
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 32: Temptation from the Soul

Black mist fills the air! Light rises in all directions! Bone balls continued to fall from the sky!

Three fifth-order undead whose strength was far above the others were once again fighting to the death at the third wall.

At this point, Sara was at an absolute disadvantage, he didn't have the steel bones of a Dechii, nor did he have the thick skin of a Skeleton Beast.

Although the attack power occupies the absolute advantage, but the mage and the meat shield fight, or by two meat shield sandwich fight, this is more than the word can be described as a loss.

As for the city walls, a large number of people are also fighting with each other, although the troops brought by the two of them can't defeat Sara's Black Knights and Skeleton Legion, but it's still easy to hold them back for a moment.

There was another roar as a huge bone ball fell from the sky, and Sara scrambled to roll out of the way while planting one hand on the ground.

The souls gathered in the palms of the hands exploded.

The Soul Shock spell opens!

The entire ground was lifted over half a meter high! Dechii, who was about to use a spell to control Sara's movement, was blown out on the spot.

"Looks like you're prepared ah! It's just a pity how many times your Soul Flame can save you!"

Rolling several times in a row, Dechii stomped on the ground to stabilize himself, and at the same time, he reached out and pointed his hand, and a large amount of black gas spread out from his body! It turned into countless hideous ghosts that pounced on Sara!

Fourth ring spell! Land of the Dead!

At this point, Sara was already a bit overexerted, and this five-ringed spell of his was truly powerful, with horrific damage that could even pose a threat to the Skeleton General Dechii.

But with great power also comes great consumption, and with Dechii's Land of the Dead being a four-ringed spell and focusing on control, the consumption isn't significant.

As for the Bone Beast's Bone Ball Strike? That was someone's one-ring talent spell! The consumption was close to nothing!

The reason why it kills so much is purely because of the size of the person!

Fighting a war of attrition, Sara was no match at all, but what about wanting to resolve the battle quickly, the mutually cooperative duo didn't exactly give him a chance.

Seeing that Sara was getting weaker and weaker, the two seemed to see the hope of victory, the greed in their eyes became more and more obvious, and they began to carefully guard each other, so as not to let the other party pick the peaches of this final battle result.

Just as the big picture was about to be finalized, a soundless fluctuation suddenly came from the sky.

This was a trembling that belonged to the soul! The movements of the soldiers on both sides who were killing each other froze violently, and they neatly turned their heads to look into the distance.

Even the Skeleton Beast and Deity, who were in the middle of the fight, couldn't help but stop their movements at this moment and looked towards the direction of the canyon with a puzzled expression.

"Strange? The fluctuation of a fifth-order soul ghost fire? How could an ownerless fifth-rank soul ghost fire appear here?"

The sudden and unexpected situation caused Derchii and the Beast of Bones to look at each other in disbelief.

The two of them had been planning so hard for so long, and they had hooked up with each other just for a fifth-order Soul Ghost Flame.

You can imagine how difficult it is to obtain flames at this level.

At this time suddenly appeared a fifth-order ghost fire for no reason, and was also exposed by the people tyrannical heaven, let him naturally dissipate, this is simply like a person to take out 10 million, and then in front of all the people to light a fire for warmth to play the same.

Seeming to suddenly think of something, Dechii looked up at Sara and couldn't help but have a sneer in his eyes.

"What? Think we're going to run right past it? Don't be a fool! Stupid! We know the bottom of this flame! It's that impostor, isn't it? This little trick won't save you!"

Decii assumed that this was Sara's way of trying to break the ice, to lure them over to grab that flame as a way to escape the difficulty.

Sara sniffed back with a sneer.

"Of course I know they can't lure you away, and I don't intend to, or if you do, that's the trouble!"

As the words fell, the sound of clicking and clacking rang out, and Derchii and the Beast of Bones snapped back to look, only to see that the soldiers on both sides had actually stopped fighting, just like a tidal wave pouring in towards the Ghost Fire!

