
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 27: Take care of yourself.

"Dig! Hurry up and dig! Oops! I'm not telling you to dig down! That one over there! Be careful not to push up! We'll all die if we're exposed! I'm so pissed off! Get out of the way! I'll do it myself!"

Looking at the two juniors who were digging with their lives in front of him, Guldan only felt a splitting headache, and in the end, he even directly pushed one of them away and led the other juniors to start hand-planning themselves.

That Black Knight with the ability to vanish was fine, although his IQ was not high either, he still had the most basic understanding.

Can another skeleton soldier ......

After seeing this thing and a pile driver like, thud thud thud thud aiming below a burst of tossing, Guldan directly lost confidence in him.

As the saying goes, many hands make light work, and with the combined efforts of dozens of minions, Guldan finally made it to the bottom of the ruins and managed to find his new boss, Sara.

Only at this time, Sara was not in good condition, if that skeleton general, Dechii, was a meat shield with high defense and thick blood, then Sara was a typical high attack and high sensitivity swift warrior.

After taking a small shot of bone balls followed by a large one, Sara was hurt badly even though her limbs were still intact today.

A body of armor covered with cracks, the entire helmet is seriously dried out, the left hand along with the arm armor is from the original version of the straight-sided screen, was beaten into a folding style, or multiple folding kind.

As soon as he grabbed Sara's legs and tugged and dragged him to himself, Guldan raised his hand and threw a slap on it.

"Rub! Big brother! You don't die ah! I haven't finished hugging you yet!"

While saying that, Guldan raised his hand and prepared to continue slapping, but he didn't want to realize that that one hit just now had already awakened Sara from her fainting spell.

Reflexively, he grabbed Guldan's wrist and exerted force.

Only a click was heard, Guldan looked dumbfounded as his right hand fell to the ground, along with a large amount of bone foam.

For a moment, Guldan and Sara, who could see the situation clearly, froze in place.

"...... Ahhhhhhhhhh! My king's power! My king's power ah ah ah ah!"

Throwing his broken right hand, Guldan banging and banging continuously on Sara's helmet, knocking it straight to the point that his helmet shook.

"Okay! Don't yell! I'll make it up to you when we get back!"

Sara pushed Guldan away with some impatience, while the words in her mouth caused Guldan to instantly shut up.

A hand grabbed the broken hand on the ground and casually connected it, accompanied by the first ring spell White Bone Regeneration activated, the broken area was directly restored.

"If you had said that, I wouldn't have screamed."

Guldan playfully laughed as he commanded his minions to help Sara up while signaling the crowd to retreat.

It was only that Sara was hurt a little too badly, otherwise she wouldn't have just passed out straight away just now.

Especially his limbs, not only was the bone of one of his hands broken into several sections, but both of his legs were also severely damaged, basically losing the ability to move.

Seeing that Sara couldn't move at all, Guldan could only order his men to carry him on their backs, but the problem was that the speed would be affected.

Turning his head to look at the gutted ruins, and then at the severely injured Sara, Guldan stroked his chin and pondered for a second before suddenly taking a step and rushing to Sara's side, tugging at his armor and continuously exerting force.

"Come on! Take off your clothes!"

"Guldan! Do you want to rebel!"

Sara, who was startled by Guldan's action, struggled desperately, he did know that Guldan had robbed his subordinate's armor, and that the unlucky one who was robbed of his armor was now standing next to him with a helmet on his head, watching the show.

Just how could he not expect that this subordinate who had worked so hard and risked his life to save himself would be so un-martial, that he actually planned to take advantage of a man's danger! Taking advantage of his own battle strength to rob him of his armor!

"The hell with your armor! I'll take your armor for what it's worth! Take it off!"

Guldan couldn't be bothered to explain to Sara in detail, and directly and brutally took off all of Sara's armor.

Of course, this also had the reason within that Sara had given up her struggle at the word, otherwise with Sara's strength of a fifth-ranked undead, even if she had already been crippled, trying to clean up a second-ranked Guldan would still be a breeze.

As the armor was ripped off, Guldan couldn't help but look at Sara's appearance and faintly stare.

One couldn't blame Guldan for freezing, because Sara, inside the armor, was actually wearing a bandage outfit.

Densely packed thick bandages, his entire person completely bundled into a dumpling, looking simply more mummified than a mummy.

Seemingly sensing the dismay in Guldan's eyes, Sara, who had subconsciously raised her hand in front of her face, explained in a low voice.

"No one wants to see themselves turn into a dried up monster, and it's better to cover it up than to be an eyesore, isn't it?"

"Tsk! You're all dead! What do you care about your appearance? You at least have a face! I don't even have a head! Am I going to have to find a dummy head to wear?"

Guldan spat with his mouth open while carrying the armor that Sara took off and ran towards his little brother.

Sara sniffed and looked over at Guldan, staring at the skull on his neck that kept crunching his mouth, her mouth slightly open, hesitating for a moment before choosing not to spit at this point.

How dare this guy talk about himself? He's wearing someone else's head right now! His vanity is even greater than his own!

Guldan didn't know what Sara was thinking at the moment, otherwise he would have had to rip his head off and wrestle him in the face.

Is this what he uses to be a stinker? Shallow! He's using it to save his life!

If you are in trouble with a dog, a wolf, or a strong enemy, throwing your head at them may save your life!

It's better to have someone else's head chewed on than to lose your own little life.

Quickly stepping in front of the black warrior who had his clothes removed, Guldan looked at him and hesitated slightly, but in the end, he did not have the patience to do so.

How good a little brother ah, and is to offer clothes, and is to offer weapons, although there is their own initiative to rob the factor within, but people do not have a word of complaint is not, and now also clothes do not cover the body it.

And it was this guy who worked the hardest when he plowed the ground just now.

He had stripped him of his clothes and robbed him himself, so it would be a bit too much of a no-no if he sold him as cannon fodder again.

Shaking his head, Guldan directly snapped the helmet in his hand onto a bone rack next to him while his hands were busy putting on his armor.

After a burst of busyness, Guldan tugged at the drastically changed-looking Skeleton Soldier and forcibly pressed him underneath the ruins.

"Come! Here's a tough assignment for you! See here! Sit down honestly! No walking! As long as you manage to survive! I'll make you a lieutenant! You'll be on the same level as the Knights Without Horses! You'll be called the White Bone Vanguard! That's right! From now on, you'll be known as the White Bone Vanguard! Vanguard, you stay here! We're going to call for reinforcements! We'll be right back to support you!"

Guldan said this while heavily patting his shoulder, then led the crowd to turn and run, leaving only the White Bone Vanguard, who had just been promoted, sitting alone and messy in the ruins.

With a rumbling sound, Guldan, who had fled, didn't forget to order his subordinates to block the tunnel back up to avoid being seen to be a horse's footsteps.

As for the vanguard officers who stayed there? Ahem, each of them will fly away in the face of disaster, no one can care about anyone, take care of yourself.