
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 41:Vampire Visit.

On the barren plains, a group of people were hurrying.

The figure riding on a tall skeletal horse looked up at the black city standing on top of a mountain peak in the distance with a deep gaze.

This guy wearing a black cloak with a hood on his head actually had a human-like appearance.

Only his face was a bit of a scary white color not to mention the obvious fangs poking out of his mouth.

The person who followed the man was styled basically the same as him, also with a black cloak and black hood, plus a miserable white face.

"Your Excellency, it's just a mere Black Knight King, is it really necessary for you to come here personally? This kind of small task can be left to me."

The man next to him, who was also riding a high horse, suddenly spoke in a very respectful tone.

The man walking at the front of the line frowned at the words.

"Are you questioning me?"

"No, no, no, no, my lord wouldn't dare."

"Marquis Dre, the person we're visiting this time is different from other fifth-order undead, if it were you, could you manage to sweep away all fifth-order existences within a thousand-mile radius within a month?"

"This ...... subordinate is incompetent."

The vampire named Dre lowered his head, stating that he couldn't do it.

The leader nodded at this.

"Not to mention you, even an unusual sixth-ranked undead can't do it, so Your Excellency suspects that a sixth-ranked powerhouse has appeared here, or a very unusual sixth-ranked powerhouse, and has sent me here to negotiate with him."

"It's a rare thing for a sixth-ranked powerhouse to appear in the border region."

"Maybe it's some kind of luck, whatever, either he obediently submits and obeys Your Excellency, or ...... hmmm, his good luck is going to end here."

The vampire duke riding on a high horse had a very arrogant tone at this moment.

People also have a reputation for arrogance.

Vampires are also among the undead, except that unlike the undead, who have a low IQ, the vampire race is born with the intelligence of a normal human.

The hierarchy of these is also very clear.

Emperors, that is, undead lords that transcend conventional existence.

The Prince, a ninth-order bigot.

Elder, eighth-order bigot.

Grand Duke, seventh order of existence.

Duke, sixth degree.

Then comes the Marquis, Earl, Viscount, Baron, & Blood Slave.

They formed a system of their own, and their power in the various undead realms was extraordinary, even having their own undead worlds.

There were rumors that one of the eight monarchs under the Lord of this realm, the God of the Dead, was a vampire, known as the Blood Monarch.

This Vampire Duke, of course, couldn't be one of the Blood Monarch's people, and with his strength of the sixth rank, he wasn't qualified to be a horseman for others.

He was the subordinate of a nearby vampire prince, and this large area where Guldan was at the moment was actually under the jurisdiction of that vampire prince.

It was just that originally, people didn't care about this fringe area, it was only with Sara going berserk some time ago and quickly slaughtering all the high-ranked undead in the nearby area that made that Prince feel that something was wrong.

Thinking that some sixth-ranked undead had appeared here, he deliberately sent one of his subordinates over to check it out.

If they could negotiate, then they would take this sixth-order expert under their wing, and at the same time gift him a thousand miles of nearby land, at the cost of having to make offerings at the end of each year.

This was a common tactic used by the undead, and was likewise the reason why there were countless undead in this undead realm who had carved out land and claimed it as their king.

The high undead didn't care who took the territory under their command, as long as you obediently made offerings, he wouldn't care if you made a scene.

The group of a hundred people came to the front of the city in great numbers, and were instantly targeted by a large number of skeleton archers.

Looking up at those skeletons above them, the Duke and Marquis couldn't help but let out a poof of laughter, their eyes filled with mockery.

This team they brought over was extraordinary, don't look at the fact that there were only a hundred people, but every one of them was an expert.

Other than the two of them, all the other subordinates were of the fourth rank! The combined strength of the crowd was enough to sweep through the entire outer region!

Marquis Dray looked up at those skimpily modeled skeletons above him, and couldn't help but shake his head with disdain in his tone.

"To actually guard the door with skeleton soldiers, not even a little bit of high-level soldiers, it seems that the strength of the people of this place is just average."

