
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 38: The Might of the Undead Lords


With a long whistle! The undead ghosts and monsters that rose and tumbled in the black mist screamed miserably and surged towards Sara, transforming into streams of light after streams of light that circled around him continuously.

Fourth ring necromancy spell! Soul Sucking Hand!

In the blink of an eye, the ghosts and monsters that had covered the sky just a moment ago had already dissipated.

Sara, who stood in the middle of thousands of rays of light, slowly stretched out his palm and grabbed it, and a large amount of light converged on top of his palm and instantly exploded.

"The power of the domain! Soul Domain!"


Invisible soul fluctuations spread! Turning into round after round of shockwaves embraced in all directions!

The black mist that was unbeatable before! In an instant, it was torn apart by this shockwave after shockwave!

The power of the realm! Undead Lords!


The original appetizer suddenly turned into a coyote in the blink of an eye, and the undead lord who had just been resurrected hiding within the black mist turned around and ran away in fear.

He was crippled and lurked here for hundreds of years before he was able to come back to life.

Originally only intended to close to replenish the energy, but who would have thought that this outskirts of the land actually appeared a necromantic lord ah! This is not scientific at all!

Such a barren realm! How could a powerhouse of this caliber be birthed!

Run! We must run! This newborn Undead Lord across the street is actually in control of soul power! It's his natural nemesis!

In addition to their own souls and serious injuries, nowadays they can only bully the low-ranked undead, and can never be the opponent's opponent! If you don't run away, you're dead!

The Undead Lord fled frantically carrying the black mist, while not forgetting to split up countless black mist ghosts and monsters in a vain attempt to interfere with Sara's line of sight in this way.

His plan worked, and for a moment Sara really couldn't tell which was his true form.

But his plan also fails miserably, as Sara presses on with no intention of finding out who he really is.

Gathering his hands together, all the soul ghost flames that surrounded him were transformed into the purest energy and exploded in the next moment.

"Fifth ring spell! Soulquake Blast!"

The most handy undercard was lifted, and a large amount of soul ghost fire turned into light, surging in all directions like cannonballs.

Clump after clump of blackness was overwritten! Ghost after ghost was eliminated!

Only the piece of black mist where the Undead Lord was hiding survived the first round of attacks, but it also exposed his position.

The next moment! Tens of thousands of light pillars flew! The Undead Lord only had time to scream! He was completely drowned in the light!

Sara's legs exerted force, and her entire body instantly disappeared in place, actually rushing straight into the roiling light within the sky.

Half a minute later, Sara descended from the sky, a soul flame already in her hand.

It was precisely the soul fire of the Undead Lord level, only that the flame was crippled and dim.

Looking down and surveying this soul flame for a while, Sara did not hesitate and directly handed the flame to Guldan.

Just as Guldan happily received the flames, secretly saying that he had finally made up for some of his losses, Sara suddenly yanked on his chest armor and lifted his entire body up.

The foreheads of the two people touched ...... each other Well, Guldan doesn t have a forehead, he doesn t even have a head.

With her helmet pressed against Guldan's chest, Sara glared viciously at the soul fire inside Guldan.

"Now! Isn't it time you explained it to me!"

Guldan shivered at the words and hurriedly stuffed the huge mass of soul ghost fire in his hand into his chest, and after the fusion was completed his legs stomped and lost his life with a crunch.

Seeing this scene, Sara did not continue to speak, just silently took the lance in the hands of the soldier next to him ......

Half a month's time passed in the blink of an eye, and Guldan stood dumbfounded inside the castle, working on his defense.

He got his head back, and that skeleton had a great life and actually didn't die at the hands of the black mist ghosts.

Seeing that his enemy was not dead, Guldan once again mounted it on his neck.

And his two lieutenants, who were very blessed to have survived, were now standing to his right and left acting as gatekeepers.

As for Sara? At this point, she was already out hunting.

To be precise, he had been out hunting for the past half month and rarely returned to the castle.

After standing stupidly for half a day again, Guldan, who had nothing to do, sighed and violently lay down on the ground with his limbs wide open.


Defense worked, and was somewhat useful before, at least for the occasional desperate undead to come over and get killed.

But lately this kind of brainwashing has been completely invisible, as the undead for ten miles around have been plowed under by Sara.

The killing method that seemed like sifting chaff through a fine sieve was even more brutal than Guldan's methods.

Not only their own territory, but all the enemies within a few thousand miles around were ploughed hard by him!

Those fifth-ranked undead who had once reigned supreme and reigned supreme in one side of the land had by now been completely turned into Sara's energy stores, which he used to craft into black warriors.

This also led to a huge increase in the number of Black Warriors within the city, from only a few hundred left originally, it actually skyrocketed to thousands, and was on the verge of breaking ten thousand.

And Guldan also officially broke through to third-order strength a few days ago, while also giving the thousand or so skeleton soldiers under his command a level-up.

At this moment, the City of Black Knights could be said to be strong, with thousands of Third Order Black Knights, over a thousand Third Order Skeleton Soldiers, plus an Undead Lord level bigwig.

Don't say it's in the fringe area, you're afraid that if you go to the core area and hang out, you'll be able to stand your ground.

The secret of Guldan's ability to upgrade the undead had already been learned by Sara, mainly because Guldan hadn't even tried to hide it.

After all, if he had wanted to hide it, he wouldn't have chosen to save Sara at that time, even going so far as to use up all of his energy to allow Sara to undergo a super-evolution on the spot.

From the moment Sara was willing to use her life to lure away the enemy, Guldan had completely decided that this brother could get along!

There was just one contingency that has been somewhat nagging Guldan to this day.

That's ......

Footsteps sounded as Sara, who had gone out alone, returned with nearly a thousand Black Knights.

The soldiers guarding the city hurriedly opened the gates, and Sara strutted into the city and sat her butt down next to Guldan.

Guldan squinted at the big brother for a while, and eventually his vision locked onto his chest.

After a moment of silence, Guldan silently retracted his gaze, while Sara looked at him with an unkind look in her eyes.

"Peek-a-boo what?"

"Who peeked?"

"With that thieving look on your face! How dare you say you didn't peek!"

"Slander! You are nakedly slandering! I have no eyes at all! How could I possibly peek at you! It's this skeleton that's peeking! It's none of my business! If you don't like it, come on! I'll give you my head! Feel free to hit me!"

"Do you ...... hmmm find that surprising?"

"Ah yes, I'll be damned if I'm not surprised."

Taking another look at Sara's severely deformed armor, Guldan turned away with his hands on his shoulders.

It's really strange how a big brother, who was fine before, has a bulging chest after the promotion.

Big brother's pecs are a bit flashy! I've never heard of advancement affecting gender!

No wonder at this time Guldan can not accept, in exchange for who, suddenly found himself all day long after shouting boss big brother actually is a pussy, I'm afraid that he will accept can not it.