
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 30: Aura in a desperate situation

The small group that was hiding in the depths of the ground didn't end up hiding for too long.

Sara is a hothead, not to mention a hothead who likes to take risks.

This was evident from the fact that instead of thinking about how to strengthen his defense when he was attacked by a strong enemy, he took the initiative to attract the undead to march in, in a vain attempt to forcibly expand his force.

After waiting inside the cave for a while, Sara, whose patience was gradually running out, still commanded the soldiers to plow through the ground.

Only he was also cautious in his actions, the first time he sent out only one person, after confirming that the surroundings had been secured and that it was his side that had won, then he led the people to drill out.

As for Guldan? With the entourage all gone, it was naturally impossible for him to continue choosing to be locked up in the small black room.

Coming to the ground and looking at the city in shambles, Guldan secretly smacked his lips.

The destructive power of that Beast of Skeleton was quite terrifying, it was a landslide when it acted, and if he hadn't been such a behemoth impacting the walls, the city wouldn't have fallen so quickly.

It's just that Sara is the King of the Black Knights after all, and while it doesn't seem like the Beast of Bones and the Skeleton General Dechii have the upper hand, it's really all just an illusion.

Relying on the cannon fodder they had worked so hard to gather, the duo were able to create a brief moment of one-on-one combat with Sara, and that was only if Sara took the initiative to step up and meet them.

If Sara chose to avoid fighting, the duo would end up being driven out of the city by the Black Knights' legions, only the Black Knights' losses would be high, I'm afraid.

After all, the Beast of Skeleton's killing power was not normally horrifying when dealing with undead of a lower level than him.

"They have retreated for the time being, without the Skeleton Legion to draw fire for them, the duo won't dare to come over and tough it out with the Black Warrior Legion, we're still safe for a short period of time."

Sara, who was not badly injured, commanded the Black Knights to go to the rear canyon to lure the newborn skeletons into the city while stumbling back to the core of the city, all the while not forgetting to explain towards Guldan.

In less than a moment, the departing Black Knights returned, and thousands of Skeleton Soldiers reappeared behind them.

Sara raised her hand and once again began to absorb the souls of the skeleton soldiers, using them to recover from her own injuries and those of the Black Knights Legion.

Guldan stood by the side and twisted his head to look at the Blood Rose flag planted on the side, his eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

"Those two guys are here for your soul ghost fire right."

"Yes, although the undead are ageless and immortal, they also have a fatal flaw, that is, the growth cycle is too long, if the natural growth, I'm afraid to spend a hundred years can not be upgraded by one level, devouring the soul ghost fire is fast enough, but the prerequisite is that it must be swallowed with their own level or higher than their own soul ghost fire, this area belongs to the periphery of the undead land, the number of fifth-order skulls is limited, so we will always try to kill each other as a way to make their own soul evolution. Therefore, we will always try our best to kill each other as a way to let our souls evolve."

Sara's explanation caused Guldan to keep nodding, but the doubts in his heart grew stronger.

Raising his hand and pointing to the flag on the side, Guldan looked at those skeletons above, especially that topmost fifth-ranked bull-headed skeleton, his eyes filled with bewilderment.

"But don't you have a ready-made Fifth Order Soul Ghost Flame here? Why don't they take it away, instead choosing to play with your life? What? Your soul incense?"

"Pfft, where does the soul get its flavor, it only looks at the grade, as to why those two guys don't come and get this soul ......"

Sara looked up at the bull-headed skeleton with a hint of a smile in her eyes, and suddenly reached out to remove the skull and handed it directly to Guldan.

"See for yourself."

"Look at sh...... I'm going!"

Guldan, who was still puzzled, instantly changed his expression the moment he got his hands on this skull.

Only to see that the original grade of the soul ghost fire that was up to the fifth order, as he raised his hand and touched it, it actually turned into a light green fire that was only of the second order.

Noticing that the situation was not right, Guldan violently turned on the system.

In the next second, the message of the fire in his hand appeared in front of him.

Name:Second Order Soul Ghost Fire

Status: Expendable


First Ring Undead Spell ~ Megatransformation

Second Ring Necromancy ~ Soul Camouflage

Introduction:You may be able to scare off the pigs by pretending to be a tiger, but you may also attract the hunters yo...


Looking at the fake in his hand, Guldan exclaimed out in shock, causing Sara on the side to shake her head and smile.

"Of course it's a fake, if this was real I would have swallowed him long ago, and how could I possibly hang it on a flag as bait."

Raising her hand to take the skull and reinsert it in the banner, Sara sounded cheerful.

"This guy's natural spell is very special, actually can disguise his own soul breath to the highest level of the sixth order, and the body size can also become bigger, it looks very bluffing, at that time, it also gave me a fright, then I organized a team to plan for several months, ready to forcefully hunt him, who had thought that this guy is just a second-order fake only."

Sara was so angry and amused at the thought of what had been.

"Then I thought this thing could come in handy, so I hung him here, it did provide me with a lot of help in the meantime, the last time Dechii and the Beast of Bones invaded, it was still thanks to this thing that the Beast of Bones was lured away, so I was able to barely repel their alliance, it's just a pity that I was only able to fool them once, they won't be fooled again nowadays."

"Yeah, they won't fall for it again."

Guldan nodded at his words, his tone somewhat worried.

"Our small means of this kind of civet cat for a prince, I am afraid that we can not let them fall for it again, these two guys are not hurt much, just need to call in a bunch of cannon fodder to fight back again, but how long do you ...... need for your injuries to can recover?"

It was no wonder that Guldan was so worried, at this time, Sara was really badly injured.

Hearing what Guldan said, Sara smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry, the Undead clan has no fear of being injured at all, as long as the Soul Flame isn't harmed, traumas above the physical body like this can be repaired by me absorbing a bit of Soul Ghost Flame, I'll be fine in a while."

"That's good news, but the problem is that even if you recover as good as new, you're still no match for the two of them."

Scratching the bare skull but narrowly missing a bite from the head, Guldan viciously slapped the skeleton while not forgetting to voice his concerns.

And his words brought Sara to silence.

The opposite duo had obviously found a means of combining their attacks, and by themselves alone, they were no longer their opponents.

What should one do next time if one attacks?

Stop them by force? You may have to die on the spot.

But if they didn't stop them, and really let the two of them let loose to kill, how many rounds of massacre could their own Black Warriors last through?

Using the cannon fodder that the other party had casually recruited in exchange for the Black Knights Legion that he had worked so hard for so many years to form, this was definitely a losing deal.

New countermeasures had to be devised to make it work.

Just as Sara was racking her brain to think of a way out, Guldan looked up at the banner and suddenly had a flash of light in front of his eyes.

"I have a way that may be able to escape the crisis and even have a chance to turn the tables!"