
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 6: Little Brother Recruitment Program .

There was nothing special about the skeleton at Guldan's feet, and the cracked skull was even slashed with a gaping hole.

If one were to insist on saying that there was something special, it would be that inside this skull, there was also a bit of faint soul fire flickering.

Obviously, he's not dead.

Opportunity! A dream opportunity!

Obviously there were no internal organs anymore, but at this moment, Guldan felt his heart beating violently.

He had fantasized about countless ways to start a game, and had plotted various ways to recruit minions.

But the vast majority of these ideas could not be executed because of the skeleton wizard defense.

And within the ways that can be implemented, there is only one most secure way!

Heads up! Confirm that the Skeleton Wizard is absorbing soul ghost fire! Not paying attention to himself!

Craning his head to scan! Look at the skeletal soldier who is foolishly collecting bones, and not facing his way!

The three guys who would spy on themselves! Now all that's left is the skeleton behind him! This is a godsend!

Without any hesitation, Guldan twisted his foot slightly, picking a thigh bone onto the other bones before stomping violently.

With a thud, the end of the thigh bone that popped up like a buckboard hit the crotch of the unlucky man who was right behind Guldan.

If it were usual, the ones who followed Guldan around and were responsible for surveillance would usually be skeleton guards, and small tactics like this would not work at all.

However, today, because the Skeleton Guards were injured in droves, they were temporarily replaced with a straggler, which gave Guldan a chance to succeed!

The bouncing thigh bone hit the skeleton soldier's lower limb squarely, and before he could stand on his feet, Guldan had already stepped on the bone and kicked it hard towards the side.

Only a click was heard as the skeleton soldier had to complete a high-intensity splitting maneuver, propelled by his bones, and the whole man was off-balance lying on his back on the ground.

Only his reflexes were very quick, and he poked his head up with both hands on the ground a second after falling down.

Apparently, he hadn't forgotten the task assigned to him by the skeleton wizard, and Vision was reluctant to leave his target's side at all times.

After looking up and scanning around the room and seeing that there was nothing out of the ordinary, the skeleton soldier staggered to his feet.

Re-standing behind Guldan, just as the skeleton soldier looked down at his torso to see if there were any injuries, the skeleton head above Guldan's neck suddenly clicked and made a 180-degree turn.

Looking at the shaking, chin hanging down feebly, with the faint soul fire inside the brain.

The skeleton soldier who stared wordlessly at this skeleton had a blank look on his face.

Guldan, who noticed this scene, hastily stretched out his hands and broke his head with a forceful twist.

With a crunch, the head, facing backwards, was forcibly screwed back on his head.

Looking at Guldan, who was holding his head and staggering towards the front, the rear skeleton soldiers were a bit puzzled.

That said, there was always something strange about the look of the guy in front of me, yet there didn't seem to be anything strange about it.

One head, two hands, seems normal ......

Guldan, who was walking in front, held his head with both hands dead center to prevent him from rotating back and forth.

After confirming that the skeleton soldiers at the back had no intention of forcibly pulling the head away, Guldan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense heart calmed down a little.

Oh, that's great! Finally, the first pot of gold from that stingy skeleton wizard!

A flight into the sky! A dragon enters the sea! Make it big and strong! Re-create splendor!

His life is just around the corner!

Guldan, who pressed his head with one hand, began to routinely treat the injuries, and along with the White Bone Regeneration technique being cast, the injured bodies of the Skeleton Guards were quickly restored.

This treatment didn't last too long before it ended; after all, bones, unlike flesh and blood, don't require overly complicated medical treatment.

Once the bones were attached and the spell was used, the two bones would naturally connect in one place.

After taking care of everything, the Skeleton Guards began to clean up the battlefield, while Guldan was mercilessly pushed aside, no longer allowed to go near any of the loot.

In the past, Guldan would have already cursed and opened his mouth, and would even play some small tricks, such as using the White Bone Regeneration Technique to give these assholes a facelift or something like that, so as to give himself an outlet for his anger.

Only today he, as usual, did not complain, but held his head to find a remote corner to sit, and after confirming that no one was around, he violently pulled his head off.

Looking at the skeleton in his hand that kept opening and closing its mouth, seemingly trying to bite himself, Guldan suddenly felt that this brain was so agreeable.

"Little brother! Look at you, you're in such a state of disrepair! All that's left is your head! And me! I'm just a piece of trash among the Skeleton Soldiers! Let's laugh at each other! We're both crows! Why don't we form a team? I have a name in mind! Northeast F4, I'm smarter than you! I'm smarter than you, so I'll be your big brother! You can call me Daniel Wu from now on!"

Stroking the ragged brain, Guldan began to recruit, and his tone was so gentle.

However, the other party was unappreciative, and instead of responding gently, he opened his mouth and attempted to bite him.

The corner of Guldan's eye that saw this scene twitched, and he couldn't help but curse out in his heart.

These brainless douchebags! Why don't they have any eyesight at all! Now he's just a brain! And he's broken! Yellow! I'm a bit of a loser! But at least he's whole!

He himself couldn't beat the other skeletons! Couldn't he still beat the current one!

"Whew! It's fine if you don't want to be a junior! Then let's be equals! You and I are in this situation! We are in the same situation! I'm willing to become a brother with you! What do you think?"

"Gabba gabba gabba!"

"Why don't you and I follow the example of the three Peach Orchard brothers! Not seeking to live on the same day in the same year and month! But we want to die on the same day in the same year and the same month! How's that?"

"Gabba gabba gabba!"

"Boss! What do you want? It's really not possible! I'll let you be the big brother okay! I'm begging you to give up on me!"

"Gabba gabba gabba!"

"Gah your grandma's leg! Don't do this to me, but don't do this to me! Today I won't let you know how powerful I am! I don't think you understand how many eyes the Horse King has!"

Patience was gradually worn out, the infuriated Guldan let out a low roar, and even directly plowed a hole in the ground and stuffed the skull in.

He then broke one of his ribs with force, pinched out his orchid fingers while thumping on it, and mouthed the words.

"Emptiness is color, color is emptiness, red pink skeleton in your heart, today big brother will give you a Sakyamuni haircut! May you be able to convert to Buddhism soon! Understand the benefits of being my little brother! Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha ........."

"Knock, knock, knock" sounds continue to ring, Guldan began a different kind of persuasion.

The Skeleton Soldiers and Skeleton Guards who heard the commotion had also come over to check, but by now the skeleton had already been buried in the earth, leaving a single brain exposed.

On the ground full of white bones, there was suddenly an extra skycap, and who would notice?

Not understanding what Guldan was doing, they quickly left, leaving only Guldan still unrelenting in his efforts, trying to persuade his little brother to change his ways in this way.