still so defensive, this was simply not treating him as one of his own!

Just let the horse run but don't let the horse eat grass, see if the horse kicks you to death!

Horses are still like that! Let alone a living ... man ah no, a dead man!

It's not easy to break free of soul shackles, and there are usually only two ways to do it.

The first, find an undead who is far more powerful than the dominant and have him break the oath for you.

The second, the strength of one's own soul fire reaches a level comparable to or even surpassing that of a dominant, forcibly obliterating one's own soul fragments.

These two methods are not suitable for Guldan, he doesn't know any high-level undead, and he himself is only a small skeleton of the first rank, if he is expected to rise to the third rank, how long will he have to wait until the end of the monkey's life?

But don't forget he has the Skeleton Lord system! He can't grow up himself! Can't he still let his little brother grow up!

Just make sure the little brother is loyal! And then strengthen him a bit! He'll be able to kill the Skeleton Wizard in no time! And set himself free!

Joyfully, Guldan began to quietly create a body for this skeleton little brother of his.

The sea of white bones are lacking in everything, only bones to have as many as possible, although the quality of these white bones piled up on the ground is worrisome, and some of them are even crushed as soon as they are stepped on.

But having a skeleton is better than not having one isn't it.

After painstakingly busying himself for ten minutes and hiding to avoid being seen by others, Guldan finally finished putting together his first minion before the skeleton sorcerer finished absorbing the soul ghost fire.

Looking at the guy in front of him whose white bones were interlaced and spliced with yellow bones, looking unusually conspicuous, Guldan stroked his chin and furrowed his brows.

After hesitating for a long time, Guldan still gritted his teeth and spent a few points of energy, choosing to strengthen this guy a bit.

Along with the opening of the system, some energy that was like soul flames but was pitch-black in color surged out from Guldan's chest, gradually merging with the miscellaneous skeleton soldiers in front of him.

Only those fragile bones on his body were seen to be continuously strengthened by the energy, the dark yellow receded, the cracks recovered, and when the energy was depleted, what appeared in front of Guldan's eyes was a brand-new skeleton soldier covered in snow-white without a single scar.

Guldan maintained at least a three meter distance from this skeleton soldier at this time, and did not dare to approach hastily, but first used the system to check it out.

Name:Skeleton Soldier

Grade:Peak First Order (on the verge of advancement)


First Ring Undead Spell ~ Bone Armor Gathering

Combat:Can beat a dog, I think.

Looking at the attributes in front of him, Guldan nodded in satisfaction.

Reinforcing only to the peak of the first rank was something Guldan did on purpose, because once the strength of the ministry exceeded their own, just by virtue of the pitiful IQ of the skeleton soldiers, they would choose to riot and rebel almost 100% of the time.

At the same level, as a matter of course, the so-called soul contract had also become ineffective, and the other party could have a high possibility of destroying the soul fire fragment themselves if they wanted to.

However, according to Guldan's observation, skeleton soldiers, especially low-level skeleton soldiers who were born mentally retarded like this, shouldn't have the ambition and idea of revolt.

As long as it still had a deterrent effect, they shouldn't choose to rebel against themselves.

Picking up a rib from the ground, Guldan was very far away and began to keep stabbing this skeleton soldier's head.

After testing him continuously for half a day and confirming that he did not show any signs of rebellion, Guldan was finally relieved.

"Whew! The first minion is finally here! Great!"

Excitedly rubbing his little hands and hands straight, Guldan began to conceptualize the next plan around his little brother.

Guldan's follow-up plan was very simple and straightforward, and that was the oft-mentioned snowballing tactic.

Creating an advantage and expanding it with an advantage, although at this moment, Guldan still did not possess the power to make the other skeleton soldiers submit, this extremely strong peak first rank skeleton soldier under him already had the qualification.

As the saying goes, a ministry's ministry is its own ministry, and having a minion rally an army is one way to grow in strength.

Let him recruit and then mix inside the ranks of the skeleton sorcerers, and when the time comes to form a scale, Guldan can lead them to take down the skeleton sorcerers in one fell swoop and become a true free bone.

The skeleton sorcerer absorbed the soul fire very quickly, and in less than two hours, the army that had finished repairing set off again and began to patrol aimlessly, and along the way, no matter if they encountered any enemies, they would rush up and slash them until they cut each other to death.

This is the law of survival in the undead world, where hundreds of undead die every day, and thousands of new ones are resurrected.

The weak die, the strong evolve, and how many of these mountains of white bones have already been resurrected and fallen again?

I'm afraid that's not clear to anyone.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the ranks of the skeleton wizards became more and more elite and huge.

From afar, an army of skeletons was walking in a straight line to catch up, still with 20 cannon fodder in front of them to act as decoys, these cannon fodder were of mixed appearance, some of them were pale and some of them were yellowish.

As for the ones following far behind, they were the Skeleton Sorcerer, Guldan along with those Skeleton Guards and Skeleton Archers.

Only the number of these soldiers had been reduced, there were only seven skeleton guards left, as for the original more than twenty skeleton archers, now there were only 14 left, and there were five of them with frighteningly white bones, and it looked like they were about to advance.

As for the reserve team that followed behind the team, it was even more clear snow-white skeletons without any cracks all over their bodies, definitely the elites of the first-order skeletons.

This is the result of half a month of hard work by Guldan, some things are always difficult at the beginning, once you open the situation, things will be more and more simple.

Recruiting minions is just like that, as long as you have the first one, it is no longer difficult to find the second and the third one.

In a snowball fashion, Guldan quickly recruited more than seventy new subordinates, although these guys are just juniors of juniors, but at least they all listen to their own ah.