
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 39: Sara Leaves.

The originally dried out body completely regained its activity, and the dried out flesh and blood were filled with energy.

Sara, who previously looked dry and numb, looking unusually underdressed, changed her look dramatically.

And his close-fitting armor had completely changed its structure as he reverted to his human form.

One of the most noticeable changes is the bulging breastplate, which at first glance is women's armor.

The two sat together without anyone speaking for a long time before Sara spoke.

"The Blood Rose Legion, which is supposed to be one of the few female legions in the Rose Kingdom, is all female."

"No wonder the name is so girly, I told you, how could a normal man get a flower tattoo on his chest ...... Wait a minute! All female? Then the armor on my body!!!"


"God damn it!"

Looking at the armor embroidered with a bloody rose pattern on his body, and turning his head to look at the dried up vice-captain armorless knight beside him who only wore his inner armor, Guldan's brain was spinning with anger.

"I say how come you guys don't even have any feminine features! Isn't this misleading! If people find out that I wear women's clothes! What kind of face will I have in the future!"

"Nonsense! It's all dried up to skin and bones! You get me a second feature to look at! You guys can't tell if it's a man or a woman! Are you a man or a woman?"

"Men! Pure old man! I'll show you!"

His own gender being questioned, Guldan was so agitated that he wanted to unzip his pants and go rogue on the spot.

Only after seeing his empty skeleton, Guldan sat back down in dismay.

"Forget it, it's a man or a woman whatever you say, it's all the same anyway."

Seeing that Guldan was devastated, Sara came over and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, your ability is so special, there will definitely be a way to restore your physical body."

Hearing his boss's comfort, Guldan nodded excitedly.

"Big brother, ah no, big sister! You are so good to me! It's just a pity that you are a daughter, if you were a male! I would have formed a same-sex brotherhood with you!"

"Get out!"

Sara slapped up and hit Guldan's head buzzing around, and when she was done she looked away, somehow lapsing into silence.

Only after a long time did she pat Guldan on the shoulder and get up to leave in large strides.

"Get some rest, Erdan, you have a great future ahead of you, maybe you can become a god someday."

"Don't worry, big sister! As long as there is a bite of meat for the brothers to eat! Big Sister guarantees that she can gnaw on the bones!"

"...... Do you believe I'm going to gnaw on you right now!"

As night fell, shadows still flickered in the City of Black Warriors.

After all, the undead don't need to sleep at all, and they can't sleep even if they want to.

It's time to patrol and work out, 24 hours a day, all year round.

Guldan lay on the randomly constructed bed, thinking about his next plan of action.

Now that we have a leg to stand on, that plan is much simpler.

Close the door and release Sarah.

He fought in the front, and he himself collected the loot in the back, while strengthening his soldiers to grow in strength.

The Undead Lord's Ghost Flame in his body was conservatively estimated to be enough to raise Guldan to the fifth level, all that was needed now was time.

This was still in the context of desperately laying waste and pursuing growth speed with all one's might, otherwise one would be able to ascend to the seventh rank level to say the least.

The future is bright, the future is bright, although before the risk of wrestling, but the fact proved that Guldan bet right.

It made his heart happy, and he began to resist fantasizing about a better life in the future.

However, this beautiful fantasy didn't last long, because in the early hours of the next morning, Guldan, who woke up, realized that something wasn't right.

Sara, it's gone.

Gone with him were the nearly ten thousand black warriors.

Only Guldan's direct subordinates were left behind, namely the thousands of skeleton soldiers, plus 500 legions of Black Knights who followed his orders.

Hurriedly running to Sara's room, Guldan did not find Sara's figure and only saw a few items in the room.

Picking up the heirloom pendant engraved with a rose pattern and the envelope below, Guldan sat on the bed and fell into silence.

And in the envelope, there was a whole lot of beautiful handwriting scattered about.

From my friend Guldan.

Forgive me, my friend, for leaving without saying goodbye; I have things to do, things that must be accomplished.

I was originally the eldest princess of the Rose Kingdom and the head of the Blood Rose Legion. When the foreign enemy invaded and the country was difficult to resist, I had to die to make my will clear, and the whole army was destroyed on the frontier.

After being resurrected as an undead spirit, I have been fighting for several years and resurrecting my generals, just to make a comeback one day and reclaim my homeland on earth.

Thank you, my friend, you have given me strength and a chance for revenge, but I cannot take you with me.

Humans have a deep-seated hatred for the undead, and your strength is limited, so if you leave with me, you will surely die.

Forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, and I, Krend~Sarah, hereby swear that if I succeed in my mission and do not die on the road to conquest, I will surely return here to rejoin you.

Wait for me, my friend.

-Klund ~ Sara, to whom it is dedicated.

Looking at the epistle in his hand, Guldan stood in place for several minutes of silence before folding the epistle and putting it away.

"Well, the thick leg is gone again, and if you don't want to be a good undead, you have to go back to your revenge business? You're not afraid that those religious fanatics will overpower you!"

Sighing and turning his head to look at the little bit of family money he had left, Guldan scratched his hair with some chagrin.

Oh, well, there goes that security again.

Without the top combatants, with just this group of skeleton soldiers and a handful of Black Knights, what can we do to defend ourselves against a strong enemy?

No way! You can't rely on others! A man should strengthen himself! He must grow up himself!

Recruiting! Buy horses!

Get a rifle for the Knight Without Horses! Get an AK for the White Bone Vanguard! Re-create glory!

In the following days, Guldan was thoroughly busy.

A large number of troops poured out of the castle, and no matter what undead they encountered along the way, no matter if you were first or second order, they would go up and beat them up.

Those who were willing to submit were taken away, those who were unwilling to submit were finished off, Guldan was busy.

But he didn't have Sara's confidence to ignore the world, and didn't dare to go to other territories to spread wildness, but only dared to act as a bully in his own little territory.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month had passed, and the already very majestic Black Warrior City had been expanded by Guldan in a big way.

Pile up the walls! Dig a moat! How to be safe!

The city's soldiers, too, had rapidly expanded from the original thousand or so to more than thirty thousand.

It wasn't right to say that it was a human, the group of undead was a variety of different kinds, anything messy, and there were even skeleton rats among them.

There was just one thing that made Guldan very dissatisfied, and that was the fact that he had been busy for more than half a month, but he still hadn't found a suitable mount.

Perhaps because of the reason that Sarah killed too much before, the animal undead with relatively high IQ were either killed by him or all escaped, at this time more than half a month of searching down, Guldan froze and didn't even find a horse.

In fact, it couldn't be said that there was absolutely nothing, just today, the Black Knights who went out hunting brought back a trophy for Guldan.

Looking at the skeleton pony in front of him, which was not yet as tall as his own leg, Guldan was silent for a long, long time.

"What do you guys think, this thing can be ridden?"

The many Black Knights looked at the pony in front of them, which might not be as big as a dog, and also fell silent.