
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 19: Vice-Captain Knight Without Horsemen

On the sixth wall of the City of Black Warriors, Guldan, wearing a tattered armor, was in the middle of his patrol strutting around with dozens of minions behind him.

The group of minions didn't just include skeleton soldiers, there was even a Black Knight figure among them.

Maybe it was to find a companion to talk to, or maybe he found Guldan a bit interesting.

The King of the Black Knights did not kill him, on the contrary, this King of the Black Knights, whose name was Klund ~ Sara, even took the initiative to throw an olive branch towards him, inviting him to join the team.

Faced with this kind of invitation from a fifth-order big shot, Guldan naturally agreed without hesitation.

Therefore, at this time, Guldan had been honored to become a squad leader.

Not only were there more than forty first-order skeleton soldiers he had selected under his command, but there were even ten Black Knights that Sara had given him.

Originally, Sara wanted to pick some high-level skeleton soldiers for Guldan, such as second-ranked skeleton guards la, white bone warriors la, and so on.

Only this goodwill was rejected by Guldan, who gave the reason that he liked to train his juniors from scratch and enjoyed the process very much.

The truth is that second-order skeleton soldiers are not good for recruiting, or first-order ones are better to deal with.

At this moment, these ten Black Warriors following Guldan, each of them had the strength of the third rank.

These guys didn't come over to spy on him, Guldan, a mere second-order cannon fodder, wasn't worthy of ten Black Warriors to spy on him together.

These ten experts were really given to Guldan as subordinates by the King of Black Knights, and would listen to his command in anything, unless Guldan wanted to lead them to rebel.

Looking at the black warriors who were guarding their side, with four javelins inserted behind them one after another, and equipped that well, Guldan's mouth was watering.

Look at that! Look at that! What a boss! What a benefactor!

Compared to this Black Knight King, Your Excellency Sara! That skeleton sorcerer from before was something! Can you blame Guldan for choosing to rebel and play with him?

If he had treated Guldan the same way as Sarah, how could Guldan have rebelled?

Patting the shoulder armor of the black warrior beside him, Guldan suddenly sighed with some frustration.

"You guys, you're good, but unfortunately, you're not my beloved after all, and you're not willing to give me your soul fragments, so I'm afraid my enhancement won't work on you guys."

The strength was one rank higher than Guldan, dooming the black warriors to only follow Guldan's orders without really choosing to be loyal to him.

This made Guldan very chagrined.

Taking a few more steps towards the front, listening to the miscellaneous sounds of the armor on his body, Guldan looked down and took a look around.

Previously, in order to escape, this already tattered armor was already in bits and pieces at this point, and could not even be called the word armor anymore.

Looking at the pitiful equipment on his body, and turning his head to look at the Black Knight's domineering look, Guldan suddenly hooked his arm around the Black Knight beside him during a twinkle in his eye.

"Little brother! Look at the fact that you don't have a single scratch on your armor! You must be a rookie who just went into battle, right? Let me tell you! This armor thing is not the newer the better the drop! The so-called scars are a different kind of glory on the battlefield! Look at this armor on me! The King of Woo Meow suit! There are scars everywhere! This is all from the blood and tears of the battle! The best proof of that!"

Guldan said suddenly reached out intending to draw out the waist blade, but unfortunately the weapon was badly rusted, tugging half a day to pull it out not to mention that it was still a broken one.

"Look! This is the ... amount ... of the Blade of the Wound Breaking Wind! A treasure that has been enchanted and enchanted by top experts! It has special effects when attacking humans! If it's light, the wound will become infected! If it's serious, you'll die on the spot! Come on, come on! Boss, I feel sorry for you! I'll reluctantly exchange equipment with you! Be good, take off your clothes and weapons for me."

Guldan said as he took off the Woo Meow King Suit on his body and shoved it into the black warrior's palm along with the Wound Breaking Wind Blade in his hand.

It was a pity that although Black Knight's IQ was not high, he was not purely demented, and he still had the most basic judgment.

A set of beggar's clothes, plus a rusty broken sword, can this thing be called a treasure?

With that broken sword, let alone killing someone, they would be too upset if you killed a chicken!

Although he caught the object, the Black Knight stood still and did not move at all to undress.

Seeing this scene, Guldan's expression froze and his eyes gradually sharpened.

"Little brother! Don't toast me! I'm the boss! I now declare this suit of yours confiscated! Take it off!"

Pouncing on him, Guldan began to forcefully pull, attempting to snatch the black warrior's armor away from him.

The Black Knight of course would not agree to this when he saw it, so the two of them flung themselves over the walls and fought for over an hour.

In the end, the black warrior who did not dare to fight back still failed, only one set of inner armor left on his body, arm armor ah, boots ah, helmets ah and so on, without exception were taken away by Guldan.

Even this only remaining set of inner armor on his body, the reason why he was able to save it was not because Guldan had a guilty conscience, but because he thought it was too troublesome to wear it, and because the thick ring inner armor similar to the locking armor was also easy to scrape his bones, and that was why it wasn't taken away by him.

This side of Guldan, joyfully began to wear equipment, leaving the black warrior in the wind.

After a few hectic moments, Guldan switched his bird gun and instantly transformed from a miserable skeleton into a heavily armed infantry knight.

The entire set of pitch-black heavy armor, the four javelins inserted behind him, the left hand holding a shield, the right hand holding a gun, the styling that is called a domineering.

The only downside was this blood-colored rose on her chest, which always looked girly.

Guldan can also understand this, his world of the Middle Ages, Western Europe does not also like to take a variety of flowers as a flag, like what roses, lilies, gold chrysanthemums and so on abound.

Putting on his gear, Guldan attempted to put on his helmet, only to be viciously bitten by the misfit skeleton.

Only this time, the skeleton only bit on the arm armor and did not pose any damage to Guldan.

Seeing that the enemy's head wasn't cooperating, Guldan couldn't wait to drop him on the spot.

Holding the helmet, Guldan scanned around and finally his vision locked on the black knight who had his clothes taken away.

"Ahem! Little brother! I'm now officially recognizing you as a vice-captain! From now on you'll be my right hand man! Your name from now on will be ... forehead ... Knight Without Armor! Come, come, come! Here's your helmet! From now on you are my armor! It's the battle helmet responsible for guarding my head!"

Perhaps feeling a bit overwhelmed, Guldan fastened the helmet he couldn't use on this black warrior's head while giving him an identity and promoting him to vice-captain.

Only as he spoke, Guldan looked at the guy's look at this moment and couldn't help but grin, wanting to laugh but too embarrassed to laugh out loud.