Your Excellency, who was next to him, thought the same way, but just for the sake of showing his majesty, he didn't open his mouth to agree, instead, he returned with a stern face.

"There's nothing wrong with being careful, beware of the other side pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, it's possible that the real bottom card is being hidden in the city."

"Your Excellency."

Just as the two were conversing, the skeleton soldiers on the city wall were also looking at each other.

The three hundred or so fourth-ranked skeleton soldiers guarding the entrance to the city gate were a bit confused about where the other side was coming from at the moment.

These Skeleton Soldiers were all archers, one of the trump cards that Guldan had managed to accumulate.

If you let them shoot down in a round, as long as you dare to eat it hard, all the fifth-order undead will die violently for you.

Looking down at the uncommonly shaped visitor below, one of the skeletal soldiers couldn't help but whisper.

"I say, should we fight or not?"

"I'm not sure ah, the last time that huge skeleton frame came to attack, just because the black warriors were shot by a round of javelin flurry, a skeleton soldier brother hard to hang on the flag for two days!"

"What gives him the right to hang Skeleton Soldier when Black Knight killed him!"

"What? Can you beat Darth Vader?"

"Er ......"

"Don't bare your teeth with them if it's okay, they don't dare to hit the boss, they still don't dare to hit you!"

Because of the lesson from last time, the skeleton soldiers this time didn't dare to attack rashly, after all, there were several skeleton horses inside the ranks below.

The skeleton archers' bone arrows would explode, and with a round of unison fire, they didn't know if the enemy would die or not, but those two warhorses would in all probability be cold.

Just as the skeleton archers were considering whether or not they should open the gates and just call out for people to fight them in a physical battle, the Marquis of Dre below suddenly opened his mouth and with a ridiculously loud voice, it was obvious that he had cast some sort of spell.

"Listen to those inside! I am the Marquis under Prince Nicholas! Your Excellency Duke Andrews is next to me! We have come by order of the Prince to negotiate with you! Open the gates!"

The loud sound quickly startled Guldan inside.

Also at this same time, the Skeleton Soldiers running from the city gates also reported an important news to Guldan.

The guys came on horseback!


Excitedly standing up from his original position, Guldan led the humming two generals to hurriedly run towards the city entrance, and by the time he arrived at the city gate, a large number of soldiers had already finished converging here!

Accompanied by a creaking sound, the heavy city gates slowly opened, Duke Andrew and Marquis Dray swaggered into them, looking at the high horses on the crotches of the two of them, Guldan's eyes went straight.

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome! Come come come! The city is a narrow place! It's not easy to advance on horseback! Please dismount! As for the horses, we'll take care of them! Who's that? Bring these two good horses to my stable! Put them in my pen with my Blasted Pony!"

Guldan greeted them very enthusiastically, and with such a warm attitude, the duo was a bit bewildered.

It was just that they had come here to negotiate, so naturally they wouldn't make a fool of themselves at this point.

Rolling over and dismounting, looking at the two second-ranked skeleton horses being led away, the two of them didn't care, not to mention that Guldan had no intention of returning the horses to them.

Turning their heads and surveying the surrounding Black Knight Legion that lined up at the very front, forming several complete squares, and the skeleton soldiers at the back that were so black and pressurized that they couldn't even line up properly, the Duke and Marquis couldn't help but look at each other with a glance, and the sense of mockery in their eyes became more and more obvious.

This is it? The city that swept away all the fifth-ranked undead in the neighborhood has such a weak army inside?

A group of third-ranked black warriors were okay, barely possessing the power to fight.

But what the hell are those skeleton soldiers? Expecting these cannon fodder to fight a man? This is a joke!

For a moment, Duke Andrew even somewhat regretted coming over in person.

Had I known that they were so weak, I would have just let the Marquis of Rede around them handle the matter directly.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of fourth-ranked undead standing on both sides were sharpening their swords and looking at the duo, only waiting for the boss to give the order to rise up and cut them into pieces.

If they had made such a great achievement, the boss would have rewarded them well and given them a rank or two boost in strength.