
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 20:Death-defying Siege.

The Black Knight, for those who are not aware of it, always thinks that he is an advanced product of the Skeleton Soldier, but it is not.

Black Knight is technically actually considered one of the variants of the Walkers, an evolved version of the Dryads.

As the armor was removed, the exposed Black Knight's frame was severely shrunken and not at all as tall as it appeared on the outside.

The dried skin clung to the bones, looking like air-dried bacon, and the shape couldn't have been more shabby.

Not to mention the collapsed features and shriveled cheeks, that might as well be a skeleton soldier.

Putting a helmet on him to cover his ugly face, Guldan nodded with satisfaction, then swaggered, leading the soldiers to continue their patrol.

Now the equipment is available! Definitely not worse than the Headless Horseman's gear! At least it doesn't look bad!

If he could find another horse! Then he'd be able to cosplay the Headless Horseman in no time!

It's a little exciting just thinking about it!

The exuberant Guldan, quickly patrolled a circle around the city walls, and then returned to the town center with his minions in a big swing.

In fact, there was nothing to patrol in the seventh ring of walls, after all, even the outermost ring of walls hadn't been breached, so how could the enemy be found inside?

The so-called patrols are just looking for something to do.

Returning to the core area, Guldan once again encountered Sara, the King of Black Warriors.

After being recruited and surrendered, Guldan often chatted with Sara in the past few days, trying to ask about the general situation of this world from him.

After all, where is the clarity of looking through books with badly missing pages as opposed to someone else's own words.

Sara was happy to do the same, he hadn't interacted with anyone normally in years, not to mention Guldan's amusing personality liked to make fun not to mention that he always knew some strange knowledge.

When placed next to the Emperor, it was a favorite, and when placed next to Sara, the King of the Black Knights, it was called a beloved.

This time, when she saw Guldan come back, Sara didn't even recognize him at first glance because of the change of outfit.

After recognizing who he was and getting a good look at the style of his armor, Sara for some reason always had a hint of a smile in her eyes.

Guldan sensed it and immediately pursued the question, only for Sara to have no intention of answering and just left while laughing.

Listening to Sara's piercing laughter that sounded like glass scratching across a blackboard, Guldan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

The group of dryads had all their internal organs dried out, including their larynxes.

It's not easy enough to make a sound, expecting them to sound good? That's pure bullshit.

This raspy, sharp sound, enough to scare a child to tears, doesn't sound like the movement of a good person in any way.

After several days of rest and recuperation, the injured Black Knights have basically recovered, as for those Skeleton Soldiers? Those with lighter injuries can already move freely, as for those with excessive injuries, they have long since turned into sustenance for the other skeleton soldiers.

The black sun once again emitted light, the invisible power of death enveloped it, and countless corpses that met the criteria were awakened to become part of the army of the undead.

And on the Black Knight Castle, a large number of troops had already been assembled, and the seven layers of defense had been put in place, with the blood-red rose flag slowly rising.

It was only until today that Guldan finally realized why these Black Knights, who looked very powerful, had been so severely injured before.

Because they asked for it!

The huge banner hanging high above didn't look lonely, a large number of heads fitted with fourth-order soul ghost flames hung in front of it, and there was even a huge bull's head inserted at the very top of the banner! And within the bull's head's eye sockets! Soul Ghost Flames that were so dark in color that they had begun to blacken blazed.

Fifth-order soul ghost fire!

Bait! Decoys of the right kind! A fifth-order ghost fire plus more than twenty fourth-order ghost fires were placed in the middle of the castle in such a grand manner, luring the hearts and minds of countless undead.

This group of undead who were used to following their instinctive actions, where could they stand such temptation, and in just a few moments, countless undead came this way in great numbers.

There were skeletons, walkers, and even ghosts among them!

Looking at the incoming enemies that could not be seen at the end of a single glance and whose numbers were countless, the corners of Guldan's mouth, who was standing beside Sara, twitched madly.

"Boss, are you sure we can win this fight?"

Sara, who was leaning on a knight's sword with both hands, didn't even return her head at the words.


"So guaranteed?"

"I did that three years ago and I'm still standing here three years later and that's where my confidence comes from."

While the two were talking, the first wave of these undead's attack had already opened.

To be precise, they only had one wave of attack, and all the undead mindlessly charged forward, quickly piling up underneath the entire city.

The skeletons trampled on each other, the walkers piled on top of each other, and between the sea of corpses and bones gathering, they actually filled the moat with their bodies.

They even used their bodies as cornerstones to create a ramp directly underneath the wall!

A grueling white-knuckle battle! Begin!

This area that Guldan and his group were in should not be a treasure trove, and the most obvious evidence was that Guldan had never seen a high-level undead before.

Sara, the fifth-ranked Black Knight King, was already the strongest existence Guldan had encountered in the past few months.

It was precisely because of this that a fifth-order ghost fire would seem so hard to come by.

The vast majority of the enemies that were attracted over were just resurrected rookies, but the number of them was so huge that they could not be seen at the end of the mountain.

It was also interspersed with many groups that tried to fish in troubled waters, such as the Skeleton Legion, which was centered on skeleton wizards, and the Animal Legion, which was centered on the packs.

Guldan even saw several huge figures among them.

Those were monsters that were over five meters tall and unusually strong.

Some were skeletons, some were zombies, and one of them was even cobbled together from countless corpses!

That was why Guldan was unfamiliar with the knowledge of this world, if he had been to the human world, he would have definitely heard of this creature's name.

Stitched Ghoul! Generally an existence used by necromancers as a final card!

Unlike high-end undead creatures like Corpse Dragons, Bone Dragons, and Headless Horsemen, such high-level undead could not be afforded to be crafted by an unusual necromancer.

The terror of the materials and energy required to try to make a High Undead was enough to make any necromancer faint.

You want to make a headless horseman, you have to have a seventh-order corpse, and it has to be a strong-bodied warrior-type corpse.

Then you also have to get together enough souls that are strong enough to drive the corpse, and the quality has to be high, preferably above the seventh order, and if you really don't have any, it definitely can't be lower than the sixth order.

It should be noted at this point that human warriors usually only like to cultivate their physical body, which also leads to the fact that their soul power is not equal to their own strength; a seventh-ranked warrior will often only have a fifth-ranked or even lower soul, after all, it's not like they don't use their souls to drive their fighting qi.

That is, if you want to make a headless horseman, it's not enough to kill a 7th order warrior.

You've got to get a seventh-order warrior and get his body first.

Get another mage of at least the sixth rank dead and take his soul.

But the question arises, if the necromancer had this kind of strength, why would he create the headless horseman?

It was precisely because of their low strength that they had to make Headless Horsemen to act as a base card, and making Headless Horsemen required killing experts, but they were completely incapable of killing experts, so they couldn't make Headless Horsemen, and it was a deadly cycle.

Eventually, a genius among necromancers created a spell, the great Stitching.

Putting together various corpses! Make a monstrous monster! The higher the quality of the corpses! The stronger the monster!

This creature is the famous Stitched Ghoul! It was also the last card of most necromancers today!

No high end corpses are needed, just a large number of corpses, made in quantity against quality, making it a spell that can be applied by any necromancer.