
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 26: A Rebellion Becomes an Enemy


With a roar, a giant bone ball shot crashed through the wall and flew over Guldan in his dazed expression.

And if he was not mistaken, there seemed to be traces of a large skeleton complete with bones on this bone sphere!

Just as if the shithouse had accidentally hit a rock while accelerating and drifting, the ball of feces, ah no, the ball of bone took off with the shithouse in tow!

After carefully recalling the marks above the bone ball and confirming that it was not the Black Knight's shape, Guldan hurriedly ran towards the city gates with his minions.

He didn't dare to go up to the city wall, it was too dangerous! The slightest mishap would result in the destruction of the wall! It's better to go through the gate!

Just as Guldan sensed a change in the situation and was about to come over to take a look and see what was going on, inside Ong Castle, Dechii was also struggling to get up from the ground.

Thanks to the steel of his bones, Dechii wasn't killed by the back-bombing, but his whole body was slapped into the earth, and a large crater appeared on the ground.

Just as he was finally climbing out of the bone layer, the Beast of Bones ran past him, and when he passed him, he first stomped on him without mercy, fearing that there must be hundreds of tons of weight gathered in a single foot, causing Décieux to scream out, and once again, he was stomped back into the bone layer.

The Beast of Skeleton then also had the power to be unforgiving, and the moment he rushed over, his tail slammed hard, and the solid bone tail, which was two meters thick, fell heavily, just like a sledgehammer, and instantly hammered the Dechii, who was lying on the ground, into the bone layer more than half a meter deep!

The whole falling down the well thing! Sort of played by him to understand!

It's just that we're all undead, and no one is worse than anyone else when it comes to bad intentions.


Desperately running wildly skeleton beast, once again by the black fog chains pulled front limbs, face rubbing the ground skidding out nearly ten meters away not to mention that the lower half of the body high up, almost did not directly folded over!

"You dead dog!!!"

An angry hissing sound rang out as Derchii struggled to break free from the ground, holding a long-handled greatsword, and with three steps, he actually launched himself directly at the Beast of Skeletons.

The Beast of Skeleton that heard the roar also knew that the situation was bad, and hastily flicked its tail in an attempt to block it.

But I didn't want to see De Chieu's very flexible body, a jump to avoid the giant tail sweeping moment, the black gas coalescence in his hand! It transformed into a hideous ghost! Like a cannonball, it shot towards the body of the skeleton beast!

Click! The oni hung dead on the beast of bones! With the help of the chains made of black air, Dechii swings and flings himself into the sky! And landed precisely on the back of the Beast of Bones!

Guldan, who happened to run out from the city gates, couldn't help but exclaim in shock upon seeing this scene.

"Holy fuck! Spider-Man!"

"This is not something for your dead dog to take! Get the hell outta here!!!"

Tokiichi, who had already jumped onto the back of the skeleton beast, was in a great mood at the moment, and raised his long sword in his hand to poke and stab, causing the skeleton beast to roll and bounce wildly, but he was unable to get rid of the enemy on his back.

That's the sad thing about large creatures, especially beastly ones.

Their poor little short legs had no way of touching their backs, and naturally they couldn't do anything about the enemy who climbed up their backs.

Don't look like Derchii was being pressed by Sara, but between him and this beast of bones, it was actually Derchii who was dominating.

Even the reason why the two were allied was because the Beast of Bones failed to sneak up on the ousted Dechii and was beaten up by the other.

Of course, the skeleton beast's ridiculously thick bone armor could not be broken by Derchii as well, so the two of them could only say that neither of them could do anything about it.

After all, who would choose an alliance if they could eat each other alone.

Holding his long sword up and stabbing the skeletal beast below, Derchii cursed angrily.

"Remember our laws! The corpse goes to you! The ghost fire belongs to me! Things that aren't yours! Don't touch it!"

Feeling the pain coming from his neck, and listening to the roar of Dechii in his ears, the Beast of Skeleton was aggrieved!

Obviously one's strength is stronger than the other! Obviously one's battle strength is higher than the other!

Just because he's small! Just because he's hard enough! Just because you can't hit him yourself! Instead, he has to be threatened and reprimanded by his opponent!

Corpses? Yes, the Beast of Skeleton was indeed able to devour corpses to grow, and a fifth-ranked undead corpse was indeed considered a treasure to him.

But who in their right mind would look at a corpse when there was a soul ghost fire! Obviously the other party was resolved by himself! And he's so big! It's only logical that he should be the one to get the lion's share!

The more I think the more angry, the more angry the more annoyed, only to see the beast of the skeleton roared, actually and a real dog, began to roll on the ground crazy stomping, only to hit the ground bones flying, full of sand and dust storm!

This was a bitter experience for Dechii, who really didn't expect the other party to suddenly go crazy, and was directly thrown off his back by the Beast of Bones, not to mention that he was hit by several hundred tons of his body weight in the next second! Once again, he was crushed into the earth.

Fortunately the Beast of Skeleton likewise didn't notice the scene and was still in the midst of rolling all over the ground.

Deschii, who had fought for his life to climb out of the roiling sand and dust, didn't bother to pay attention to the rabid dog, and quickly pounced on the ruins that had flooded Sara ahead of him.

Just then, a scream suddenly rang out from the side, and the sound was that harsh.

"That grandson wants to eat alone!!!"

At those words, Tokiichi was shaken by the shock and turned his head violently with a drastically changed expression.

And what caught his eye was a large tail that was drawn in at great speed.


Dechii was slammed into the bone layer again and again and again, only this time instead of being slammed into the ground he was slammed head on into the wall, the kind you can't even pull off.

Getting reminded of the Beast of Skeleton's reaction that is called a fast, turn around and sweep the tail in a single breath.

Instantly taking care of Dechii, the Beast of Bones pounced on the ruins regardless, and with a flurry of digging with its two massive claws, attempted to dig Sara out.

Just before he managed to score a hit, the wall-mounted Dechii had already struck again.

Weapons were smashed and flown somewhere, he did not care about looking for a new weapon, his hands flung towards the front, and the black gas in his body rose up and turned into a chain that flew out! At the end of all of them, there were hideous ghosts and spirits!

The clicking sounds kept resounding! Two dozen chains hung onto the Beast of Skeleton's five senses, tugging and yanking him to the rear.

Derchii's move was not a bad move, but he had forgotten the size difference between the two sides. The skeleton beast, whose head had been pulled up, suddenly struggled hard in the next second, and Derchii only felt a lightness in his body, and his whole body was actually pulled back towards the sky, and began to swish and fling just like a meteor hammer.

Two guys, both of steel, are once again in a dead heat.

Except neither noticed that the ruins where Sara was buried were somehow trembling slightly.

Underneath the ruins, Guldan commanded his minions, or to be precise, the two minions who possessed the Evasion Talent spell, and was in the midst of desperately digging.