
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 25: Fragile Alliances

Sara at the front was able to dodge with ease, but the undead at the back who were fighting were suffering.

Every time a bone ball fell, it either collapsed a wall or crushed through a crowd, inevitably taking away dozens or hundreds of lives in one shot.

Only these battle results were useless, as long as they didn't defeat Sara, killing more Black Knights would be useless.

This was clear to Sara, and equally clear to the Beast of Bones.

Don't look at the Beast of Skeleton's immense length, but in fact, his IQ wasn't low, and it was even much higher than that of an unusual high-level undead.

After all, the physique is here, and the brain is two pounds heavier than the others when you dig it out.

Who's Sara? She's the King of the Black Knights! He's the one who can create a Black Knight out of thin air!

If he wasn't killed, it would be useless even if the Beast of Bones cooperated with the Skeleton General Dechii to kill all the Black Knights present today.

In less than a month, Sara will be able to reassemble a team as usual!

There had been a big battle between the two sides a few days ago, and their side had the advantage of sneaking in first, with Derchii burrowing out of the ground and combining with the Beast of Bones in a back-and-forth attack, taking Sara by surprise.

But it turned out that the Beast of Skeleton and Dechii had only gone back to nurse their wounds for a few days, and Sara, who previously had less than a thousand Black Knights and barely two thousand or so Skeleton Soldiers under his command, had expanded his ranks to tens of thousands at this point.

If we give him some time to develop! Then the Beast of Bones and the rest of them can't give a shit!

He must be killed today!

Thinking of this, the Beast of Skeleton suddenly hissed up to the sky, and a bone blade suddenly blossomed above its tail! It transformed from a barrel shape into a sheep scorpion shape, and both sides of its tail were filled with huge ribs that popped up.

The ability was unleashed! Countless bones floated up from the ground! Rapidly coalescing into balls on each rib!

Next second! An overwhelming ball of white bone shot towards the city!

This time the attack was no longer a giant orb! And a dense rain of shotgun-like shells!

One after another white bone ball as small as a car** smashed in! It could be said that if they touched it, they would die, and if they grazed it, they would be injured, the Beast of Bones completely ignored the fact that there were his subordinates below, and that the undead on his side occupied the majority, and directly carried out a covering type of strike.

Rumbling sounds rang out, and the third and fourth walls located in the center were completely disfigured! Some places were even directly blown down.

Guldan, who was standing on the city wall, had been following the fighting duo of Dechii and Sara so that he could feel the fish in the water, and now he met this kind of bombardment head-on, which almost didn't scare his soul out of his body.

The juniors were very loyal, especially the ten Black Knights, who formed a simple shield wall in front of them with their shields, providing Guldan with no small amount of security in his heart.

But it could only provide a sense of security in their hearts, if they were really hit by these bone balls, it was questionable whether these guys could resist a single shot.

"Get off the walls! Get off the wall!"

Turning his head to look at the unlucky Skeleton Soldier on the wall next to him, who had been blown away by a cannonball more than twenty meters away, Guldan didn't dare to continue to linger here, and hurriedly jumped down from the wall with his minions.

Over here, Guldan and the others dodged with no danger, after all, they didn't aim at him specifically.

The one who was really being targeted was Sara, who was fine dodging the single bombardment before, but at this point, with the rain of bullets washing over her, it wasn't going to be so easy to dodge.

Dodging several rounds of bone balls in a row, Sara panicked and tried to roll out of the way as she watched another round fall from directly in front of her.

However, he did not want to suddenly feel a tightness under his feet, and his tumbling body was actually stopped by force.

Sara looked down and found that a layer of black fog had spread over the ground at some point, and a large number of pitch-black ghosts lying on the ground were waving their arms and were holding onto his armor in a death grip.

Fourth ring necromancy spell! Land of the Dead!


Sara, who had suffered a block, opened his mouth in anger and was just about to say something when a shot of bone ball had smashed him head-on in the face.

Only hearing a boom, Sara was directly carried by the bone ball and flew a dozen meters away, before tumbling and crashing into the wall.

"Hahahahahaha! You've finally been hit! Sara!"

Seeing that his enemy had been hit, the sneaky Dechii laughed maniacally with one arm crossed, and then he was ready to rush over to collect his head.

Just then, however, a bone ball came flying from behind him and hit him in the head with a bang.

The poor Décieux was caught unawares and spun three times in mid-air before falling to the ground with a crash.

Dizzy, Dokii crawled halfway to his feet, and the first thing he did when he got up was to turn his head and curse out angrily.

"Asshole! Aim a little! I'm friendly!!!"

Don't look like Dechii was hit hard by this, but he wasn't actually hurt at all, because the guy had no other ability but his defense was outrageous enough.

The intermediate bone strengthening ability was enough to make his body hardness comparable to those experts who were at the 7th or 8th rank and were good at defense.

It was just a small bone ball, not enough to pose a threat to him at all, otherwise how could this guy choose to sneak attack Sara in the middle of a rain of bullets, if it was really dangerous, he would have turned around and fled a long time ago.

The Beast of Skeleton, which was lying on its back and bombing the periphery, did not speak at the words, but only let out a cold snort of disdain from its nostrils.

Friends? In the case of interest that is called a friendly army, at this time has been successful to hit Sara, then the relationship between the two will have to be re-considered on it.

Even that shot of bone ball just now, it was uncertain whether the Beast of Skeleton didn't control its direction or did it on purpose.

The tail lashed out, and the ribs above it closed and snapped back onto the tailbone.

Only a rumbling sound could be heard as another giant bone ball shot up into the sky, smashing precisely into the ruins where Sara was.

Tokiichi, who had been rushing towards that area, was so frightened that he stopped in his tracks in a hurry when he saw this scene.

He did have confidence in the hardness of his bones, but it depended on what it was compared to.

In the face of a small scattering of bone orbs, Dechii is confident that he can take one or two of them and remain unscathed.

But if he was hit head-on by this giant bone ball, Dechii would probably be crippled if not killed!

A rumbling sound rang out from outside the city walls, it turned out to be the Beast of Skeleton, who had shot this shot of Bone Balls, had already begun to crash through the walls to charge this way, as for what the purpose was, one didn't need to think about it to know.

"Fucking dingo!"

Seeing this, Deity cursed angrily and, again without any hesitation, took a step and rushed forward with all his might.

Now the enemy is defeated! Next it's time to take the spoils of war!

The Beast of Bones and Derchii, two cooperating allies, were both united by running towards this item.

The thing of their dreams was right in front of them! How could they not make a move to grab it!

The two fifth-ranked undead accelerated, but the skeleton beast was so large that a single step was worth five of Derchii's, and in the blink of an eye, it was about to overtake Derchii.

In the face of this, of course, Décieux would not allow it.

Without even thinking about it, Skeleton General Dechii directly swung his sword, pointing the blade in the direction of the Beast of Bones, and the black gas around him turned into countless ghosts and monsters, howling and pouncing on the Beast of Bones.


The ghosts dragged long black smoke like a black chain, directly binding the limbs of the Beast of Skeleton.

Caught off guard, its limbs tightened, and it directly fell into a dog's shit, its huge body hitting the ground, hard sliding out more than four meters away.


The victorious Dechii laughed maniacally as he leapt over the beast of bones and ran gleefully toward the ruins ahead, ready to take his spoils.

In the next second, however, a gust of wind sounded from behind him, followed by ......