
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 40: Deadly Skeleton Beasts

Beyond the city, the ground rumbled slightly, and a familiar head poked out from it.

The person who came was no other than the strong enemy that had almost killed Sara before, the fifth-ranked Undead Skeleton Beast.

He had only recently awakened from his slumber, only to find that the outside world had completely changed.

The fifth-ranked undead that were originally wandering around the neighborhood had all disappeared for some reason.

Even the slightly more advanced third and fourth ranked undead, there were only two or three kittens and puppies left.

The Beast of Skeleton, who sensed that something was wrong with the situation, first reacted by coming to the City of Black Warriors to investigate the situation.

After seven full days of scouting, the Beast of Skeleton finally confirmed one thing.

That is, Sara, King of the Black Knights, is likewise missing!

This was absolutely great news for the Beast of Skeleton, with his mortal enemy disappearing without a trace and no more existences of the same level in the vicinity, this would surely be his territory!

When the time comes, he will have thousands of miles of territory in his pocket and gather his minions to collect energy for himself! The day of his rise to greatness is just around the corner!

It's just that if you want to be the boss, you have to have a territory, don't you, so the Beast of Skeleton came running over ready to grab the territory.

Shaking his body a bit, the Beast of Skeletons suddenly broke out of the ground, followed by several thousand of the cannon fodder minions that had been painstakingly collected over this period of time.

With a sweep of his tail, the huge bone ball shot up into the sky and hit the wall with a bang.

It was just that the wall that had been thickened by Guldan's madness had by now expanded from the original 3m wide, hard to 6m.

A wall of this caliber would be able to resist even cannonballs, let alone a mere bone ball.

Seeing that the wall actually didn't collapse, instead of being angry, the Beast of Skeleton was overjoyed.

Nice place! Absolutely great place! Easy to defend! Strong defense! Definitely a good place to dominate!

This place he'll take!

With gusto, a large number of minions pounced on the walls like a tidal wave.

A new round of siege was fought at one time.

The crackling sound outside did not attract Guldan's attention, because he suspected that these skeleton soldiers were noisy, and specially ordered people to reinforce his room, and the soundproofing effect was ridiculously strong at this time.

It wasn't until a bone ball fell from the sky and hit the roof with a boom that it startled Guldan.

Stopping to calculate the system's recent energy income, Guldan hurriedly rushed out of the room, waving his spear while shouting.

"What's wrong! What's going on! What son of a bitch dared to jump on my roof! Don't kill him! The guards! Where are the guards? Arrest him and hang him from the streetlight!"

The two humming generals guarding the doorway, that is, the Knight without Horses and the White Bone Vanguard, sniffed and hurriedly gave a response.

"Report, Your Majesty, there is a strong enemy invasion."

That's right, these two guys could talk, because the two of them were now not third-ranked undead, but fourth-ranked, officially stepping into the level of middle-ranked undead.

This also allowed the two of them to further develop their originally low IQs, and although they still had a douchey demeanor, they were at least able to talk to Guldan.

It wasn't just the two of them, at this time, there were at least a thousand undead that had reached the fourth rank level within the castle.

This was because Guldan had finally relied on overeating two days ago and managed to break through to the fourth rank degree.

As the saying goes, if one man gets a chicken and a dog, if there wasn't enough energy stored in the system, Guldan hated to raise all his minions to the fourth class level.


Status: Fourth Order Skeleton Vanguard (Lower)


One Ring Spell ~ White Bone Regeneration

Second Ring Spell ~ Elementary Bone Strengthening

Third Ring Spell - Death Sense

Fourth Ring Spell ~ Phantom Blast

Introduction:Meat shield type advanced cannon fodder, you deserve it.

Neither of the newly acquired spells were too effective.

Death Sense is a reconnaissance-type spell that can anticipate an impending threat.

If a living creature were to cast this technique, it would only last for about ten minutes to an hour.

But Guldan was different, because it was the reason for his natural necromancy spell, it directly became a passive-type ability that stayed on 24 hours a day, just like Primary Bone Strengthening.

