
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 3:Objective! Rebellion!

Except for the few skeleton wizards who had painstakingly cultivated the advanced guards, the other skeleton soldiers, Guldan could command them as he pleased.

However, the fact that he only had the right to command did not mean that he was above these skeletons.

The skeleton wizard said that he was the second-in-command, he was the second-in-command, and if one day the skeleton wizard did not recognize his position, Guldan feared that he would be killed by these skeleton soldiers in an instant.

In the face of this group of white-eyed wolves, Guldan can do nothing, he followed the skeleton wizard has been mixed for more than two months, large and small experienced dozens of battles, the vast majority of which are chasing those who have just resurrected, has not yet been gathered a pile of scattered skeletons to kill.

Sometimes will also be responsible for chasing dogs and catching sheep, tackling cattle and horses and other things.

There were a couple of big battles, the first of which was with two third-level skeleton generals, or to be more precise, those two reckless young skeleton generals who relied on numbers and had to fight the skeleton wizard to the death.

Guldan had shone in that battle, and so he was honored to be the second-in-command.

They had also encountered clusters of mutated second-order skeleton dogs, a sea of first-order skeletons that instinctively gathered together, and so on.

Even though the team had suffered heavy casualties each time, it did not affect their combat power.

After all, there were as many skeleton soldiers as there were humans, and as a skeleton mage, the last thing they needed was cannon fodder!

As long as his beloved subordinates didn't die, such as the skeleton guards who were difficult to evolve, and the archer whose mutation was all based on his face, even if all the other skeleton soldiers died, the skeleton mage wouldn't be worried for a second.

In fact, something like a Skeleton Sorcerer could easily assemble a sea of skeletons.

Thousands and thousands of skeletons, overwhelming numbers, that was the most terrifying thing about the Skeleton Sorcerer.

A small team like this with only a hundred people didn't look like the work of a Skeleton Sorcerer at all.

In fact, this was mainly due to geographical reasons; the reason why Skeleton Wizards could form small undead natural disasters on Earth was mainly because they could deter skeleton-type undead that were below their own strength, especially those that were resurrected by them.

But in the undead realm, where the undead were everywhere, things were different, and the lower-level undead would instinctively submit to the higher-level undead.

If the Skeleton Sorcerer created minions regardless, it was likely that the next time he faced an opponent with a slightly higher level of strength, these skeleton soldiers, who were not under his control and only instinctively subservient to him, would immediately turn against him.

100 of them was already the maximum number that the Skeleton Sorcerer could precisely control to prevent them from easily defecting.

As for the question of whether or not these skeleton soldiers would defect if they encountered a high-level undead whose strength was much higher than their own?

If they really encountered such an existence, those 100 skeleton soldiers would not be enough for others to eat, so would it make a difference if they defected or not?

After resting for a while and slightly repairing the bones of the damaged skeletons, the huge 100-member skeleton squad set off again.

20 skeleton soldiers went to the front to scout the road, but actually expecting them to scout the road is basically nonsense.

Their main purpose was to draw the enemy's fire and give the troops in the rear time to react.

Followed by the other skeleton soldiers, have arched around the Skeleton Sorcerer, the core position is either a skeleton archer or a skeleton guard.

They were the Skeleton Sorcerer's trump card, and they numbered about 30.

Guldan, who was also following the Skeleton Sorcerer's side, looked a bit distracted at the moment.

He had already begun to formulate a new plan after realizing that he had no chance of recruiting undead on his own in the past few months.

His new plan was simple, summed up in two words: revolt!

Finish off the skeleton mage, devour his undead spirit fire, and strengthen himself.

If there was a chance, it would be best to take over his men.

After all, Skeleton Guards are good, though not easy to advance, but Guldan has a system!

However, the long-range mutated version of the first-class skeleton, such as the Skeleton Archer, was a little too difficult to obtain.

Like this kind of mutated skeleton soldier or long-range combat unit, wild ones were not unheard of, but it was difficult to survive beyond the second day.

After all, an archer fighting alone, shooting accuracy is still not high, that is, simply to the door of the bowl.

The Skeleton Sorcerer had worked hard for more than a year to cultivate less than 30 archers in total, and it was easy to imagine how difficult it would be to make them mutate.

As for the skeleton guards? Actually, the number wasn't that small before.

Through Guldan's inquiries, Guldan learned a secret from the mouths of those Skeleton Guardians who spoke intermittently and whose heads were severely missing strings.

The Skeleton Wizard's subordinates had once rebelled, and a highly intelligent Skeleton Guardian had secretly evolved into a third-level Skeleton General and led his subordinates in a night attack against the rebellious Skeleton Wizard.

That battle was a lose-lose situation, although the Skeleton Wizard eventually crushed the rebellion, but his own team was also severely injured and killed.

You know, a year ago, this guy's 100-man squad was elite for either skeleton archers or skeleton guards! It was as miserable as it is today.

After hearing about this hidden event, Guldan finally understood why he was treated so poorly.

After all that! There was a lesson to be learned from the past!

In fact, Guldan was not an ungrateful person; if the Skeleton Sorcerer treated him a little better, he would not mind sealing the Skeleton Sorcerer as a great official when he grew up.

Even if he is not willing to join, we can all come together.

But the problem is that this Yakuzi does not give himself a direct subordinate, even the Skeleton Soldier is not willing to give him this kind of cannon fodder that can be called up at random.

The second does not allow him to absorb the soul spirit fire, resulting in Guldan hanging out with him for more than two months, all the bones are still yellow and pitiful, a random force can break.

The other side clearly planned to make him a medic for the rest of his life, not giving him a chance to grow at all.

If it weren't for the fact that his Skeleton Lord System was able to gather extra energy by killing the undead, how could Guldan have nearly a thousand points of energy reserves today?

I'm afraid his energy reserve was still zero at this point!

Since he was unfriendly, he could not blame himself for being unjust!

The soul fire in his chest rotated slightly, Guldan secretly scanned the skeleton wizard, looking at this guy riding a skeleton horse, strutting and shrinking in the innermost part of the team, Guldan hated to wish that a bow and arrow master would come out of the nooks and crannies and explode his dog's head directly at a distance of 1800 meters.

Who made everyone rely on two legs to run, only he sat on a skeleton horse, a cut above the crowd!

It was a pity that this was just a fantasy, how could a long-range skeleton soldier above the third rank appear in the wild? A third-level Skeleton Warlord suddenly bursting out of the bushes was a remote possibility.

As the small group rushed forward, the Ghost Yin Grass in front of them, which relied on death qi to grow and was therefore exceptionally lush in the Undead Realm, suddenly began to rustle.

The skeleton soldiers who heard the commotion panicked, some instinctively wanting to rush over, while those with slightly higher IQs followed the skeleton wizard's instructions and prepared to defend.

Some went in, some retreated, and the whole team was in disarray for a while.

Finally, the skeleton wizard couldn't stand it any longer, and he used his staff to strike his mount's head with two blows.

Guldan, hearing the commotion, quickly retreated to the skeletons and began commanding the formation.

Just do not wait for this side of the team assembled, the distant bushes have scurried out a large number of skeleton soldiers, and the number of frightening, far from the black pressure piece, afraid to have more than two or three hundred!

And in the back of these pieces of skeleton soldiers, a broken arm, holding a white bone axe skeleton war general, striding toward this side.