
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 16: City of the Black Knights

The loud and clear sound of the military bugle continued to sound, because the line of sight was not high enough, Guldan probed his head for half a day, but he did not see what was really happening in the distance.

The skull on top of him should have seen it, but what's the point of the guy seeing it.

As the sound of the bugle suddenly stopped, Guldan suddenly realized that the surrounding skeleton soldiers who had just fought to the death suddenly took a step in the same direction, and by the looks of it, it should be the direction of the bugle.

Uncertainty of the ancient two eggs, at this time only have to follow the crowd to move forward, otherwise everyone is in a hurry, you play a reverse pass, it is not obvious that there is a problem.

There were probably close to a thousand remaining skeleton soldiers, holding various types of weapons along the riverbank.

To say that this group of skeleton soldiers, they are all fat sheep in the same rank.

Several days of killing each other resulted in the soul ghost fire energy in their bodies being huge and yet to be digested.

These guys are absolutely tonic, and at this point each one of them is like a can of meat in a can, open one and eat it for a day, and without a penny.

Following the team, Guldan walked slower and slower, and in the end, he hardily dawdled his way from the center to the very back end of the team.

He had already made up his mind that if the situation was even slightly wrong, he would either scamper away or dig a hole on the spot and bury himself.

In short, everything is not separated from the word Gou, anyway, he is already a skeleton, time such things as as much as you want, there is absolutely no need to compete for growth.

The risk of seeking wealth and riches and so on, this kind of opportunity is better to let others, Guldan prefers to seek wealth and riches in idleness.

Accompanying the large troop through the end of the canyon, Guldan finally got a clear picture of what was on the outside of this crack below the cliff.

Only to see that beyond the canyon was a city! A city built from black bones!

Actually, calling it a city is a bit of an exaggeration; he is more akin to a medieval western fortress, with the river in the middle of the canyon spreading through the fortress to the outside, and then splitting off to the left and right to form a moat with black water flowing through it.

And what was erected in front of the moat was a magnificent city wall that was nearly ten meters high, because of the reason that he was standing inside the city, Guldan could clearly see the black armored soldiers stationed on the wall, which was also mixed with a very large number of skeleton soldiers.

As for the inside of the walls, it wasn't some neatly planned house, but rather circle after circle of smaller walls.

There are no homes here at all! There are no villagers! This place is a complete military fortress!

The seven walls went from high to low! More than a hundred meters apart from each other.

The walls inside were very short, and the innermost wall was even only three meters high compared to the ten meter high wall outside.

But its terrain is unusual, the whole city is terraced, inside high outside low, which leads to the inside wall although short, the whole is higher than the outside wall is very much, can effectively form a high to fight the low situation, do not have to worry about the fall of the outside wall.

At this moment, Guldan, who had crossed a city gate and stepped out from the gap in the canyon, happened to be located within the innermost city wall.

This is the most heavily defended place and the lair of the city.

Only at this point the atmosphere here is not good.

Wounded, wounded everywhere.

The mutilated skeleton soldiers were casually tossed aside without any intention of saving them, just waiting for them to slowly absorb the death breath and recover from their injuries on their own.

And in the middle position, there is a large number of black armor warriors gathered, these warriors wearing pitch black armor, the whole body is well equipped, arm armor boots helmet gauntlets, and even a circle of battle skirts underneath, as a way to strengthen the vital defense.

With such neat and consistent equipment, plus the huge bloody rose pattern on their chests, this group of black-armored soldiers was not in the same class as the skeleton soldiers at all!

It was also not until he entered the city that Guldan saw exactly who was leading the way ahead.

Pilot is also black armor soldiers, this team of ten people a person holding a huge horn, several people with guns to protect the surrounding, the most front of a person in the hands of a banner as high as more than three meters! Above the tattoo has a pattern of bloody roses not to mention, the top also hung a string of skulls, and the brain is flashing Mori green ghost fire.

Looking at those soul ghost flames above the flag, Guldan nervously gulped.

Twelve third-order ghost fires! Five fourth-order ghost fires!

What the hell has he come to! I can't believe I'm using a fourth-order ghost fire as bait! To lure the skeletons to follow! Then how strong should the presence here be!

Fifth order? Or sixth order! Guldan remembered that he had read in a book that the sixth-order undead could already be called high-order undead! Not only was their IQ no worse than humans, their strength was also horrifying.

In conjunction with the huge number of skeleton soldiers and black-armored warriors within the city, Guldan couldn't have mistakenly entered the territory of some undead lord!

A large number of Skeleton Soldiers were still foolishly following the Ghost Fire, walking into the city without hesitation.

And after they had all entered the city, beside the gates facing the canyon, a cracked skull suddenly poked out slowly from around the corner, its upper and lower jaws still clashing madly against each other as if it were cursing.

The explored skull was 365 degrees around a circle, after confirming that the environment was safe, Guldan, who was holding the skull, then explored his body.

"Eh, seems safe for now."

After carefully surveying the city, and after confirming that those soldiers guarding the city gates showed no signs of attack, Guldan once again inserted the skull around his neck and tiptoed into the city.

At the same time, he didn't forget to use the System View ability towards the black-armored soldier next to him.

Name:Darth Vader

Status: Third Order Undead (Medium)


First Ring Undead Spell ~ Armor of Resentment

Second Ring Necromancy ~ Death Javelin

Third Circle Undead Spell ~ Necrotic Explosion

Synopsis:This is a madman who can lose, but you definitely don't count it as a win either.

Looking at the attributes of this old brother beside him, Guldan didn't move and pulled away from him.

I can't believe it's a tough guy who can blow himself up! I can't afford to mess with him!

Lightly following the skeleton at the rear of the skeleton, accompanied by a bout of viewing down, Guldan's mood was a little heavy.

Something's wrong here! Something's very wrong!

The Black Knight was a third-order undead, and in order to become one of them, one had to have at least third-order strength.

There was nothing strange about that, except that it was strange that the number of Black Knights here was a bit too much!

Sweeping his eyes, although the city was still dominated by skeleton soldiers, the number of black warriors was feared to be around a thousand!

Didn't creatures like the Black Knight like to fight in small groups? Usually a dozen or so gather into a group and cooperate with each other to hunt down prey.

Why are there legions of Black Knights here? Especially with the abilities of this group of Black Knights!

Their first ring spells were actually identical to their second ring spells!

Used to erode armor! Transform it into special equipment for the Armor of Resentment! With a transformed javelin! And the Javelin of Death that increases its power!

Look at the dress of this group of black warriors! Not only the body armor shape is completely consistent, there is a neat pattern at the chest, and each person has four javelins inserted in the back, and a hand holding a shield and a gun in the hand, which is definitely the regular army among the regular army!

To be able to gather such a number of Black Knights! And also make their natural abilities basically the same, could it be that ......

As if he had thought of something, Guldan's heart burst with excitement.

Before he could confirm his suspicions, there was a sudden commotion among the skeleton soldiers in the distance.

Then only saw the city gates open, dozens of black warriors swarmed out, and at the forefront was a guy who was also wearing black armor, only with a bloody cloak behind him.