Because of the reason that there was a wall blocking the way, these brainless skeletons did not hesitate to jump down into the deep pit, only to see the heads of people swarming underneath the deep pit, actually nearly filling up this trench.

Without any obstacles or ambushes along the way, the vast 20,000+ undead just rushed to the deepest part of the canyon!

The battlefield, which was in chaos just now, suddenly quieted down. Listening to the whistling sound of the wind that kept coming from their ears, the gazes of Dechii and the Beast of Skeleton were slightly gloomy.

"Move the stragglers out? You think you can beat the two of us in single combat!"

"Of course I can't, I'm definitely not a match for the two of you by myself, but aren't you forgetting one thing!"

Sara slowly rose from the ground and drew the sword at her waist and slammed it on the ground.

The next moment! An inexplicable aura spread! Only rumbling sounds could be heard continuously! Walls collapsed in all directions! Ground armors poked out! A large number of Black Knights who had been buried here showed up!

Nearly a hundred black warriors who always had third-order strength! Surrounding the duo dead center!

And in a more distant location, a large number of black warriors gathered from all directions!

"It is!!!"

Looking at the legions of Black Knights pouncing over, the ghostly flames of the souls in Dechii's eyes trembled continuously, and he instantly understood Sara's intentions.

And Sara, too, grinned at that moment.

"I am the King, the King of Black Knights! It is true that your cannon fodder armies and my skeleton cannon fodder will disobey after encountering the lure of high-level soul ghost fire, but these Black Knights who belong only to me will not be so! They will be loyal to me! Always follow my orders!"

With her sword raised in her hand, pointing directly in the direction of Derchii and the Beast of Bones, Sara's gaze was stern.

"Now! Tell me who has the advantage!"

The black warriors that were originally divided into groups at each city wall to fight, like a tidal wave towards the center of the city, if they were really surrounded by these thousands of black warriors, not to mention the fifth order undead, you are the real high order undead coming, as long as they can't break through, it's also a death!

Trying to command the cannon fodder to come over for support, he realized that this group of brainless guys had been completely seduced by that soul ghost fire and didn't listen to his command at all.

Dechii was so angry that he violently shattered those soul fragments in his soul, and several fourth-ranked undead that were originally mixed within the army of undead and were marching towards the canyon collapsed to the ground and lost their breath on the spot.

The ghostly flames of the souls within their bodies dispersed in a vain attempt to float into the sky, but the surrounding undead seized the opportunity to frantically devour them.

The pit, which had previously been fairly organized, was in a state of instant chaos.

Those who fought, those who grabbed, those who swallowed ghost fire, those who desperately pushed towards the front, there were countless noises at once.

It was just that the battle in the middle of the pit had gone unnoticed at this point.

The Black Knights all possessed basic intelligence, and most of all, the soul pressure of the King of Black Knights was enough to override the lure of the Fifth Order Ghost Fire.

Within the entire castle, these Black Knights were the only ones who didn't run towards the depths of the tunnels, but instead began to prepare to surround the Beast of Bones and the duo of Dechii.

Seeing this scene, Decii also knew that he would surely die if he stayed any longer, so he hurriedly turned his head and shouted.

"Beast of Bones! Retreat together!"

Instead, he was answered with a loud bang!

Only to see the Beast of Skeleton violently turn around and run, relying on the advantage of its own huge size, it hardly crashed through the defense line that the Black Knights had not yet formed, climbing up the wall and rushing into the distance.

Dechii's face changed at this, and he hurriedly took a step to rush out after him as well.

But the problem was that he was limited in size and not as fast as the Beast of Bones.

While attempting to swing away on the black mist chains, the Dechii who leapt into mid-air was directly smashed down by more than twenty javelins, and by the time he landed he was surrounded by the black warriors.

Between these black warriors, Sara held a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, killing intent in her eyes.

"Don't go! In order to avoid being surrounded by you guys again in the future! Today you must leave one of you behind at any rate!"