
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 15: A Different Kind of Skeleton Soldier

Sitting inside the small pit, Guldan was at a loss, how could he not expect that in just seven days, the outside would actually undergo such a drastic change.

Is this the start of a mass migration of any nest of skeleton soldiers that came here by accident?

Or did some skeleton wizard have a brain fart and went crazy resurrecting skeleton soldiers?

But even so, it's impossible to have this kind of battle ah! Just now, it was just a sweep of the eyes! Guldan realized that there are skeleton soldiers all over the place! There must be at least 10,000 to 8,000 of them!

If this is the skeleton wizard resurrected, then he has to be busy for a few days without eating or drinking ah!

There's a problem! There's definitely a problem!

Guldan, who hid inside and didn't dare to go out, couldn't wait to give himself two slaps at this time.

To be precise he had given it and hit it that hard, who made it so that the head above him wasn't his own.

The head of the enemy, the beating doesn't hurt, only the hand.

"I should have known that I wouldn't be so wasteful! It's better to absorb it slowly!"

With a helpless sigh, Guldan felt some regret.

The reason why he was able to quickly absorb a third-order soul ghost fire as a first-order skeleton soldier was not because he was gifted, but because the kid was unusually thuggish in his absorption.

Ignore the overexertion! Ignore the energy overflow! Guldan only pursued speed, not caring at all if he would waste the power of the ghost fire.

Otherwise, after a third-order ghost fire had been swallowed in its entirety, how could he only barely make it into the second-order? Even if he didn't become the peak of the second rank, he would never be at the bottom.

Originally, Guldan's intention was to give up a small profit to seek a big profit, quickly obtain the starting capital to become a second-order skeleton, and then go out to recruit first-order skeletons and strengthen them, and after the number is enough, he will take the strengthened minions to hunt high-level enemies, and do more and more in this kind of snowballing way!

But who would have thought that when I woke up, it was actually a different day outside.

Thousands of skeleton soldiers! I don't know how many second-order skeletons will be spawned! If we're unlucky enough to get a few third-order skeletons! Then Guldan will be in deep shit!

Just as Guldan was hiding in the wall and rambling, the bone wall in front of him that was used for camouflage suddenly made a clicking sound, and two bone lances broke through the bone and entered! It clicked and stuck into Qin Yu's chest armor!

The already tattered and severely rusted chest armor, with near-zero defensive capabilities, was shattered by the severely corroded iron plates at the touch of a bone gun, and was penetrated by the bone gun on the spot.

Only the battle results of the incredibly powerful bone gun ended there.

When they impacted on Guldan's ribs, the spearheads were broken on the spot, not posing a single threat to Guldan at all.

Only this sudden attack still startled Guldan.

With a strange cry of ehhh, Guldan reached out and grabbed these two bone lances, and violently exerted his force to rush straight out of the hiding spot.

"Tie! What kind of demon! How dare you touch the earth on the head of a Tai Sui!"

Both arms violently exerted force, directly breaking the not-so-hard bone lance from it, Guldan grasped the two broken lances in his hands and stabbed out without hesitation.

Only a click could be heard as the extremely fast falling broken spears penetrated through the enemy's skulls from above, instantly finishing off the two first ranked skeleton soldiers.

Guldan, who had taken care of his enemies, flung his hands and threw the two corpses away, while not forgetting to inhale forcefully, drawing their scattered soul ghost flames into his body.

"Anyone else who isn't afraid to die! Let your horses come!"

After scanning the surrounding circle and realizing that the surrounding skeleton soldiers were all of the first rank, Guldan's courage increased greatly, holding his twin spears and roaring fiercely.

The next moment! Hundreds of first-order skeleton soldiers pounced ferociously in all directions! Frightened, Guldan's legs went limp and he hurriedly fled back to the hiding spot he had dug out.

Countless skeletons crowded at the entrance, no one wanted to budge from each other, all thinking of coming in to give Guldan a stab.

This kind of scene can be cheap to the guy Guldan, see the enemy can not move, he raised his hand broken gun on the spot, brush a burst of poking and stabbing, only to kill the skeleton soldiers continue to fall, the cave entrance at the white bone more and more piles!

Just when Guldan thought that he had found a feng shui treasure that could be used to get stuck in a bug, the walls on both sides next to him suddenly trembled, and then only heard a boom, a large pile of skulls actually broke out of the bones, scaring Guldan almost didn't throw his weapon out!

The group beating began! The first-ranked skeleton soldiers who plowed through the white bone wall hard dug Guldan out of the cliff wall, and then the inhumane group beating began.

At first Guldan was scared, very scared, but as he fought, he suddenly realized something.

That is, these guys can't fight themselves!

The effects of the low level Bone Strengthening Technique are actually quite remarkable.

He looked a little out of his depth against swords and spears made of steel, but it looked so dominant against these fragile weapons made of bone!

Can't hack it! The hammer won't break! Can't break! After being besieged dozens of times, Guldan finally realized his advantage.

Perhaps against a well-equipped human, or against an undead of the same level, this ability of Guldan's seemed a bit of a chicken.

But against these rookies nowadays, then this is simply a weapon of abuse ah!

Courage in his heart, Guldan rushed into the group of bones with his twin spears, his weapons wide open only attacking but not defending, quite like Changshan Zhao Zi Long's aura.

But Zhao Zi Long is seven in seven out without a scratch, but Gu Er Dan is rolling and crawling all the way to be beaten.

Guldan, who was starting to go crazy, was actually not completely on top of his head, and while he was killing, he was also observing the situation around him.

However, wherever there was a second-order skeleton soldier present, he wouldn't go over there even if it killed him because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to defeat it.

And while killing these trashy Skeleton Soldiers, Guldan was also trying to recruit them.

As a rule, as long as you outclass your opponent and put them in danger, creatures like the Skeleton Soldier are basically a one-recruitment deal.

The prerequisite is that you are also an undead creature, able to emit a necromantic wave that they can sense.

But today for some reason, the skeleton soldiers here are exceptionally brutal, no matter how Guldan invites the threat, this group of guys just don't give any face at all, a look of either you get me killed or I get you killed.

Grumpy souls, haphazard attacks, coupled with a sudden surge in numbers, these skeleton soldiers were not normal by any stretch of the imagination!

Just as Guldan was desperately killing the Skeleton Soldiers and trying to recruit them, the piercing sound of a flute suddenly rang out in the distance.

The next moment! The Skeleton Soldiers who were fighting with all their might suddenly stopped their hand movements! They turned their heads in unison to look in the direction from which the voice came!

Guldan, who had taken the opportunity to cut down several more Skeleton Soldiers consecutively, couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He had confirmed at this point that this place was definitely not normal!

Along with the Skeleton Soldiers' deadly fights, their numbers were decreasing rapidly while their quality was rising.

At this moment, the skeletal soldiers that surrounded Guldan! Many of them had reached the peak of the first rank! They were fully capable of injuring Guldan's skeletons!

If it wasn't for the fact that they weren't too numerous, Guldan would have run away long ago.

Listening to the sound similar to a military bugle ringing in the distance, and looking around at the skeletons that were motionless and no longer raging, Guldan's face instantly showed a dawning expression of realization.

He understands! The reason why this place is abnormal! So many skeleton soldiers suddenly appeared! Nine times out of ten, it's because a big brother has made this place into a practice field!

He's making high quality skeleton soldiers is he! What's he up to? Is he planning to recruit soldiers?