
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 5: Forced Rescue


The sound of the bowstring quivering rang out, and more than twenty bone arrows came straight at the Skeleton War Admiral, instantly hitting him as he took large strides.

This round of arrows, completely ignoring whether it would hurt the guards who were fighting with the Skeleton War General, it was obvious that the Skeleton Sorcerer knew how to make trade-offs very well, and chose to abandon his pawns at this time to protect his commander.

And his choice is undoubtedly correct, accompanied by the rain of arrows fell and exploded, although there are two skeleton guards were blown up on the spot, the rest of the guards are also mutilated.

But the front suffered to the baptism of the Skeleton War General is also not good, full of bone fragments flying between the sky, this guy was blown backwards flying out, the whole body is no place is intact.

Without waiting for the Skeleton War General to struggle to get up from the ground, several bone lances had already stabbed from above, piercing along the gaps of his bones and nailing him to the ground instantly.

Lance Lock Technique! The technique that Guldan had used a few months ago to successfully kill another skeleton warlord!

At this moment, the Skeleton Warlock was actually imitating it!

Originally, the bones of a skeleton soldier had large gaps, so if a weapon was used on its joints, it would have no place to exert its power and could only be slaughtered at that time.

This was the case with the Skeleton War General at that moment.


The Skeleton War General who was pinned to the ground struggled desperately, but to no avail.

Just as he was about to break the bone spear, a black mist suddenly appeared in front of him.

Just as he saw the skeleton wizard raise his arm, the mist coalesced above the bone staff in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a small, crystal-clear bone spear! It flew out with a whoosh!

Third Ring Necromancy Spell! Spear of the Dead!

This was the Skeleton Warlock's signature move, and it was also his most powerful tool against his enemies! The last Skeleton Warlord died under this spell!

Spear of the Dead can be said to be one of the top three ring spells in terms of attack power, with strong penetration, but this move consumes a lot of energy, and with the power of the Skeleton Sorcerer's Soul Flame, he could only send it out three times a day at most.

And this move, although the penetration is strong, but the speed is more than the precision is not enough, especially when dealing with the kind of melee-type experts, it is easy for them to avoid due to their flexible hands.

If it were normal, as long as the skeleton general had some defense and the distance was not too close, he would not be hit by this move.

But at this moment, he was already pinned to the ground, unable to break free in a short period of time, giving the Spear of the Dead the most powerful opportunity to attack.

With a crunching sound, the Dead Spear that flew out accurately pierced the skeleton war general's chest, only blowing up his spine, ribs, and breastbone, and the whole person was actually torn into two pieces.

Seeing this scene, the Skeleton Sorcerer did not relax his guard, but waved his staff in his hand and gave him another move.

The second Spear of the Dead shot out, hitting the skeleton war general who had fallen to the ground and was struggling to climb towards him with his upper body propped up by one arm.

With a loud bang, the Skeleton War General's head separated from his body, and his shattered head rolled down to the Skeleton Sorcerer's feet, where he stomped on it.

Looking at the Skeleton Warrior General, who was still clenching his upper and lower jaws and trying to bite himself, a hint of laughter appeared in the Skeleton Sorcerer's eyes.

Another great harvest! By absorbing the soul spirit fire of the same level, he would be able to rapidly evolve, and with this growth trend, he would soon be able to break through the third tier limit and become the legendary fourth tier Skeleton Sorcerer!

At that time! He would undergo a transformative change! The original small group that could only manipulate a hundred people would also skyrocket to the level of a thousand, becoming a true and genuine army!

Just as the Skeleton Wizard was fantasizing about the bright future, the skeleton head he had stepped on suddenly struggled and rose up.

The next moment, all that could be seen was the skeleton head opening its mouth, and between the ghostly flames pulsating in its mouth, the black mist actually coalesced into a ball that was spat out with a bah humbug.

Second Ring Necromancy Spell! Spiteful Spit!


Unable to defend himself, the skeleton wizard's entire leg was blown off, and his body was thrown out of balance as he fell instantly to the ground.

As he fell, he accidentally met the head of the Skeleton War General, and looking at the Skeleton War General's open mouth and the black mist that continued to condense in his mouth, the Skeleton Sorcerer only felt that his soul was in danger.



With another loud bang, the black ball that was spit out flew past the Skeleton Wizard's skullcap, even leaving a black mark on the top of his head, but it failed to hit the Skeleton Wizard's bones.

As it turned out, Guldan, sensing trouble, lunged at him in the nick of time, pulling the skeleton wizard's remaining leg and forcing him to drag the skeleton wizard away from the original spot, preventing him from being killed by the head explosion.

The Skeleton Sorcerer's reaction could not be described as fast, as the moment he dodged this move, he had already raised his finger and ruthlessly pointed at the remaining head of the Skeleton War General.

Third shot of the Spear of the Dead! Launch!

There was a loud boom! The Skeleton War General, who was still trying to counterattack, had his entire head shattered, and was instantly killed.

A large amount of third-tier soul ghost flames spread out in the air, causing the remaining skeleton soldiers and skeleton guards in the area to riot.

If they weren't afraid of the skeleton sorcerer, whose strength was far superior to their own, they would have already come over to fight for him and fight with each other.

As the surrounding skeletons continued to riot, and some of them even began to move toward this place, the skeleton wizard who had fallen to the ground suddenly let out a cold snort.

The sound was accompanied by a soul pressure that instantly silenced the skeletons caught in the commotion.

With Guldan's help, the Skeleton Sorcerer quickly recovered from his injuries, but as for the unfortunate one who had his leg torn off? Who cared how a skeleton soldier was treated?

Leaning on his staff to stand up, the skeleton mage quickly put away the spirit fire and looked for a corner to sit down and start absorbing.

As for Guldan helping him? Then he completely ignored her.

No! Not completely ignored! Before absorbing the Soul Ghost Flame, this guy didn't forget to give Guldan an order to heal the injured Skeleton Guardians.

He also sent two skeleton soldiers to help him.

When Guldan turned his head to look at the Skeleton Guard following closely behind him, his eyes flickered and he couldn't help but sigh.

Indeed, it was a white-eyed wolf that could not be bred! He had saved his life! It wasn't even that he wasn't doing him any favors! He was actually defending himself!

Those two skeletons following behind were not helpers! They're clearly supervisors! As long as Guldan made a move to take the Soul Ghost Flame, these two would definitely stop him.

("Okay, okay, okay! You're ruthless! If it weren't for my fear of your death! I would have been split by other skeletons! I wouldn't have saved you!)

Muttering through clenched teeth, Guldan could only follow the Skeleton Sorcerer's orders, his head bowed as he began to select skeletons for the others to heal.

As he directed one of the skeleton soldiers to work (he could only direct one at a time, the other always stayed behind to keep an eye on him), Guldan's paw accidentally kicked a skeleton.

The next moment, Guldan suddenly froze, his entire body shaking uncontrollably for a moment.

This is it!