
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 14:Advanced Skeleton Guard.

"Anyway, it's a good thing to be alive, it's not just that all the little brothers are dead! The road is as strong as iron! I'm going to take a step forward now! Big deal, I'll start all over again!"

With his only remaining arm, excitedly patting the ground, Guldan struggled to get up, attempting to recover from his injuries first.

However along with him turning around, something unexpected appeared in front of him.

That's a head! A severely mutilated one! A skull with half of its canopy smashed in!

And the skeleton was planning to bite him at that moment! It's a pity that most of the upper and lower teeth popped off! Although it has the heart to bite! But it doesn't have the strength to bite!

Looking at the skeleton head that ferociously lunged and desperately tried to bite himself, Guldan carefully recognized it for half a day and finally confirmed the identity of this guy.

"Yo! If it isn't Brother White Bone Warrior! I haven't seen you for a while! How come you've amputated your limbs and only have your head left?"

Looking at the enemy fell to such a fate, Guldan don t mention how happy, the only remaining arm stretched out, aimed at the skeleton is a slap ...... and then he was the other side of a bite bite off two fingers.

"Shit! You're still trying to bite me! You're a tough guy! You're a tough guy, right? Wait for me!"

Slapping the skeleton away with his hand, Guldan struggled to sit up and casually found a few bones and began to splice them together extremely skillfully.

Bone after bone was combined with each other, and in less than ten minutes, a brand new Guldan was born.

Guldan, who relied on the White Bone Regeneration Technique and got himself a new body, got up and moved around while walking towards the White Bone Warrior's skeleton.

Holding up the skull, looking at this guy's thieving heart still wanting to bite himself, Guldan couldn't help but grin, actually wearing this guy directly on his cervical vertebrae, acting as his own head.

"Come come come! Little Master will show you how I became rich! Started from nothing again!"

Excitedly rubbing his hands together, Guldan's mood couldn't be better.

Though in one battle, all of his minions were killed in action, and it looked as if they had just been resurrected.

But don't forget that Guldan is different nowadays! He still had a third-order soul ghost fire inside him!

As long as he succeeded in devouring this thing, Guldan would be able to become a second-ranked Skeleton Soldier at least!

Recruiting First Order Skeletons wouldn't be like playing at that time! After upgrading them to second-order! Take a hundred or eighty of them to surround the third rank!

Then devour the third-order soul ghost fire to continue upgrading! And then continue to evolve the minions! Combine forces to round up higher level enemies!

With such a snowballing method executed, Guldan's strength would only grow stronger.

After all, if other people wanted to cultivate an expert, they would have to spend tens or hundreds of years, but Guldan was different.

The strength of the experts under his command did not depend on the talent of these people, but rather on the level of strength of Guldan.

If Guldan was a god, as long as there was enough energy, he would be able to create an army of gods for you in minutes!

Just this is still for insurance purposes, if you don't have to take into account the loyalty of your men and strengthen them regardless, under the provision of sufficient energy, Guldan can create a god for you right now!

With the head of his enemy on his neck, Guldan, who was made from a variety of bones pieced together from the east, began to carefully observe the situation around him.

Perhaps it was because of the proximity to the river, the number of skeleton soldiers here was pitifully low, and at a glance, one could only see a scattering of three or two.

But this was exactly in line with Guldan's wish, after all, his main concern right now was not to recruit his men, but to strengthen himself.

In this case, the fewer skeleton soldiers around, the better.

Casually find a feng shui treasure place that he looked after, Guldan dug a hole, directly dug out a shelter from the bone wall, and then he carefully laid himself in, and quickly blocked the hole.

In the blink of an eye, the skeleton soldier Guldan, who had been alive and kicking just a moment ago, had completely fused with the wall.

And this time he hid, it was a full seven days.

During the seven days, Guldan utilized the power of the ghost fire to hammer his bones and cleanse his soul, finally breaking through the realm of a first-order skeleton soldier and becoming the legendary second-order cannon fodder.

Looking at his own jade-like bones, Guldan couldn't mention how excited he was, if he didn't have a head, he would have to burst into tears on the spot.

It's not easy! It's been almost four months since he came to this world! He's no longer a hot chicken that crumbles at the touch of a button!

Now it's turned into a ... amount ... of hot chicken that only breaks when you push it hard?

Name: Guldan (host)

Status: 2nd Order Skeleton Guard (Lower)


First Ring Undead Spell ~ White Bone Regeneration.

Second Ring Necromancy ~ Low Level Bone Enhancement (Passive)

Introduction:Congratulations! You have successfully evolved into an elite monster!

Looking at his attributes, Guldan sighed somewhat depressedly.

The randomly obtained second ring spells don't work! Although Bone Strengthening is a passive spell that is permanently attached to the body, the ability to save one's life is not bad.

But let alone comparing it to a top second ring necromancy spell, it couldn't even compare to a top first ring necromancy spell.

Like a heck of a skeleton revival spell from the First Ring necromancy! Necromancy! Poison Witchcraft! Those can all be creepy existences!

Compared to them, the low-grade bone strengthening technique that Guldan had comprehended was a piece of trash.

It's just that I heard that there are advanced versions of this spell, like some kind of Intermediate Bone Strengthening, Advanced Bone Strengthening, or something like that.

Like the top of the line Reaper's Bone in the legends, it was a bone that could rival the hardness of a deity's body! It was the top ability of the legendary Skeleton Clan!

It was a pity that not to mention the legendary Death Bone, not even a few skeletons were able to obtain the high level Bone Strengthening Technique, otherwise it wouldn't have been reduced to a legend.

After all, the talent spell thing was randomly obtained, and it wasn't like you were being cared for by Goddess of Luck, so how could you win consecutively and win a set straight away.

Tapping his bones, Guldan nodded in satisfaction.

The bones that had been increased by the low-rank bone strengthening technique had a hardness comparable to that of stone and steel, allowing Guldan's ability to preserve his life to increase greatly.

Guldan thinks that no matter what time it is, only living is the main thing, after all, some things don't lie in how brightly you can smile, but in how long you can smile.

Only the one who laughs until the end is considered a winner, a statement that Guldan strongly agrees with.

Anyway, he's a skeleton soldier now, ageless skeleton soldier.

We can't beat him, but can't we grind him to death!

Stacking armor! Stack defense! Over!

We're all about stacking the thickest armor! Then let the minions give the other team the most toxic beating! The system doesn't help you grow anyway! What the hell do you expect yourself to do? Just do the damn thing!

Guldan, who had finally finished devouring the soul ghost fire, kicked away the white bone wall and climbed out directly from the small pit he had dug.

And after taking a good look at the situation outside, Guldan silently turned around and sat back down in the small pit, picking up the bones that were woven together and sealing the hole again.

Because out there, the skeleton soldiers, which should have been very sparse in number, were somehow so numerous that they couldn't be seen at a glance at this point!

And the guys were fighting! Fighting desperately! There were also a lot of second-order skeleton soldiers mixed in!

What the fuck is going on here!!!!