
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 23:High-ranked Undead Battle.



Two powerful people who had formed a deep enmity several years ago did not need much language after they met, and directly started a deadly fight.

A clanking sound rang out as Dechii adeptly wielded a large, long-handled sword with an extremely wide blade that looked just like the legendary Green Dragon Crescent Sword.

As for Sara? He, on the other hand, makes good use of a gun and shield, and has a sword at his waist.

The two of them fought for a time with sparks flying all over the place, it was difficult to distinguish between them, and they fought dozens of rounds in a row without being able to distinguish between the winners and the losers.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that although both of them were fifth-ranked undead, Sara's combat skills were far superior to Derchii's, and could even crush him.

The kind of fighting techniques that have been honed by thousands and obviously learned systematically look that much more pleasing to the eye.

Compared to Sara's exquisite martial arts, Derchii's martial arts were much more miserable. As a native skeleton of the undead world, Derchii's fighting skills were completely evolved from the wild.

Bullying the other undead was fine, but against Sara, who had earthly memories, she was at an extraordinarily disadvantage.

However, the hardness of Dechii's bones was so outrageous that even Sara, as strong as she was, could only make a few sparks when she swept her gun up.

It couldn't even do anything to leave a bruise on it, other than stagger Derchii's feet a bit.

Guldan, who stood on the city wall and kept looking for angles to observe, suddenly put down the binoculars in his hands and shook them fiercely, the lenses inside made a tinkling sound.

" ̄^ ̄ No way! The detection ability that comes with the system! It can't be activated from such a distance! It has to be close!"

The Soul Ghost Flame fluttered, and Guldan hesitated slightly before finally choosing to venture closer.

When strengths are equal, the fight is about intelligence, and what Guldan is best at nowadays is gathering intelligence.

He didn't want his thick-legged big brother, whom he had worked so hard to find, to die in front of him before he had even known him for a few days.

After all, in the undead world, it's not easy to find this kind of silly boss.

With a wave of his hand, Guldan took the lead and jumped down from the city wall.

The minions followed suit and jumped off the first three-meter high wall.

At this time, Guldan's minions were already off the hook.

The black warriors need not be mentioned, this group of guys are not technically considered Guldan's juniors, they are just the ones assigned by Sara, and now they are still at the third order of strength, without a single change in their appearance.

Those skeleton soldiers who had been personally recruited by Guldan and had offered their soul ghost flames, but their appearance had changed drastically at this moment.

The Skeleton Soldiers that had expanded to over one hundred and thirty now had strengths that reached the peak of the second rank and were of a wide variety of types.

Like what Skeleton Guards who were good at defense, White Bone Warriors who were good at offense, Skeleton Warriors who were well-rounded in both offense and defense, etc., all of them were present in Guldan's squad.

And within these one hundred and thirty or so minions, Guldan had purposely pieced together thirty or so skeleton archers from the east.

It was already hard for this thing to survive in the wild, and it was even harder to grow to the second rank.

The second rarest species among the Skeleton Soldiers was this group of Skeleton Archers.

As for the number one rare species above them? That was of course the Skeleton Mage that Guldan had never seen a single side of so far.

It was said that this thing was able to cast elemental spells just like human mages, only that the energy in its body was unfortunately limited, resulting in a horrific outburst but not good at sustained battles, thus making it difficult to survive on its own in the wilderness.

And the Skeleton Mage had to be crafted from corpses that had practiced the power of magic, so it was extremely difficult to find the material in the Undead Realm.

But on earth, the number of Skeleton Mages was not small, basically every necromancer would raise a few Skeleton Mages as a base card.

More than a hundred men rushed down the slope into the second tier of the wall in great numbers, giving the enemies in front of them a deep backstab on the spot.

But the results of the battle were just that, in this battle involving tens of thousands of undead, the district of more than a hundred people, thrown in was completely a drop in the ocean, and could not stir up much of a wave at all.

Under the close protection of his minions, Guldan ran along the walls, looking for an angle to try and close the distance with Sara and the others below the walls.

As for continuing to jump off the wall to get closer or something? This Guldan wouldn't dare, you can jump yourself if you want to die, but please don't pull him, thank you.

The emperor was not to be denied, and Guldan, who had been running around after the duo on the city walls, finally found an opportunity and managed to cast his scouting ability on Dechii.

In the next moment, a large amount of data appeared in front of Guldan's eyes.

Name: General Skeleton (Dechii)

Status: Fifth Order Undead (Medium)


First Ring Necromancy ~ Armor of White Bones

Second Ring Necromancy ~ Low Level Bone Strengthening

Third Ring Undead Spell ~ Deadman's Whine

Fourth Ring Necromancy ~ Land of the Dead.

5th Circle Necromancy ~ Intermediate Bone Strengthening

Introduction:It has been proved that even if you have neither marching talent nor fighting skills, you can still survive until you get out of the way if you are hard enough.

Looking at the stats of this White Bone General below, especially those few skills of his, Guldan could not help but curse in his heart.

What a sleeper five spells that was! A total of just five spells, three of which were for defense.

And then what about the rest of those two, that three-ringed Undead Spire, Guldan had already seen it just now.

It was to throw back its head and let out a silent roar, directly posing AOE ranged damage to the surrounding area.

It doesn't do much damage, and can only shock back the fourth rank, shock injure the third rank, shock cripple the second rank, and shock kill the first rank.

Sara had taken this move hard several times already, and hadn't been affected by it one bit at all, and it was clear that this was the kind of move that Ichijo used to abuse her.

As for that four-ringed land of the dead? This move is somewhat interesting, along with Dechii's thrusting of his blade into the ground, a large amount of ghostly aura spreads out, directly transforming into countless floating ghostly shadows, frantically pouncing on the enemies in all directions.

And after finishing off the enemy, it can also immediately devour the opponent's soul ghost fire, quickly converting it into energy to strengthen the durability of this illumination and coalesce more ghost shadows.

This move, combined with the Deadman's Spike, which could range-clear the field and kill stragglers in seconds, had to be considered a full-on powerful combo.

It's just a shame that it's being used by Sara Tinker.

Fourth Ring Undead Spell ~ Soul Sucking Hand.

The effect was to rip out the souls of enemies that were not as strong as one's own, and if one was dealing with one person alone, one could even forcefully rip out the souls of enemies of the fourth rank.

If the number of locks was too many, or if the enemy was too strong, then the power of this move would be greatly reduced, but it would be enough to affect the stability of the opponent's soul, making it difficult for them to control themselves.

This move is only a hold, and is not very effective against enemies of the same level.

But when paired with Sara's five-ring spells, then everything changes.

Soul Shock Blast, as the name suggests, is to detonate the soul in one's hand, thus creating a large area of high power kill.

First, he used his Soul Sucking Hand to rip out the souls of his weaker foes, then he backhanded a Soul Shock Blast, shooting those souls out on the spot as if they were hand mines.

The horrible explosion instantly cleared the field, not waiting for the other side from the violent explosion back to God, Sara once again grabbed his hand, the soul fragments of the blown dead floating around like nesting swallows flew to his hand, and in the next second shot out at a faster speed, forming a new round of violent explosions.

Simple, brainless, yet effective.

If Dechii's combination of natural spells was perfect, Sara's combination of spells could only be described as outrageous.

If it wasn't for the fact that Derchii's bones were so strong that they had reached intermediate level of Bone Enhancement, which was enough to allow him to ignore Sara's normal attacks, and even survive the Soul Shock Blast nearly unharmed, I'm afraid that Derchii would have already died at Sara's hands.