
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 35: The Unexpected Advent

The wind howled, and the air in the Undead Realm began to gradually become colder and colder, and it was unknown if there was also a division of seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter here.

Anyway, Guldan didn't feel it because he didn't have a sense of touch as such.

At this moment, Guldan was sitting on a tall sedan chair, while several skeleton soldiers were responsible for carrying the sedan chair.

Dozens of Third Order Black Knights, plus hundreds of Second Order Skeleton Soldiers, were escorting them.

Nowadays, he was a bird of prey, and since helping Sara defeat her strong enemies and regain her territory, Guldan had completely become the second-in-command of the City of Black Warriors.

With hundreds of black warriors under his command and nearly a thousand skeleton minions, he was mainly responsible for leading the team around to find and hunt third and fourth-order undead, and generally didn't need to do anything himself.

It didn't really make a difference if he, a second-order undead, made a move or not.

When it comes to those who can't be beaten, he can't be beaten if he goes on the same way, and it's unlikely that he'll be able to go on this Gou Gou Gou Gou Gou Gou Gou Gou Gou Gou Gou.

More than three months had passed in the blink of an eye, and more than six months had passed since becoming a Skeleton Soldier.

Guldan had recently felt vaguely that he was on the verge of breaking through to the third stage, which was entirely attributed to his mob-like devouring tactics.

Completely ignoring whether or not it would be a waste of resources, devouring ghost fire to grow in a tyrannical manner, in just three months, Guldan froze and used up a fourth-order ghost fire and eleven third-order ghost fires.

Sitting on the sedan chair, Guldan was smug in his heart.

What a third stage! What a wonderful stage!

As long as he himself breaks through to the third rank, Guldan will immediately be able to let his minions shed their bones, and by that time, with more than a thousand third rank Skeleton Soldiers escorting him, Guldan even has the strength to fight against the Sara Black Knights Legion.

The main thing was that he had as many minions of this level as he wanted, whereas what about Sara? Three months had passed, and Sara had only added more than four hundred Black Knights.

And after that fifth-order soul ghost fire was swallowed, Sara had to choose to consume the lower-order ghost fire to grow, which reduced his speed of creating soldiers by another large margin.

After watching Sara puffing and puffing a few times to create her subordinates, Guldan couldn't tell you how beautiful his heart was.

What a King of the Black Knights! That's it? He's no match for me! You have to pick out the bodies to make minions!

Look at yourself, as long as there is enough energy, as long as there are minions under you, double palms slapped and snapped and advanced, the speed was outrageous.

The only thing that was more unfortunate was that this broken system could only strengthen his little brother! Why couldn't he strengthen himself!

Looking at his system panel, Guldan couldn't help but sigh.


Status: 2nd Order Skeleton Guard (2nd Order Peak)


First Ring Undead Spell ~ White Bone Regeneration

Second Ring Necromancy ~ Low Level Bone Strengthening

Accumulated energy: 1374567 points

Looking at his own data, and looking at the energy he had painstakingly saved up during this period of time, Guldan slapped his head straight in chagrin.

The skull that hit his head snapped and tried to bite him but couldn't reach it.

He had toiled for more than three months by himself, not even sparing such trashy undead as skeleton rats! It was only with great difficulty that he managed to accumulate so many family members!

This is if one can strengthen oneself with energy! I'm afraid I could take off on the spot! One could leap to become a Skeleton Lord in an instant!

Given the chance to strengthen him, this would be a shutout! Only unfortunately it wasn't.

Sighing, Guldan leaned back in his chair and glared angrily.

To be precise, it was the skeleton that was glaring angrily, this mortal enemy that had almost killed Guldan before was still alive and well and had been strengthened by Guldan to the peak of the second rank.

When he has nothing to do, Guldan likes to give him a couple of slaps, hitting him when there is something to do and hitting him equally when there is nothing to do.

Skeletor didn't spoil him either, and as soon as he dared to bring his hand close, he would open his mouth to bite without saying a word.

The two guys had been in love with each other for more than three months, and now instead of unraveling their feud, they were fighting more and more fiercely.

The large troop walked towards the City of Black Warriors in great numbers, Guldan had been out for a full half a month this time, and the harvest was quite a lot.

A first-order skeleton soul, if absorbed, could provide Guldan's system with 1 to 10 points of energy.

Those of the second order range from 11 to 50, those of the third order from 51 to 100, and those of the fourth order from 101 to 1,000.

As for those above the fourth rank? This Guldan wasn't sure, he hadn't acquired any loot that advanced so far.

To be precise, the vast majority of the undead he had killed during this period of time were of the first or second rank.

With such a low-level undead, hard to save more than a million energy, how heartless Guldan's land scraping behavior was during this period of time could be imagined.

A few days ago, he was leading his minions to dig a rat hole just because there were tons of skeleton rats in it, and something like a skeleton rat could only provide him with a meager 1 to 5 points of energy.

Lying on the sedan chair, Guldan began to think about his new plan for the rest of the day.

Getting to the third rank was a priority, but beyond that, there was another thing to do.

That's getting yourself a ride.

Look at your own look today! Black armor plus a headless body! If he gets a horse! He's a headless horseman!

Even if it's a pirated version, it's still better than a headless skeleton soldier!

That's why having a mount is also a priority.

Just as Guldan was planning his future course of action and imagining how majestic he would be on a warhorse, the unexpected scenery in front of him suddenly made him freeze.

Suddenly standing up from the sedan chair, because of the reason that the movement was too violent, Guldan even fell out with a brain, and even his head flew off.

However he no longer cared about any of this, at this point he cared more about one thing, and that was ......

"What's happening here?!"

Looking at the high mountains in the distance! The City of the Black Warrior, shrouded in a mass of black mist! And looming in the middle of it! They are constantly flying in all directions! A large number of ghosts were fighting with the Black Knights! Guldan just felt creeped out!

It was a trick he had seen before! Wasn't it Skeleton General Dechii's best trick! The fourth ring necromancy spell Land of the Dead?

Able to turn the ghostly fire of souls that have not yet been digested into a stern spirit to assist in battle! A disgusting spell that grows stronger the more you fight!

But what's with this horrible coverage area! That guy could only cover a dozen meters with his best efforts! But this black fog in front of us! It's swallowed the entire castle!

Strong enemy! Stronger than you can imagine!

Drumming the troops to a halt, Guldan looked ahead at the castle that was completely submerged in darkness, his face changing.

What to do? Fighting is definitely not possible, based on the black fog that covers several kilometers, the guy inside is either ninth or eighth order, and may even be an undead lord.

Is it possible that he's the father of the skeleton general, Duchess? He's got the old one after the young one? But that can't be right!

Guldan had never heard of a skeleton soldier that could lay a baby! How? Born bone stones?

It would be fine if Skull General Dechii was a vampire, but he's a skeleton! A skeleton! A skeleton!

You don't even have any organs. What are you going to use to make babies? With a stick of bone?

"It can't be coming over for revenge, so how did it get here? And why are they staring at this place?"

The more he thought about it, the more chagrined he became, Guldan picked up the skull on the ground and ruthlessly inserted it into his neck, his gaze wandering.

If he rushes in, he is afraid that he will die a nine deaths, and I'm afraid that with this fighting force under his command, he can't even fill in the gap between others' teeth.

But if you don't go, then Sara, the new boss, might as well be dead.


"His grandmother! Retreat!"

Stomping his foot, Guldan commanded his troops to turn around and leave.