
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 13:The War of Love and Death.

Guldan's eyes twinkled as he watched the White Bone Warrior desperately stomping his legs in an attempt to kick the Skeleton Soldier below him down.

Climbing on tiptoe, he gradually crossed over the white bone warriors on the opposite side, and when he realized that the white bone warriors had noticed his small movements, Guldan fiercely accelerated towards the top!

He was going to climb up the vine bridge along the vines! And then chop off the Temperance Vine! Let this mad dog experience cordless bungee jumping!

As for the minions hanging from that vine? That's just going to have to be sprinkled with yukonara.

Guldan climbed very quickly! After all, the skeleton was very light! Naturally, his movements would not be slow when climbing!

The white bone warrior who realized that he was climbing, also began to desperately climb towards the top, and this guy's intelligence was not low, after being blocked twice more by the skeleton soldiers below his movements, this guy actually violently ripped off his own ribs and directly cut the Temperance Vine below.

The few skeleton soldiers hanging on that Templar Vine just made a clicking sound while falling towards the 10,000-foot cliff.

Crawl! Desperately crawling! Guldan and the Skeleton Warrior began to compete again!

It was only because Guldan had the advantage of a first strike that he had the absolute upper hand at this point! If we keep climbing like this! He will definitely be the first to reach the top!

Seeing the duo climbing upwards, the minions below Guldan's vines began to follow suit, and the sound of clicking and clacking continued to ring out.

Crawling along, Guldan suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

Looking down at the climbing minions below and then at the constantly trembling Temperance Vines in his hands, Guldan was silent for a second before suddenly hissing out.

"You guys climbed you sister ah! What if the vine breaks! Idiots!"

It was just a vine, and how could it withstand this kind of destruction! The force of almost ten skeletons climbing together had already begun to cause the Templar Vine to crumble! The constant crunching sound from above was the best proof!

Guldan, who hurriedly stopped his movements, also simultaneously made the junior brothers below stand still, lest they join them in the Yellow Springs because the vines broke off.

Just they stop, the opposite white bone warrior did not stop, this guy excited limbs all together, whoosh over the ancient two eggs toward the upper dang climb, action that one fast.

Only after rushing a few meters away, the guy crawled back on all fours ......

Guldan and the White Bone Warrior once again came to the same level, looking at Guldan who didn't dare to move, the White Bone Warrior didn't have any hesitation, one hand grasped the vines, while the other hand grasped fiercely at Guldan's chest, in a vain attempt to pull out that mass of Soul Ghost Flame!

Seeing that his little life was about to be lost, Guldan had to choose to fight back even if he was afraid.

The two guys used one arm to keep swinging and snapping in mid-air, and because they couldn't exert any force, no one could help anyone for a while.

It may be that even God can't stand to watch some of this, and he has finally chosen to step in to put an end to this farce.

Accompanied by a clicking sound, the overburdened Temperance Vine in Guldan's hand finally broke.

Guldan's body was instantly unbalanced, falling downward along with the Tempest Vine.

Only he was different from those stupid skeleton soldiers, Guldan had intelligence, and most of all, he was afraid of death! Very afraid of death!

The strong survival instinct made Guldan explode his unprecedented potential at this moment of crisis.

Only a bang could be heard as Guldan, whose body crashed downwards, actually grabbed one of the legs of the opposite white bone warrior in the nick of time! And wrapped his limbs around it!

Looking at Guldan hanging on himself, the White Bone Warrior first froze, then his eyes turned fierce and he waved his hand towards his brain.

Just before his palm fell, Guldan was already one step ahead of him! With one hand, he ripped off his own head! Throwing it at the other party with force!

With a bang, the White Bone Warrior was struck with his head raised high, and the soul ghost fire in his eyes flourished, it was clear that he had become completely enraged.

It's just a first-order mongrel! How dare you disobey yourself so! Looking for death ��� mouth ���ノ!

With a roar of rage, the White Bone Warrior was ready to rip Guldan up and tear him apart by hand on the spot! But he didn't want to just at this moment! There was a sudden crunching sound above the vines in his hand!

Such a familiar voice caused Guldan and the White Bone Warrior to instantly freeze, and the two of them lifted their heads stiffly, and indeed found that the end of the Teng Vine had already been mostly disconnected!

This vine is also going to break!

Silently retracting his sight, Guldan and the white bone warrior were silent for a few full seconds until ......

Shake your legs! Shake your legs as hard as you can! The White Bone Warrior's two legs stomped about! Trying to kick Guldan down!

What's with the ghost fire? He doesn't want it! Ghost fire is not as important as his life!

This Second Order White Bone Warrior had definitely been intellectually enhanced! It knows how to make trade-offs very well!

The whole person as if a candle in the wind was thrown back and forth Guldan, desperately grabbed the other party's big crotch, scared soul ghost fire all white.

"Don't! Brothers! For the sake of the party-state! Give me a hand!"

The upper desperately kicked, the lower hard to grab, the two people at this moment entangled together, a moment simply can not get away.

Accompanied by the duo's exertion, the speed of the teng vine breaking became faster and faster, and it looked like it would not be able to support it.

If not, why not say that the undead are all ruthless people! Seeing that he was going to be dragged into hell by this guy as well, the White Bone Warrior fiercely exerted his strength, surprisingly, he was directly ripping off his own thigh!

With the left leg falling off! Clutching his thigh, Guldan screamed out miserably and fell directly into the ten thousand feet deep abyss below, leaving only a wail in its place.

"For the sake of the party state! Pull a brother ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The white bone warrior hanging on the vines saw the crisis resolved and finally let out a long breath.

Just then, however, there was a sudden crunch above him, and then ......


With a miserable scream, the white bone warrior tightly pulled the broken vine in his hand, and also fell together into the abyss below, leaving only half of the vine hanging under the vine bridge swaying in the wind.

Guldan, the White Bone Warrior, along with more than sixty Skeleton Soldier minions, all jumped off the cliff, and none were spared.

The rapid current crashed against the shore, and floating above the black river were all the remains of white bones.

Another wave came in, and a large amount of white bone remains were impacted to the shore, becoming one of the endless bone shores.

Only this time, unlike usual, what washed ashore with the shore was a few half-mutilated skeletons in addition to a large number of bone fragments.

The river continued to recede, and amidst the wreckage everywhere, a severely mutilated skeletal palm snapped up.

The top four fingers gradually closed in, eventually leaving only the thumb still standing.

"Sprinkles! Still alive! Ahem!"

Guldan's voice rang out, at this time has only half of the body left, not only the lower legs and pelvis disappeared, even the right arm also disappeared he, more than a miserable word can describe.

No more legs, no more arms, plus no head in the first place.

This guy's got five limbs, and he actually only has one limb left!

Although the shape was a bit miserable, at this moment, Guldan was still happy because he had survived! He managed to survive the damage from the fall from a height of ten thousand feet!

This was entirely due to Guldan's difference, when those of his minions smashed into the sea, their bodies were split apart on the spot, especially their heads, which were directly crushed.

Without a vessel, the ghostly flames of their souls scattered and they died on the spot.

Only Guldan was different because he didn't have a head! Naturally, he wouldn't die so easily!

As long as the sternum wasn't completely damaged, he could still live!