
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 21: Daily Attack and Defense

The grueling fight continued, the first line of defense did not last long before it was completely declared defenseless by a giant dryad that was over 7m tall that blasted open a gap with a hammer blow.

This was followed by the second line of defense, who was broken open by that huge stitched up ghoul.

Originally, Guldan thought that as he turned into a skeleton, his heart's ability to endure was already very good.

But after seeing this giant stitching ghoul, Guldan still had some trouble bearing it.

Everywhere you could see human or animal arms and legs, some hanging limply, others still able to swing and attack.

And there were also a large number of heads interspersed with them, which made people look at them in a creepy way!

In fact, this was not the most terrifying part of the Suture Corpse Demon, because this place was the realm of the undead, no living thing could survive here, which led to the death of all the parts on the Suture Corpse Demon's body.

If it were on earth, many of the corpses that he had sewn onto his body might still be surviving and suffering from constant torture and screaming.

The scene was a hell on earth! It was enough to break anyone with a weak mind!

It was also because of this brutal technique that necromancers had become a street rat that everyone shouted at.

The first line of defense, the second, was broken one after the other, and the next two didn't last long.

Looking at the large number of enemies pouring into the center position, Sara suddenly raised her hand and waved it, and the Black Knights at the back, who had long been poised, began to move along the path above the city wall.

Don't look at those Giant Dryads and Stitched Ghouls as scary looking, but their strength was actually just that.

It was only because of his strong body and tall horse that he was barely able to squeeze into the fourth class, but if he really faced the Black Warriors, a squad of 20 people would be enough to hunt them down.

The reason why these guys were able to break through to the fifth layer of defense as if they were nothing was purely because Sara had purposely allowed them to do so, in order to catch a turtle in a jar.

The defenders on the previous four lines of defense, not to mention Black Warriors, didn't even have any Skeleton Soldiers that exceeded the second rank, they were purely a bunch of cannon fodder.

Their job is to die, and in the process serve as a bit of a delaying tactic as a way of dividing the enemy.

It wasn't until the enemy rushed into the center that the true defense system of this castle was completely revealed.

Those motionless stone throwers on the city walls began to operate! Even more so, there were skeletal soldiers who began to carry stones to throw towards the breach.

As for the Black Knights, the group of guys in armor had already begun to stand on the walls to set targets to kill.

A dozen or so javelins falling together, even a fourth-order existence being targeted would end up either dead or injured, and a third-order enemy would even die violently on the spot.

They were only responsible for killing high-level undead, and as for those first-order or second-order guys, the Black Knights didn't even care.

This group of strength is not good enemies, see around the strong people have fallen to the ground, instead of choosing to escape and retreat, but is crazy rushed to these corpses, desperately tearing the soul flame swallowed into the stomach, and some are even for this big fight.

The undead army that was just now mindlessly charging forward was thrown into chaos in the blink of an eye, completely stopping in front of the fifth wall.

The walls on both sides were filled with Black Knights, and javelins rained down, hitting the corpses below and laying them in layer after layer.

And under such horrifying firepower, the undead below who were frantically grabbing the soul ghost flames were still killing each other, not thinking at all about whether they could have a chance to get out alive.

With such a scene, Guldan shook his head straight as he watched.

It's true that there is a cure for every disease, but only the brain dead have no cure.

The siege lasted for several hours, and the battle did not end completely until the sky was about to darken.

Towards the end of the fight, some of the smarter undead were still trying to escape, only for the black warriors to line up a gap, directly making it impossible for them to escape.

At the halfway point, Guldan and the others had also encountered a special situation, that is, there were some flying undead that tried to drop down from a high altitude and forcibly snatch the trophies on the flag.

Only to be shot down by a round of javelins from the Black Knights who had been prepared.

This is the kind of offense and defense that Sara and the others obviously haven't experienced for the first time, and have been playing with experience for a long time.

Air defense, blockade, hunting, the Black Knights were clearly divided, not giving the enemy a single chance to take advantage of the situation.

Along with the end of the siege, instead of losing any high ranked soul ghost fire, Sara's side had captured six fourth ranked soul ghost fires, twenty-seven third ranked ghost fires, and countless rest of the ghost fires.

After clearing out all the enemies again, Sara immediately devoured a fourth-order Ghost Flame, and then after a slight hesitation, she actually shared one with Guldan, which flattered him, and for a while, he actually froze a little in place.

Sara did not pay attention to the frozen Guldan, but instead came to the piled up undead corpses, took out the strong undead corpses that had already been categorized, and started making subordinates.

The third-order soul ghost fire held in his hand slowly dispersed, turning into black flames that enveloped the corpse's entire body, and along with the casting of the third-ring necromancy spell ~Black Warrior Resurrection, the motionless corpse lying on the ground began to tremble slightly.

The flesh and blood were twisted and dried up, and the white bones placed around them continued to wriggle, gradually wrapping the corpse within.

By the time the spell was cast, the corpse on the ground had changed drastically in appearance, turning into a black warrior with a human silhouette, clad in pitch-black heavy armor, and with a blood-red rose totem tattooed on his chest.

Looking at the fact that Sara had spent a lot of effort to use up all of the hard-earned twenty or so third-order soul ghost flames, all of which had been used to create into black warriors, Guldan was a little puzzled.

It's good to have strong men, but more is not better.

The city was limited in size, and a thousand or so Black Knights was more than enough, so why did Sara need to add more subordinates?

Ask if you don't understand, Guldan didn't choose to hide it.

Facing Guldan's inquiry, Sara replied very simply.

These Black Knights, he would use them later, so there had to be more.

The first day of offense and defense passed, and the night was silent, accompanied by the rising of the black sun on the next day, a new round of war was fought.

As usual, flags are raised and ghostly fires are lured.

As usual, the army came in and entered the city to surround and kill.

This fighting went on for a week, during which time all sorts of mishaps invariably occurred.

After all, the undead had a variety of spells, some of which were extraordinarily strong, and even some of which could pose a threat to the Black Knights.

When faced with such a situation, Sara would always be the first to step in and use his formidable strength to suppress the enemy.

Seven days passed, and on the eighth day, the City of Black Knights chose to pause in its death-dealing, and instead began to go out into the canyon again to gather the skeleton soldiers and heal the wounded men.

During the casual conversation, Guldan also understood the special features of this canyon.

A large number of skeleton soldiers would be resurrected here every seven days, and these skeleton soldiers had violent personalities and could not be recovered at all.

Sara wasn't sure what was going on here, all he knew was that the canyon had looked like this since he arrived.

Even this creepy canyon was a big part of why Sara chose to build her castle here.

With a treasure land that could provide a large amount of soul ghost fire on a regular basis, of course Sara wouldn't let it go, not to mention the fact that the terrain here was treacherous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it was indeed a good realm for defense.

It's just that treasure land is loved by anyone, because of this canyon, Sara hasn't encountered a lot of trouble, and the reason why so many Black Knights were injured a few days ago was because of the invasion of a strong enemy.

Those strong enemies, on the other hand, were not exactly running towards this canyon.