As for the fourth ring spell Phantom Shock? The effect of this move was simple and crude.

Accelerate and punch the hell out of him! Directly mobilizing energy to let his speed surge! Guldan could even let his speed surge to the level of an F11 Formula Racer in a short period of time!

It's just a shame that steering is a tiny bit fiddly and always likes to hit the wall, and yesterday Skullhead had several of his incisors knocked out.

Incidentally, this skeleton was also strengthened to the fourth order by Guldan, and I don't know if it was because of the benefits gained, the skeleton that was originally moving and playing with Guldan, suddenly subsided recently, and even though it was knocked out of its incisors yesterday, it didn't choose to get angry with Guldan.

This made Guldan feel a little uncomfortable.

This enemy was suddenly so honest, looking like he was willing to fight, so how could he have the nerve to take it out to block the knife in the future?

No way! There has to be a way to stimulate him to stimulate him!

The sound of whistling wind suddenly rang out, and Guldan, who had learned of the invasion of a strong enemy, did not wait to open his mouth to inquire before he saw a giant bone ball slice through from above and precisely impact on the wall.

Looking at such a familiar attack, Guldan was slightly silent for a second, and then the soul ghost fire in his eyes flourished.

"I'll be damned! It's not the attack of the Beast of Skeleton! That grandson is back! Tell the little brothers to catch him alive for me! There's hope for my mount!"

Suddenly pushing aside the Humming General, Guldan excitedly ran in the direction of the battlefield, his mind already conjuring up scenes of himself riding the Beast of Skeleton across the sands.

However ......

When Guldan painstakingly ran into the battlefield over the four gates, he realized that he was already too late.

The poor beast of bones was turning its back to this side, half lying on the wall, as if trying to escape.

But he'll never get that chance again.

Because this guy's brain had already been smashed open, and his soul fire had been taken away, completely and utterly hung up, and he died horizontally on the spot.

Looking at the huge undead corpse in front of him, Guldan's body trembled madly.

"Who! Who did this! Can't you slow down a little bit!"

The Black Knight Squad Leader, who was holding the soul ghost fire and attempting to show some performance, stiffened his body at the words and threw the ghost fire on the ground without hesitation, and then began to look left and right, as if he was searching for the culprit.

As they upgraded to the fourth rank, the guys' IQ grew higher and higher, not only did they learn to talk, but they also began to learn to play tricks on them.

For example, this flame on the ground, if it was a low-ranked undead, it would definitely swallow it for itself without hesitation.

But this group of fourth-order subordinates were different, they had brains, knew how to analyze, and also found that Guldan could make them evolve for no reason at all.

Even more so, he remembered the spectacle of his former boss, Sara, leaping to become an Undead Lord.

In contrast to each other, this originally tantalizing fifth-order undead ghost fire suddenly lost its allure and seemed to be less fragrant.

Looking at the many juniors like avoiding the plague and pulling away from the undead ghost fire, Guldan flung himself to his knees and held the flame with tears and snot running down his face.

"It's not easy to come by a mount! You guys don't think about how to catch it alive! You just want to kill him for meat! Could it be that I'm just a bite short of what you guys are eating! You ... burp ... you guys are too much!"

While stuffing the Soul Ghost Flame into his body, Guldan complained loudly, while the surrounding juniors looked at me and I looked at you, and finally, after a chaos, an unlucky egg with the weakest strength was pushed out and became the backstabber responsible for taking the blame this time.

A few minutes later, an unlucky skeleton soldier hung below the huge flag planted on the city wall and was waving in the wind.

And underneath the flag, Guldan looked into the distance with a haggard face, as for his feet, there was also a small pony not more than half a meter tall squatting beside him.

This was his current mount, codenamed Wind Chaser.

A fourth-order pony, a pony with a very formidable fighting strength, a pony that dares to bite anyone except Guldan.

Even this one got himself a horse armor, looking mighty impressive.

But the problem is he's only half a meter tall!

Wearing lady's armor! Riding a half-meter tall pony! You call that a headless horseman? It's called a fucking psycho!

Guldan only felt like crying at this point.