
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 18:Your Excellency, spare your life!

Reaching out, he kicked the skull that had rolled to his feet.

Looking at the head with its mouth tightly closed and motionless, with some green ghost fire still visible in its eye sockets, the King of Black Warriors was still a bit puzzled.

As for the headless body lying in the distance, he completely ignored it.

And that's what Guldan wanted to see.

Yes, that's his plan, commonly known as abandoning the pawn to save the leader!

Don't you want the ghost fire? I'll give you my head! Feel free to use it!

As for corpses? There are skeleton corpses all over the place now, so what's wrong with having one more of him?

As long as he lies still, the devil can only guess that he is alive!

Although born without a head, ghost fire hidden in the chest cavity of the skeleton soldier is not unheard of, but also topped with a skeleton head used to camouflage is close to nothing, how the normal undead would not expect him to be alive.

The King of the Black Knights, who had grabbed his head for a while, couldn't figure out how the guy had gotten this way even after thinking about it for half a day.

If it was a scare, then this guy is too much of a coward to have his head scared off.

Shaking his head, the image of the Black Knight King directly devouring the ghost fire inside the head as expected by Guldan did not appear, on the contrary, perhaps because Guldan's performance was too strange, the Black Knight King did not seem to intend to kill him.

Stepping forward, the King of Black Warriors found Guldan's body and actually picked it up, intending to put the head back together.

However, along with this exertion of his, everything was all revealed.

Looking at the Soul Ghost Flame inside his chest cavity that was covered by the armor, and then turning his head to look at the Soul Ghost Flame inside his head in his hand, the King of the Black Warriors had a pair of eyes that were directly rounded, with a black question mark on his face.

Wipe it! Two balls of ghost fire!


Guldan, who was picked up, also shrieked in his heart at this time.

Without any hesitation, only to see this guy forcefully struggling, actually forcibly ripped the tattered armor off his body, and came to a Golden Cicada on the spot.

The naked, bony frame then turned around and ran, not forgetting to rip off a skeleton soldier's head and throw it at the back of the King of the Black Warriors as he passed by.

The fancy struggle was ultimately futile, however, as the King of the Black Knights, who had sidestepped the head throw, reached out violently towards him.

The Soul Sucking Hand was used, only this time it wasn't sucking out souls, it was pulling enemies.

Guldan only felt a lightness in his feet, and his entire body had flown backward, instantly crossing a distance of several meters, and was grabbed by the King of Black Warriors by the cervical vertebrae.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I've got 8,000 year old bones on top! I've got a newborn sprout at the bottom! My family of 4,000 depends on me! If you kill me! If you kill me, our family will go extinct! Boss!"

Before the King of Black Warriors could speak, Guldan had already let out a miserable scream, which caused the King of Black Warriors to be stunned for a while.

Although there were nearly ten thousand undead within his castle, and there were thousands of third-ranked black warriors alone.

But after all, the black warrior is only an undead, and is still a low-rank undead, and has barely touched the floor of a middle-rank undead, and his intelligence, though present, is limited.

After so many years, it was the first time the King of the Black Knights had encountered such a vibrant undead.

"Shut up!"

"But I don't have a mouth! I don't even have a head! Can't eat! I can't drink water! I can't give birth to a baby! I'm miserable!!!"

"If you guys don't shut up! I'll pull out the ghost fire from your soul!"

The King of Black Warriors, who had been bombarded by Guldan's series of mouth cannons, wanted to talk back, but was somewhat unable to keep up.

Helpless, he could only open his mouth to threaten, and this behavior obviously worked very well, Guldan, who was shouting and desperately struggling, instantly quieted down at the word.

The two guys looked at each other wordlessly, and the King of the Black Knights looked him up and down with interest.

"You're a skeleton soldier?"

"No, I'm the Headless Horseman, I'm just not an adult yet, so I'm a little less powerful."

"Bah, you're still a headless horseman? The weakest headless horseman is of the seventh rank, you can't even beat his horse, not to mention the headless horseman!"

"But I am indeed the Headless Horseman, you see! Headless, discrimination."

At this time, the King of Black Warriors had already carried Guldan to the side and sat down.

Compared to the thin-boned Guldan, the King of Black Warriors was comparatively much larger, but of course, this was mainly due to the fact that it was backed up by armor.

Casually dropping Guldan on the ground, there was some excitement in the Black Knight King's voice.

"You have wisdom, don't you?"

Guldan sniffed and subconsciously touched the top of his neck, and after failing to find a head, he hurriedly took his enemy's head from the hands of the King of Black Warriors and stuck it on with a click.

"Uh-huh! Of course I have!"

Head regained, Guldan proudly raised his head, but unfortunately this head did not listen to him, at this time actually violently clicked and reversed its direction, facing backwards.

Seeing that Guldan wrenched his head back with force, the Black Knight King's tone was filled with laughter.

"Intelligence is actually derived from low ranked skeletons? That's not something common, you know even these Black Knights of mine don't have a single one that possesses true intelligence, are you naturally formed with intelligence? Or is it the wisdom from when you were a human that hasn't dissipated yet?"

"It would be considered the latter."

"Oh, is it awakening with the wisdom of the time of birth ......"

The King of the Black Warriors didn't know what came to his mind, and suddenly fell into a moment of silence for a long time before letting out a sigh.

"Cherish your hard-won wisdom, your days are numbered, boy."


Originally, Guldan thought that he was basically safe when he saw that the King of Black Warriors had no intention of killing him.

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the King of Black Knights would tell him that his days are numbered? Is it possible that this guy can read fortunes or read faces?

But that's impossible! Guldan hadn't heard of anyone who could give a face to a skeleton either!

Seeing that Guldan couldn't understand, the King of Black Warriors didn't choose to tease him, but instead explained in a deep voice.

"You resurrected with the memories of your life, which means that your soul hasn't been assimilated completely by the ghost qi of the undead realm, this is both good and bad, the good thing is that you can remember the memories of your previous life, but the bad thing is that such memories don't last long, and with the ghost qi's infestation, your memories will gradually become blurry and confusing, until you become one of them."

The King of Black Warriors said and gestured towards the side, Guldan followed the direction and looked towards those muddled skeleton soldiers and couldn't help but shiver.

"So, how do I keep my memories then?"

"It's simple, break through the boundary of the ninth rank and become a legendary Undead Lord, at that time, your soul is nearly indestructible, so naturally you will no longer be afraid of the erosion of the death aura."

"That's the only way?"

"There's another way, and that's to get the top human-made treasures, the kind that can shield your soul from erosion, with such things in your body, you'll naturally not be afraid of erosion."

The King of Black Warriors explained in great detail, Guldan couldn't help but nod his head when he heard this, and after a second of silence, he suddenly opened his mouth to ask.

"Then may I ask Your Excellency, the King of the Black Warriors, which case you are in?"

"I ......"

The King of the Black Warriors was silent for a second at his words, raising his hand to stroke the blood-colored rose pendant on his chest, and spoke leisurely.

"I have been resurrected here for five long years, and although I live by the will of the living, for such a long time, my previous memories have long been lost to memory ......"