
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 36: Hey Bro!

Rumbling sounds continued to resound, and the black fog above the sky turned into a whirlpool, enveloping the entire castle in circle after circle.

Sara swung her sword to cleave apart a stern ghostly ingrate, and then violently threw a javelin, hitting a flying enemy squarely.

Looking at the third-ranked black mist ghosts and monsters that were instantly blasted apart, but rapidly gathered in midair and resurrected within three seconds, Sara's teeth gnashed with a crunch.

"Drink ah! Soul Shock Blast!"

Raising his hand and grabbing violently, the soul ghost flames of the surrounding war dead were turned into rays of light and surged into his hand, and in the next second, they were turned into torrents and shot into the sky.

Hundreds of light pillars were eye-catching and unusual, tearing a hole in the black fog like a sword.

Just before the pillars of light dispersed, more black fog ghosts and monsters surged towards the breach, directly forcing Sara, who was trying to escape from there, back.

With a loud rumble, Sara was hit in the chest by the ghost monsters and flew backward for more than ten meters before tumbling to the ground.

Covering her chest, Sara knelt down on one knee and looked up to the surroundings, only to realize that her Black Knights were continuously dying in battle, and a look of despair could not help but well up in her eyes.

Too strong! Ridiculously strong! It didn't give him any hope of struggling at all!

It was clearly just a four-ring spell! At this moment, it was displaying an effect that made people tremble!

The ghosts in the black mist couldn't be killed! No matter what kind of attack is used! No matter what kind of damage is done! It will recover in a few seconds!

And the undead who died in the black mist, their souls will be quickly eaten by the black mist, until they become a member of the ghosts.

Unbreakable! Can't be killed! And the more they fight, the stronger they get! The more they fight, the more they grow!

This near-unsolvable ability caused a word to emerge in Sara's mind.

Domain! Beyond the peak of the power of the Laws! A skill that could only be realized by someone who had broken through the limits of normal combat power! A skill that could only be comprehended!

To put it bluntly, the enemy he was dealing with this time was probably an Undead Lord!

Fifth rank versus tenth rank! That's not much of a fight!

Covering his injured spot, Sara turned his head to look around.

His minions were still fighting desperately, and although those black mists were difficult to deal with, they couldn't handle them for a while.

It was just that as more and more Black Warriors died in battle, the number of third-rank ghosts and monsters in the black fog also increased, and in the long run, they would eventually die in battle and become part of the black fog.

(If it really is an undead lord, it should be able to finish us off with its hands, why is it fighting so hard ...... is there a wound in the body right? The black mist appeared from the canyon! The undead that resurrected before the canyon were not only extremely numerous! Also completely disobedient to command! It turns out that there's a wounded Undead Lord inside that's causing the trouble! No wonder!)

Sara wasn't stupid, quite the contrary, she was a general who was very good at analyzing, and quickly came to a conclusion and a general understanding of how this thing was resurrected.

I'm afraid that the reason why this guy was resurrected was all caused by the large number of undead that died in battle there a few months ago.

Undead were hard to kill, and the more advanced the undead, the more so.

For example, the famous Witch Demon, that thing as long as the soul box is not broken and has not been killed off the soul, basically unlimited resurrection, difficult to deal with simply outrageous.

Other undead also have a variety of life preservation techniques, coupled with a variety of necromantic spells, want to completely kill a high-level undead difficulty, than to kill a demon of the same level of effort.

And this Undead Lord in front of him, who in all likelihood had just resurrected, was definitely a guy who was very good at preserving his life, which could be seen from this mutated version of his move, Land of the Dead.

Being able to manipulate the endless black mist ghosts that revived week after week and never died to attack the enemy! Even his little brother was so difficult to deal with, saying that he wasn't good at saving his life? Ghosts will believe it!

There's no escape! There is no escape!

Is he going to die in this place? It's not easy to be resurrected as an undead! It's not easy to get a chance to take revenge! If he died here, who would bear the hatred of the kingdom and the expectations of the family?

Sara, who was nearly exhausted, desperately mobilized his soul power and tried to release his Soul Sucking Hand once again, sucking the souls of the surrounding dead into his body.

However, he was a step too late this time, although the spell was successfully cast, but the souls of the surrounding dead were already devoured by the black mist.

Looking at the souls of his subordinates turning into a bit of light, gradually merging into the black mist, Sara's heart also became colder and colder.

Once he dies here, once his soul is swallowed by the black fog, then his dream, his obsession, his everything, will completely cease to exist .......

Just as Sara was despairing, the ground under his feet suddenly exploded, and a pair of arms wearing arm armor poked out from the earth, violently grabbing his legs and yanking them.

Sara, who was unable to defend himself, was instantly yanked into the earth, and subconsciously swung his sword to slash at him, but was hastily recruited by the other party.

"Rub! Big brother! Be merciful! One of us!"

Guldan, who almost had his brain cut open by a sword, had his head crunching in fear at this time, while his body was shouting.

Seeing clearly the appearance of the person in front of him, Sara finally came back to her senses from the panic.


"Don't egg it! Get out first!"

Guldan, who relied on his juniors to dig out a tunnel under the ground, at this moment, where did he still have the heart to catch up with Sara, tugging on his arm and running away.

At the same time, he didn't forget to command his minions to fill in the pit and try to remove the traces left behind by himself.

Rumbling sound again, not waiting for the two to run out of ten meters, above the soil layer suddenly began to tremble madly, and then saw several weapons broke into the ground, followed by the spread of black fog, several ghosts and monsters drilled into the tunnel along the gap.

Looking at these several ghosts and monsters with the same shape as the Black Warrior, Guldan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly commanded his men to intercept them.

Only with some fighting down, instead of being able to take care of these few, the more they fought, the more they got.

No matter what the soldiers poked and prodded them into, these guys were always able to recover as before in the next moment.

"Don't waste your strength! Unless you have a spell that specializes in souls! Otherwise they are immortal!"

Sara, who had also suffered losses on this, covered her wounds and reminded a sentence, causing Guldan's face to grow more and more gloomy.

"Which level spell is this again? The ability is a bit too foul!"

"Spells? I'm afraid this is no longer in the range of spells, you should call him God's Art, or Domain."

Although Sara had consumed too much, resulting in no longer being able to cast spells, her own battle power was still there.

Bringing Guldan along on a rampage, he managed to break through the interception of the black mist ghosts and monsters, only a group of juniors but not many of them were able to follow them out, including the two vice-captains.

Although he was very reluctant to let go of his two loyal subordinates, but now it was a question of whether he could even survive, Sara and Guldan could not care about the others.

Running wildly! Running wildly along the tunnel! The duo dodged the black mist ghosts and monsters that came out from all directions! They were about to rush out of the Black Warrior Castle area!

But they didn't want to be at this moment! A roar suddenly sounded! Then I saw the black mist rising and twisting! It actually transformed into a giant arm in mid-air!

The palm that was tens of meters in size after it opened up, violently grabbed towards the ground, like a shovel dividing the sand, throwing a large piece of land, along with Sara and Guldan inside, into the sky.

Along with the yellow sand landing, Sara and Guldan tumbled and were thrown back into the black fog, Guldan even threw his head away.