
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 24:Death's Favorite, Skeleton Behemoth.

Derchii slammed his weapon into the ground, and in an instant the black aura spread and rose, turning into a vortex around him, and countless souls of the undead that Derchii hadn't yet had time to swallow and digest cleanly transformed into pitch-black ghosts and monsters that swooped down on Sara in front of him, carrying with them the black smoke.

But did not want to Sarah at this time suddenly one hand grasp, in all directions of the war dead undead body there are countless starlight flashes, and in the next second extremely fast spinning to come, have gathered in Sarah tightly gripped palm.


With a bellowing cry, Sara pushed out her left palm with great force, and the countless soul fragments gathered within her palm shot out, forming a brilliant and dense beam of light in mid-air!

Soul Shock Blast!

A beam of light impacted on the spinning and rising vortex of black mist and quickly exploded violently.

Dechii leaned on his weapon with both hands, kneeling on one knee to support himself for a few seconds, but in the end, he was still outnumbered, and was directly blown away by the intensive soul shock attack, and the spell of the land of the dead that he had painstakingly cast was thus declared broken.

The whole person in mid-air constantly flipped, Dechii by the colorful soul bomb, fried in the air constantly shaking acceleration, and finally hard to be blown out more than thirty meters away, and only then when the sound smashed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Sara couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and instead of choosing to stop her attack, she suddenly raised her left hand high and roared.

Countless rays of light lit up! More collapsed souls gathered from all directions!

Fourth ring necromancy spell! Soul Sucking Hand!

It had to be said that these two moves of Sara's were too suitable for fighting on the battlefield, and Sara, who possessed these two moves, was nearly invincible on the battlefield.

But it's only close.

Before Sara, who had finished gathering souls, could continue her attack on the distant Dechii, a dark shadow suddenly loomed in the sky.

Sara, who noticed this scene, hurriedly looked up, only to see a ball of gathered bone that was at least a few meters in circumference falling from above her at great speed.

Sara's pupils shrunk at the sight, and without even thinking, the souls gathered in her hands had rushed into the sky.

The torrent of souls carried colorful rays of light and shot upwards in various arcs, and a series of loud bangs occurred in the next second.

Amidst the roiling flames, the giant balls of bone that flew at breakneck speeds were torn apart! Some of them were burned to ashes before they even hit the ground!

Sara, who had intercepted this sudden attack, did not choose to continue to launch a pursuit, but instead drew a javelin behind her and leaned hard on her side, her fierce eyes glaring directly into the distance.

On the outside of the wall at the very edge of the city, there was a huge beast slowly retracting its tail at that moment.

It was an incredibly bizarrely shaped creature, its entire body made of a patchwork of bones, yet it wasn't full of holes like the other skeleton soldiers.

Quite the contrary, this guy was close to a solid body, although it was synthesized from the bones pieced together from the inside to the outside, but these bones were severely compressed, resulting in no gaps at all between the bones, only a large number of white bones pieced together.

With a body size of more than twenty meters long, even when lying on the ground on all fours, he was four or five meters tall.

In conjunction with the hideous bone spikes that were comparable to a hedgehog, with the hideous bone head that was pieced together from countless skeletons.

The behemoth that appeared beyond the walls of the city was scarier than a harsh ghost burrowing out of a nightmare!

Fifth-order Siege Bone Beast! The legendary pet of the Grim Reaper! A nightmare that specializes in harvesting souls for him! The Beast of Bones!

At this moment, this monster, which looked very scary, was resting its two claws on the crumbling city wall, and the huge tail behind it, which was pieced together from a variety of bones, kept flinging itself around, and a large number of bones on the ground flew up and quickly coalesced into a ball of white bones on it.

The outermost walls had been breached, and breached very quickly.

Looking at the traces of the collapse, in all likelihood, it was collapsed by this skeleton beast that suddenly appeared, relying on brute force.

Only half of the wall remained, just enough for the Beast of Bones to rest both of its claws on it.

Looking at the unusually large monster that appeared outside the city walls, Guldan was dumbfounded on the spot.

Compared to this guy, those previous what dryer giants, or giant skeletons, were just like a child.

Such a huge size! Such terrifying strength! Is this really just a fifth-order undead?

Just as Guldan was shocked, the skeleton beast in the distance once again attacked.

His offense was very simple, coalescing the bones in his tail, followed by a violent fling towards the sky.

This attack that transformed itself into a stone thrower was brainless, but the effect was surprisingly terrifying.

Another giant white bone ball flew in a parabola, this time Sara didn't choose to fight hard, after all, he wasn't a fool.

Isn't it purely a matter of being tired of living with an enemy who specializes in destructive power?

Relying on her nimble stance to dodge sideways, Sara looked at the giant white bone ball that whizzed by and couldn't help but let out a cold snort of disdain from her nostrils.

Only though he dodged, the undead who were fighting at the back did not.

Only a rumbling sound could be heard as the giant white bone ball, which was more than 5m in size, hit the ground with a rumble, and then started bouncing crazily on the ground.

Eventually accompanied by a loud sound, this bone ball crashed into the wall on Guldan's right side under his horrified eyes.

The black bone city wall, which was three meters wide and could withstand a dozen or so full-force attacks from a fourth-ranked giant skeleton, was actually penetrated by this bone ball in an instant!

Looking at the giant white bone ball that smashed into the back of the city wall and finally stopped, Guldan only felt his double strands tremble.

It's fucking called 5th order undead? With this kind of destructive power! I'd say he's ninth order! How can it be only the fifth order!

Guldan was completely shocked by the terrifying destructive power of the Beast of Skeleton, and even began to seriously doubt the strength of this fellow.

It was just that Guldan ultimately didn't understand the geography and humanity of this world, nor did he understand the strength planning of this world.

Don't look at this Beast of Skeleton's destructive power so terrifying, the moment it strikes, it is attacking the city.

But his strength rating was really only up to the fifth rank.

Strength is not just about destructive power, but also speed, defense, and reflexes.

The Beast of Skeleton has infinite strength and possesses a strong bone armor, which can be described as both offensive and defensive.

It would be an absolute disaster to put it in a city.

That's why he was called the Reaper's Pet, the slaughter machine that specialized in harvesting the souls of living beings.

However, if they were to really face an expert of the same level, it was really not certain who would win or lose between the two of them.

There are advantages to being large in size, and naturally there are disadvantages that belong to him.

It's just like a normal person swatting a fly, even if you can kill him 100 times with one slap, but if you can't hit him, the power is still nothing.

The Beasts of Skeleton, on the other hand, are giants that are bloated despite their strength.

One after another, giant balls of white bone flew, and the Beast of Bone in the guise of a stone thrower kept attacking, trying to kill Sara from a distance.

It was a pity that Sara was a Black Knight, and what she was best at was close combat, and the sensitivity of her stance was definitely among the top ranks of existences at the same level.

Such powerful, yet obvious trajectory bombardments were easily avoided by him in succession.