
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 28: The Battle for the Spoils of War

The battle above the ground continued, and at this point, the Skeleton General, Dechii, had already fought the Beast of Bones for real.

The two guys who were invulnerable to swords and spears fought back and forth, only suffering the undead who were fighting around them, a large number of undead were affected by the battle, and if they were not careful, they would be killed on the spot.

Fifth rank and fourth rank, don't look at it as only one level difference, but the combat power of both sides was worlds apart.

The first to the third order are called low order undead, belonging to the level of cannon fodder among the undead.

Fourth to sixth order, considered mid-rank undead, are the elite of the elite.

As for the seventh to ninth order towards the top, they are typical high-ranking undead, not only is their combat power horrifying, but their IQ is no less than that of living creatures, and even because of the reason that they have survived for too long, some of them are even smarter than human beings.

After all, the phrase "old and cunning" is no joke.

This is only referring to ordinary undead, the three undead present are all from the undead world edge area crawling and rolling in the field born of the fifth-order big brother, and the center of the area those born and bred, may be born with the fifth-order strength of the undead is very different.

They are more experienced in combat, have better heads, and are better fighters overall.

An ordinary fifth-order undead against a fourth-order undead might have to waste a little more time.

However, these few people present, especially that Beast of Skeleton, were able to instantly kill them in seconds.

Although the two fought anxiously, they didn't really start a deadly fight.

After all, there is no use in deadlocking, we are all hammers hitting scales, and no one can beat anyone.

While they were fighting, they were still looking for opportunities to dig into the ground, especially the beast of bones.

Once Sara in the rubble was plowed out, this guy would absolutely turn his head and run with Sara in his mouth.

After all, he couldn't do any effective damage to Dechii nowadays, so if he fought like this, he would ultimately be the one to suffer.

It wouldn't be too late to come back and clean up this asshole when he had devoured Sara's soul to break through to the sixth rank.

Dechii wasn't stupid, naturally he knew exactly what the behemoth in front of him was planning, but he was too small, so it would be nice to say that he could withstand a beating, but he didn't have the ability to stop the Beast of Bones from digging up the ground.

After ten minutes of wrangling, with a click, the earth above the ruins was completely thrown away, revealing the gaping space below.

It was also too late to wonder why a hollow had appeared below, the Beast of Skeleton directly opened its bloody mouth and viciously bit into the substitute skeleton soldier inside.

The poor skeleton, who was still sitting dutifully carrying out his orders, looked up when he heard the commotion and saw a skeleton, bigger than himself, with its mouth open, biting towards him.

This stance is clearly to chew it as a teething stick ah!

Just in the nick of time, Dechii swooped out from the side and violently flung his hand with such force that the pitch-black mist transformed into a chain and ruthlessly wrapped itself around the White Bone Vanguard's body.

He couldn't pull the Beast of Bones, a huge thing! And he can't rip Sara!

With both hands exerting force, tugging the White Bone Vanguard flying towards him, Derchii, in the horrified eyes of the Beast of Bones, slung the firmly bound White Bone Vanguard over his shoulder, turned his head and turned to run.

With the chains of dead souls made from the ability of the Land of the Dead, Déchéy moved very swiftly, as if swinging in mid-air, tens of meters away in a single swing.

Derchii ran ahead, and the Beast of Skeleton chased after him, roaring madly as he did so, while at the same time trying to intercept Derchii's movements by flicking his tail and gathering balls of bone to throw at him.

The two rushed to the edge of the outermost wall in the blink of an eye, and Dokii, who had swung here, was inadvertently struck, and the chain in his hand was struck by a bone ball, and his whole body was thrown heavily against the wall.

Tumbling to the ground, Dechii was also persistent enough, even though he was thrown into this state, even his helmet flew off, he was still unwilling to give up the trophy in his hands, still holding the White Bone Vanguard in a death grip.

It was just a pity that just because he could resist this kind of impact, it didn't mean that the White Bone Vanguard could ignore it as well.

Seeing that the beast of bones was coming this way, Decii struggled to get up with one hand and was about to continue running for his life when he suddenly froze on the spot.

Looking at Sara, who was cradled in her hands, Decii's eyes went wide.

Because this enemy, which was extremely difficult to deal with, now actually had no head!

Where's the fucking head!

This shocking revelation almost didn't make Derchii whip on the spot.

After all, the soul ghost fire of a normal undead can be hidden inside the head! Now even the head is gone! Then what is he trying to do with his life!

Frantically rummaging around with the body on his shoulders, Dechii was as flustered as a commuter who wakes up in the morning and can't find his cell phone.

Luckily, the trophy head didn't roll too far away, and Decii quickly found the familiar helmet a dozen meters away.

Rolling with the helmet, he picked it up and looked at the severely dried out helmet in his hands, Derchii was a bit puzzled.

That's not right! Even if Sara isn't good at defense, he's still a fifth-ranked undead! But he's at least a fifth-order undead! He's also a Black Knight with natural defense!

That heavy, heavy armor! That autistic look! One look and you know it's a tin can! How could the defense be lower?

Getting his head chopped off is possible, but getting his head dropped? Really think he's a skeleton soldier! How could he be so fragile!

Besides, even if it is a skeleton soldier! They wouldn't be this brittle after 5th level! Dechii is the best example of this!

There's a problem! There's definitely a problem! Is it possible that this guy has some kind of gifted necromancy spell that can separate bodies?

Is it a second-ring limb detachment spell? Or is it a five-ring corpse dismemberment?

The more Decii thought about it, the more he realized something was wrong, and after a second of silence as he looked at the helmet in his hands, he suddenly dropped the headless body and slammed his hands together.

In the next second, the helmet's faceplate was forcibly ripped away with a click, and Derchii lapsed into silent silence as he looked at the skeleton that had appeared in front of him and was frantically moving its upper and lower jaws in an attempt to bite him.

Also at this moment, the wind sounded in his ears, and the Beast of Skeleton roared and killed, and was opening its bloody mouth to bite at him.

Hearing the commotion, Dechii didn't even turn his head back, but simply grabbed the helmeted skull in his hand and threw it with all his might at the underside of the Beast of Skeletons.

Seeing this scene, the Beast of Skeleton did not care about attacking Dechii, and violently reversed its direction, stomping on the ground desperately with its two small front paws, forcing an emergency brake, and catching the head in the nick of time.

Without any hesitation, the Beast of Bones grabbed the skeleton and turned around and ran, and in a very comical way, the man stood up and ran on two legs.

That lizard-like wobbling from side to side running style, not to mention the hilarity of it.

Just running, the Beast of Skeleton suddenly stopped in its tracks, and even skidded more than two meters away from the ground with a buttock sitting on the ground because it stopped too violently.

Staring blankly at the skull in his hand, the Beast of Skeleton was dumbfounded.

And behind him, Dechii's voice rang out through gritted teeth.

"Stealing the beam! We've been tricked! Sara's still in town!!!"

The Beast of Bones snapped back at his words, just in time to meet Derchii's line of sight.

Although there were no words, the two of them realized the same message from the eyes of both sides at this time.

I can't believe you're treating him like a monkey! Truce! Go back! Kill him!