
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 34: Regaining Control of the Territory

"Okay, okay! It's all right now! Stop hugging me so tight!"

"What do you mean it's okay? You don't know how dangerous it was just now! If you had come two seconds later! My two right-hand men! Plus this guy on my neck! I would have thrown them all out as bait!"

"...... Aren't they your right-hand men?"


"So you still bear to push?"

"I'm losing my life! What's the point of talking about a favorite general! Don't talk about a favorite general in this situation! He's useless even if he's my favorite concubine!"

Guldan cried with a sniffle and a tear about the close call just now, and ended up being bitten twice by the skeleton on his neck when he wiped his face, so furious that he fiercely gave the skeleton two slaps.

Seeing Guldan start beating himself up again, Sara was helpless.

"Alright, alright, the Black Knights will sort them out, let's go back."

"Go back? You took care of them?"

Hearing the word go back, Guldan probed at the skull at Sara's waist, looked at Dechii's alabaster-like brain, and asked knowingly.

This line of questioning was naturally met with the expected response.

"It's done, although only one is done, only that Beast of Skeleton is left, and it can no longer pose a threat to me."

Grabbing the Dechii head and shaking it, Sara's eyes smiled.

"Another fifth rank soul, as long as I eat it, I'm one step closer to a sixth rank undead yet."

"That's a real congratulations!"

Guldan sniffed and hurriedly said he was happy, he wasn't displeased that Sara was going to monopolize the fifth-order Soul Ghost Flame.

One reason is because they are the boss, and although they have been out of their depth for a bit, the boss is the boss after all.

What kind of boss drinks soup while his minions eat meat.

As for the second, it was because Guldan didn't care about this thing, at least not at this time.

Now Guldan is only the second level of undead only, for him now, the third order ghost fire and fifth order ghost fire is not too big a difference, not to mention that there is still a fourth order in the body has not been digested, a short period of time is completely enough to use.

Listening to Guldan's doxology, Sara squinted her eyes for a moment to confirm that Guldan was not disgruntled, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

He wasn't actually too selfish, if it wasn't because he was in a hurry to improve his strength, he didn't mind sharing this Ghost Flame with Guldan.

At this moment, seeing that Guldan was not angry, the stone in Sara's heart finally fell.

If the one companion with intelligence that he had managed to meet in the past few years was upset because of this, then he really didn't know what to do.

The large force returned, leaving only a hundred or so Black Knights to hunt the undead in this area in conjunction with the Skeleton Soldiers who were still willing to follow orders.

Guldan followed Sara back to the city, and along the way the two began to talk about their new plan of action.

With Dechii taken care of, there was only one Skeleton Beast left, and at this point it was no longer something to fear.

Sara intends to counterattack and lead the Black Knights in a counter-siege against the guy.

For such large creatures, an army siege is simply the most appropriate way to hunt them.

If it wasn't for the fear of forcing the duo to combine their efforts to counterattack and cause too much damage to their own troops before, Sara even had the certainty of directly leaving them all behind.

Only the departing Sara and Guldan did not realize that the fallen undead in the canyon did not float and fly up in their craniums, but instead slowly dispersed, turning into stars and dots that flew away from the ground, and ultimately gathered towards the deepest part of the canyon.

Where, on the rock wall made of dark bones piled up, lines lit up.

A few seconds later, only heard a click, the rock wall actually cracked a mouth from it, a blood-red eye appeared from it, followed by the second, the third, gradually densely covered the entire rock wall ......

The starry-eyed enemies in the city were taken care of, and the undead in the canyon were slaughtered clean.

After three days of preparation, Sara took Guldan and the legions of Black Knights and set off in great numbers to hunt the Beast of Skeleton.

A legion of thousands of Black Knights was enough to make any fifth-ranked undead hide.

For the enemy's details, Sara had long been mapped out, which naturally included where that guy's lair was.

In fact, not only the lair of the Beast of Bones, but any boundaries in this nearby area, Sara had already mapped out.

This made Guldan more and more convinced that Sara was a soldier when she was alive, otherwise she could not have possessed this kind of windy and thunderous character, and definitely could not have such professional knowledge of marching and fighting.

Sara had even spent the intervening years drawing a map! One that was exquisite! A hand-drawn map that rivaled military maps!

Mountains, creeks, strong enemies and undead species from all over the world are detailed on it.

This motherfucker still says he's not a soldier!

It was just that Sara was only a fifth-order undead after all, and he knew the rules of the undead world.

Traveling to other realms in a hasty manner was tantamount to challenging the authority of the local leaders, and would inevitably lead to a great war.

Therefore, this map in his hand actually only detailed an area of eighty kilometers in circumference.

And this area is equivalent to his territory.

As long as he wasn't dead, the fifth-ranked undead in the other regions wouldn't and wouldn't dare to set foot here rashly.

After all, the overall strength of the Black Knight King Sara was enough to stand at the pinnacle in this nearby fringe area.

A large contingent set off, but unfortunately ended up pouncing.

Looking at the empty cave in front of her, Sara shook her head in frustration.

"Looks like he's no fool and has run away."

Guldan, who was standing beside him, frowned at the words.

"Where could he have gone?"

"Who knows, it's a death sentence to stay here anyway, I think they ventured off to other territories."

Sara looked up into the sky at the fading sun and waved her hand violently.

"Go on, get back."

"Back where? Just back to the lair?"

"Of course it's impossible, it's not easy to come out for a trip, how can we return empty-handed, besides, now that the crisis has been resolved, it's time for us to resume our usual course of battle."

Taking out the map and nodding at the markings on it, Sara's gaze was serious.

"Split into squads of ten, spread out and hunt the undead of the third rank and above in this area, collect soul ghost fire to create soldiers, I lost quite a few black warriors during this time, I have to make up for it before I can do so, and at the same time patrol this area for any uninvited guests from the outside."

"Is that what you did before?"

"Yeah, this is my territory, I haven't cleaned up this territory for a long time before because I was too busy fighting with the two of them, and now it's time to collect the rent."

The vast army left the cave and gradually walked away.

And after they had completely walked away, the empty cave suddenly trembled slightly, and then only a piece of the ground lifted up a little bit in amplitude, and a large number of ghostly green flames emerged from it.

Witnessing the departure of the crowd, the Beast of Skeleton hidden in the ground secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully crouched down again, and the originally warped ground once again closed up.

He no longer had the strength to stand up to Sara, and had unfortunately offended the other side completely.

Running to other territories and not daring to do so, for fear of being hunted by the local fifth-order skeletons teaming up.

The Beast of Bones sighed and could only choose to hold back.