
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 22:The Hidden Scourge.

"That is to say, this used to be the territory of a White Bone General? You came here and took a liking to this place, and not only did you directly take over the place, but you also almost chopped someone up? After he managed to escape, he started recruiting and kept coming after you?"

After listening to Sara's explanation, Guldan clasped his hands on his shoulders with a contemplative face.

How does this sound? It doesn't sound like any good people on their side.

At this time, Guldan and the others were discussing the origin of the City of Black Warriors, with the identity of the unknown Grand Canyon in the back.

Through Sara's three words, Guldan also knew that this place was not originally Sara's territory.

"That's right, the Undead Realm is like that, he can't keep this place, even if it's not taken by me, it will be taken by someone else in the future."

Sara didn't feel at all guilty about taking something from someone else, and spoke with a straight face.

After all, in the Undead Realm, this kind of competition had long been something that was taken for granted.

"Is that skeleton general tough?"

"No, although he also has fifth rank strength, his strength can only be described as average, not a match for me, just more resistant."

"Then why did you suffer so many casualties last time?"

"Because he recently found an accomplice, an undead evil beast that is about to break through to the sixth rank, the Beast of Bones, two against one I am certainly no match."

Sara's words caused Guldan to hurriedly rummage through the books in his backpack and give them a ransack.

"The Beast of Skeleton, rumored to be the pet of the God of Death, can swallow bones to increase its size, landslide when it acts, its strength is uncertain, strong and weak, and its response ...... relies on it! Pages are missing every time we get to the crunch!"

Looking at the book in his hand that was severely missing pages, Guldan couldn't help but curse angrily.

Sara, who was sitting next to her, sniffed while suddenly speaking.

"The response is to look for narrow terrain to fight, try to restrict the opponent's movement, or send out a team to strangle, this is the continent's common sense, you don't need to read the book to know, that said, this book in your hand is more than a hundred years old, it has long since been obsolete by the times, and the intelligence recorded on it isn't entirely correct."

Sara's words immediately drew strange looks from Guldan.

Didn't this guy say he doesn't remember his birth memories? How come he can recite information backwards and forwards?

Only that Sara was unwilling to mention the things that happened during her life, Guldan naturally would not be insensitive enough to take the initiative to pursue the matter.

Putting away the books in his hands, Guldan continued to start asking for enemy information.

"Are there any other enemies besides the two of them?"

"Of course there are, but they're all a bunch of rabble, skeleton soldiers, walking corpses, even animal undead, in short, there's a bit of everything, and neither of these two guys are good at marching and fighting, nor do they know anything about troop planning, basically recruiting whatever they see, just looking for more people."

As she said this, Sara suddenly sighed.

"Only the mixed army also has the benefits of mixed army, in the battle the other day, we are just being shaded by the other side, a group of skeleton rats who are good at digging the ground dug out a tunnel from the ground, that skeleton general led the elite soldiers to appear directly inside the city, and the beasts of skeleton outside in conjunction with each other, almost didn't break through my city, if it wasn't for my desperation to scare that skeleton general back. I might have died at their hands."

"Stubborn Earth ...... This ability is indeed tricky."

Scratching his nose, Guldan, for some reason, had a scene from a tunnel war movie floating in his mind.

There's really no good way to break a fight like tunnel warfare.

After all, there are only a thousand days to be a thief, which has a thousand days to prevent thieves, people just find a random direction to dig on the line, Qin Yu, they can not be everywhere to prevent it?

You can't even defend him even if you want to.

Just as Guldan was pondering what to do against this tactic, a commotion suddenly erupted in the city.

Hearing the commotion Sara snapped to her feet, gripping her longsword tightly in one hand while the other drew the lance beside her.

"Bad! They're coming again!"

As the words fell, Sara hurriedly rushed forward, while not forgetting to turn around and give Guldan a word of advice.

"The enemy is strong! Pay attention to safety! Don't run around!"

Sara quickly rushed towards the source of the sound with his Black Knight guards, as for Guldan? Of course he wouldn't run around.

Not only did he not run around, this guy even took the initiative to distance himself from the other side after realizing that there was an invasion of foreign enemies.

Leading his squad, Guldan climbed directly towards the high point away from the source of the sound.

After climbing to the very core of the castle, Guldan stood on the wall, rather arrogantly stepping on the wall stacks with one foot, holding a binocular in one hand, and began to carefully observe the battle below.

This binocular was also one of the trophies that Guldan had rummaged through the corpse, only that it was severely broken.

Not only was it covered in rust, one of the lenses was completely shattered, and the other one, which was still intact, had been painstakingly polished by Guldan for a very long time before he recovered it.

Through the binoculars, Guldan realized that the castle at this time could be described as full of smoke.

A large number of skeleton rats came out of the ground, followed by all kinds of undead.

After the group rushed out, they lunged straight for the nearby enemy.

The way they appeared was very well thought out, and I don't know how they were scouted, but wherever this group of skeleton rats burrowed, there would always be a large amount of soul ghost fire piled up somewhere.

Below the flag used to lure the enemy, or inside the warehouse where the loot was stored, if it wasn't for Sara's early preparations and heavy guards prepared in advance, I'm afraid that the loot they had worked so hard to get these days would have been taken away by the other side at this time.

Guldan, who was constantly observing through his binoculars, immediately found Sara's figure in the crowd below.

At that moment, he was standing outside the sixth wall, in the middle of a deadly fight with a large number of enemies that had burrowed out from there, and this was also the location of the warehouse that was used to store the Soul Ghost Flame.

Just as Sara was killing her way into the crowd like nobody's business, an open-hearted laugh suddenly rang out.

Only a rumbling sound could be heard, and dust flew above the earth as a tall skeleton holding a long sword and wearing hideous bone armor leapt out of the cave and swung the sword in an instant, surprisingly cutting the two Black Warriors off at the waist.

Skeleton General!


The powerful foe that made his entrance roared up to the sky, clearly having a deep grudge against Sara.

Sara, who heard the sound, didn't hold back, and after kicking away the pouncing skeleton dog, she flung a shot.

The pitch-black bone lance whistled out, leaving a pitch-black tail in mid-air, only to hear a dang sound, the quick-eyed Skeleton General swung his sword to block, directly picking apart the flying javelin.

Death Javelin, this second ring necromancy spell, did not possess the blasting ability like the skeleton archer's bone arrows, the death javelin ability was very single, and that was destructive power! The purest destructive power!

There was nothing fancy about it! Nor any conspicuous features, the Death Javelin, besides being fast, only had one ruthless word left.

With a clatter, the javelin that had been slashed away did not lose speed, but only slightly changed its direction of advance.

The black cold aura flashed by, and two dozen consecutive undead were actually penetrated by a single shot!

Looking at such a terrifying destructive power, even though it wasn't the first time he had seen it, the skeleton Great General who had blocked the attack still had a deep scornful look in his eyes.