
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 17: King of the Black Knights

Pushing aside a few skeleton soldiers that were in the way, Guldan probed his head for a while to watch.

After taking another look at the shape of the visitor and checking its attributes with the system, Guldan almost screamed out in excitement.

It's the king! The King of the Black Knights! He was right in his guess! There is a king here!

The so-called king! It means the king of a clan!

The King of the Black Knights, for example! King of the Terror Knights! The King of the Headless Horsemen! The King of Witches and Demons! Each of the undead races has a natural born lord that belongs to them!

Except for the skeleton soldiers.

Their king doesn't get the title of king, but is called the Skeleton Wizard, which means the guys who can resurrect skeleton soldiers.

Speaking of which I'm sure it's clear what the King's ability is, yes! They can make homunculi!

Name: King of the Black Knights (Klende-Sara)

Status: Fifth Order Black Knight (Upper Class)


First Ring Undead Spell ~ Armor of Resentment

Second Ring Necromancy ~ Death Javelin

Third Ring Necromancy ~ Black Warrior Rejuvenation!

Fourth Ring Necromancy ~ Soul Snatcher

Five-ringed necromancy spell: Soul Blast.

Synopsis:Born the king of the Black Knights, no one can shake its position among the Black Knights.

Looking at the attributes of the King of Black Warriors, Guldan only felt his heartbeat accelerate crazily.

A big man! A real big shot! Unlike the Skeleton Wizard who can only resurrect first-order Skeleton Soldier cannon fodder! This man here can resurrect Black Knights!

As long as a corpse is produced that meets the criteria, after collecting a sufficient portion of souls, this guy can instantly create a Black Knight!

And the identical one-ring, two-ring spells are the hallmarks of the resurrected Black Knight.

Third ring spells, on the other hand, varied from person to person, for example, the oldest brother who was in charge of guarding the gate before, who was good at blowing himself up, most likely awakened that kind of ability because of his overly hot temper.

Such majestic walls! So noble! And that neat and consistent armor and pattern! Guldan dared to pack his head! This Black Knight King in front of him was definitely not a retard!

And nine times out of ten he's smart! Very smart! After all, even if a normal fifth-ranked undead had a brain, they would never be able to produce this kind of perfect castle.

Excitedly rubbing his hands continuously, Guldan stood at the very back of the group and already couldn't help but start fantasizing about how he could blend into this guy's group and then take the opportunity to recruit some black warriors.

Look at the pitch-black heavy armor of the others! And that domineering look! They look like elites!

Then look at these skeletons around themselves! A variety of weapons plus a poor physique, said the miscellaneous soldiers that is to raise them.

If he could get himself some Black Knights as bodyguards, it wouldn't be an instant takeoff!

Guldan fantasized as he pushed aside the skeleton soldiers in front of him and desperately drilled forward.

The King of Black Warriors could never have been idly looking for fun when he gathered the Skeleton Soldiers and lured them here.

Looking at the way the city was full of wounded soldiers, they should have just fought a hard battle and desperately needed to replenish their troops.

Plus there were traces of skeleton soldiers all over the city walls, it was clear that the other party shouldn't be some kind of obsessive-compulsive and wasn't just recruiting black warriors as subordinates.

He didn't mind filling the battle force with cheap soldiers that were easy to produce like Skeleton Soldiers, and it could even be said that Skeleton Soldiers still held a place in his ranks.

Then with Guldan's second rank status at this time, his smart brain, plus a healing-type ability like the Skeleton Regeneration Technique, Guldan thought that he would be able to get a position in his team anyhow.

As for whether or not the other party would claim their soul fragments? Don't be ridiculous, would you claim the soul fragment of a second-order cannon fodder when you have thousands of third-order experts under your hand?

Besides! If the other guy really wants it! Then just give it to him!

Qin Yu has a soul ghost fire inside his head! I'll give him as much as I want! I'll give him my head if I have to! It's not his!

Just as Guldan was arranging his armor and preparing to hide the Soul Ghost Flame at his chest while preparing to go up to the Mausoleum, something unexpected happened.

The only thing that could be seen was that the King of the Black Knights standing in front of the Skeleton Soldiers didn't say anything impassioned, or even pressed to talk to them at all.

Only to see him raise his hand and grab it, the black mist spread out, passing out from his palm and transforming into one pitch-black arm after another, directly probing into the skulls of the skeletal soldiers in front of him!

The next moment! The soul ghost fire of this group of skeleton soldiers was actually forcefully ripped out just like that!

The Skeleton Soldier who had his soul taken away collapsed to the ground with a bang, his skeleton instantly falling apart, obviously hanging out completely.

The King of Black Knights who took out the Soul Ghost Flame, flung his hand towards the side, and the Soul Ghost Flames that surrounded his arm flew out, dragging a long pale green trajectory, and surged into those injured Black Knights.

With the power of the soul ghost fire into the body, the black warrior body injuries began to rapidly heal, some of the lesser injuries are even stood up on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Guldan was dumbfounded and froze for more than ten seconds before snapping back to his senses.

(Holy shit! This guy's not recruiting! This guy is killing himself! To die to die to die to die!)

How dare he move forward, Guldan fiercely pulled aside the skeleton soldier to block in front of him, while he himself turned around in a vain attempt to escape.

However, it is easy to come in and hard to go out, the group of skeleton soldiers at the back, at this time, one by one is looking at the banner of the attractive ghost fire dazed, although in the way of the black warrior and the black warrior king of the strength of the deterrent, none of them dared to come close.

But they weren't willing to leave it at that, and were even desperately pushing their way forward.

This is bitter for Guldan in the center, he only wants to run now! But he couldn't run away!

Push it, these guys are desperately rushing forward, the force is too small to push, the force is too large to be easily detected by others.

But if you don't push it? Wouldn't that be dead!

Just as Guldan was getting entangled, the sound of skeletons falling to the ground in front of him kept ringing out, and batch after batch of skeleton soldiers, had their souls ingested by the Black Knight King's four-ringed spell Soul Sucking Hands, and once again transformed into skeletons.

It had to be said that the power of this move was really good, the King of Black Warriors didn't even need to make a move to easily harvest the energy of this group of cannon fodder, it was simply an abusive divine technique.

The sound was getting closer and closer, seeing that the King of Black Warriors was about to come in front of him, and how he couldn't push the brainwashed people at the back who kept squeezing towards the front, Guldan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

His grandma! Spell it out!

With a click, the row of skeleton soldiers in front of them fell to the ground once again, revealing Guldan and his row of cannon fodder.

Casually passing the Soul Ghost Flame energy to the soldiers under his command to treat their injuries, the Black Warrior King stepped in front of Guldan and the others and raised his hand, ready to grab with force.

However, right at this moment, before the King of Black Warriors could tighten his grip, a sudden crunching sound came from the skeletal soldiers lined up in a row.

All that could be seen was a skeleton soldier flopping to the ground, the head detached from his neck and rolling right to the feet of the King of the Black Warriors.

Looking at the motionless and lifeless Skeleton Soldier, and twisting his head to look at the ability he had yet to activate, the King of Black Warriors was at a loss.

When did this Soul Sucking Hand of his become so powerful?

Is this something that scares people to death before they even make a move?