
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 29: On the Skill of Playing Mindfulness

A rumbling and trembling sound rang out as the behemoth that was the Beast of Skeletons violently reversed its direction and desperately rushed towards the City of Black Warriors.

Skeleton General Dechii followed close behind, ghostly flames quivering in his eyes, clearly out of his mind with rage.

I can't believe they've been tricked! They had plotted so hard for so long! He even went so far as to use his body as bait to forcefully stall Sara at the cost of eating the Beast of Skeleton's attack the hard way.

What is all this for? It's just for a mouthful of high-grade soul ghost fire.

If he didn't get to eat Sara's soul ghost fire today, Derchii was afraid he could piss himself off all over again!


The Beast of Skeleton, which didn't speak, had an unprecedentedly hideous voice at this time.

He violently lowered his head and charged, accompanied by a loud sound, the wall in front of him, which had already been heavily damaged by the bone ball, was actually crashed through him head-on.

At this moment, not only was Skeleton General Dechii angry, but the Beast of Skeleton was equally angry.

When he attacked Dechii earlier, he was beaten up by him for his steel and small size and flexibility, and was asked to cooperate with him on a mandatory basis.

In the first place, mutual benefit and mutual assistance is also possible, to get the body he does not lose, to get the soul of his blood to earn.

If he could get his hands on both, then the Beast of Skeleton felt that he could definitely take off in an instant.

But now nothing, but also scolded and beaten, the head is more banging against the wall to the buzzing.

What is this for? What for!

Can't eat meat today! Then where will he have the face to meet people in the future!

Fuming crazy general two people, towards the quasi-city center of a rampage, only to hit the sky white bones flying, a large number of minions died in the hands of the two people.

Mostly, they died at the feet of the Beast of Bones.

Wall after wall was breached, and because of the lack of any housing structures in the city, the duo who breached the walls could see inside with a sweep of their eyes.

The fourth wall! No!

The fifth wall! No!

The sixth wall! Still nothing!

Just as the two guys were desperately rushing towards the last wall, the Beast of Skeleton suddenly came to a violent stop with all four limbs stomping on the ground, its huge body grinding against the ground and directly rolling up a large amount of sand and dust.

To his left, a small group of Skeleton Soldiers and Black Knights were moving ghostly along the wall.

It wouldn't have been a big deal; small groups made up of skeleton soldiers and black warriors were not uncommon in the City of Black Warriors.

After all, Black Knights are good at fighting in small groups, and will instinctively gather dozens or tens of people to one place when fighting.

But the strange thing about this team was that the one who stood in the middle of the team and was protected by layers of protection was not a black knight captain, but a guy wearing tattered armor, with a broken helmet on his head, and a figure that was covered up and had difficulty moving!

From a distance it looks as if the skeleton soldier, with some ribs behind him for camouflage.

But who is the Beast of Bones? It's the hound of death! The only thing that's missing from his head is his eye sockets!

Hundreds and hundreds of skulls made up of canine skulls with who knows how many pairs of eyes on them!

The Beast of Bones, who had quickly realized that there was something wrong with the squad, looked at the Skeleton General Dechii as he flew over the wall, and instead of choosing to inform him, the Beast suddenly bent down and completely prostrated himself, hiding himself behind the wall.

It was really hard for such a big physique to hide behind a short wall that was two or three meters high.

Creeping forward furtively, fighting as hard as possible to stay out of Derchii's line of sight, the Beast of Skeletons kills at a hilarious, yet swift pace, directly towards the squad in front of them.

Only a rumbling sound could be heard as the Beast of Skeleton swooped out brazenly, crashing through the entire group with one head.

The mixed race squad, which numbered forty to fifty, lost half of them on the spot, and not to mention that nearly all of the skeleton soldiers were killed in battle, even those black warriors wearing pitch-black armor were also killed and injured.

Not bothering to pay attention to these stray fish, not to mention not noticing how ridiculously brittle these Black Knights were, the Beast of Bones took a bite out of the guy hidden in the very center, protected by layers of protection, and without saying a word opened his mouth with the intention of gulping him down in one gulp.

Just at this moment, the wall next to him suddenly exploded, and a silhouette darted out from it, kicking him heavily in the cheek.

The Beast of Bones did hide quite well, and I don't know if it was the awakening of the hunting gene in his instincts, but the Beast of Bones' series of lurking movements were silent and perfect.

But this also depends on the situation ah! The giant that was squealing around before, but suddenly stopped moving as soon as he turned his head, even a fool could guess that there was a problem.

Just in time, De Chieu flew in for a takedown, but it was too little too late.

How could the Beast of Skeleton, which had extremely strong perseverance, let the meat in its mouth be kicked out? Even after being kicked to the ground by this heavy kick, the Beast of Skeleton still didn't choose to let go of its mouth.

And in the instant it flew out, the guy actually rolled on the spot in a lazy donkey roll, pulling away from the distance at the same time, his front paws crazily plowing the ground.

Don't look at the funny dog-planing pose, but after pairing it with the huge size of the Beast of Skeleton, the power of this move was extraordinary.

A large amount of sand and white bone splattered, the fast pace of catching up to the Tokii was hit on the spot, not only was his body shaken, but his vision was also completely blocked by the sand and dust.

What's worse, the Beast of Skeleton immediately pursued the attack, and with a flick of its tail, it coalesced into a huge bone ball, which was instantly called out on the face of the Skeleton General Dechii.

This poor unlucky guy was slapped against the wall again and again and again, and by the time he struggled to climb out, the Beast of Bones had long since spilled its work and ran away.

Seeing that the trophy he had worked so hard for was actually snatched away by this dead dog's trickery, Décieux was furious, and with a howl, he took a step to chase after the beast, relying on the unique power of his own spells to swing towards the Beast of Skeletons.

The two fifth-order undead quickly ran away after one after the other, without the two of them in the battle, the motley army that these two guys brought over began to be divided and eaten away by the black warriors, ending the battle in less than an hour.

When the commotion outside completely disappeared, inside the hollow several meters deep underground, the severely injured Sara struggled to look up.

"The battle seems to be over up there, why don't we go out and take a look?"

Guldan, who was sitting beside him and was roasting the fire to death, stared intently at the crackling flames that were gradually dying out in front of him, and returned without lifting his head.

"What's your guarantee that it's your guys winning? Stopping the fight could also be your guys getting regimented, just wait a little longer."

"Wait? How long does that have to wait?"

"One day, two days, one week, two weeks, whatever! Anyway, we undead don't die and don't perish, so let's slowly consume it."

Guldan wasn't in a hurry at all, ever since he realized that he had turned into an undead and didn't have to worry about longevity anymore, Guldan didn't like to take risks no matter what he did.

Only not taking risks doesn't mean not dying, and right now he's in the middle of an outrageous experiment.

That is, lighting a fire in a closed cave, consuming the already small amount of oxygen, if a living person is sitting here, at this point, I am afraid that it would have been suffocated by lack of oxygen.

But Guldan was different, he was an undead ah at this time, he didn't need to breathe at all, so he now wanted to try to see if a skeleton could produce a sense of suffocation or not.

In simple, understandable terms, he's fed up.