
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 12:Running in the Sunset.

"You guys want to rebel! Do you want to kill me as well!"

Guldan, who had hastily flung himself to the ground and managed to avoid the bombardment of debris, turned his head with a furious curse.

Then he realized that the skeleton soldiers who had wanted to run over to support him were all knocked to the ground by this move, either mutilated or GG'd on the spot.

And what's worse, though, is that the white bone warrior who was diving into the ground was also hit and was still the main target of the strike.

But with the advantage of hiding himself in the ground, plus his second-order strength strengthened bones, he was only injured but not killed, and quickly crawled towards Guldan again!

A round of arrows rained down, and instead of being able to finish off the target, it interrupted all the relief that was about to arrive, Guldan's heart was bitter! He could not wait to take off the heads of those skeleton soldiers now! Tie them to the arrows and shoot them all out!

But at this time it was too late to do anything, seeing that white bone warrior crawling towards himself on all fours just like the odd rows of species, Guldan hurriedly got up and pulled his legs to run.

Guldan ran in front, the White Bone Warrior chased after him, and was followed by a whole bunch of teeth and claws flailing Skeleton Soldiers.

Under the setting sun, the three groups of guys embarked on a long marathon!

Skeleton soldiers don't get tired, to be precise, the vast majority of the undead don't have the concept of being tired because they're supposed to be dead, have you ever heard of a dead person getting tired?

And as a result, the running crowd was in a very awkward situation.

Guldan didn't dare to stop, he was afraid that once his fragile little body stopped, he would be casually crushed to death by the other party.

And the White Bone Warrior didn't stop, because his target didn't stop.

As for the Skeleton Soldier minions chasing at the end, they likewise didn't stop, and those archers were still trying to release arrows.

Only Guldan no longer dared to let these lunatics attack after he was almost sent away on the spot by a round of arrows that lost its accuracy.

Is this helping him or harming him? Why did it feel like these guys were even more intimidating than that white bone warrior in the back!

These guys aren't thinking of taking themselves out and usurping the throne, are they?

Guldan had run out more than twenty kilometers and was still running in circles because he was afraid that if he ran in a straight line, he would meet some strong enemy, and only dared to hang around in this area that he knew well.

It wasn't until the black sun's light in the sky gradually dimmed and the entire ground began to fall into pitch blackness that Guldan's speed finally slowed down.

It wasn't that he was tired, but he had finally come up with a solution to the enemy in the rear!

15 miles ahead! There is a white bone cliff! The flat white bone plain somehow has a rift from it! It's not very wide! And the vegetation on both sides is lush!

The Ghost Crying Teng, which liked to devour the blood and flesh of living people, hovered and twisted! A massive bridge of teng vines was formed above the crack! If you're careful, you'll be able to walk over them!

And at this moment, Guldan was certainly not going over to climb the bridge! He was going to jump off the cliff!

Running furiously all the way, just as the sky was about to fall into complete darkness, Guldan finally arrived at the edge of this cliff.

Without any hesitation, Guldan reached out and grabbed a vine, and violently leapt up.

The skeleton was already light, and along with the force of his paws, his entire body swung directly to the opposite side under the inertia of the vines!

And in the next second he leapt to the opposite side! The White Bone Warrior, who had been scurrying through the ground like a striped fish in pursuit, similarly dug through the strata and flew out of the cliff with a whoosh.

Even though the Skeleton Soldiers had a low IQ, it didn't mean that they really didn't have a brain.

The most basic instincts they still understand, like climbing stairs and jumping off cliffs.

Seizing a vine in a decent manner, this white bone warrior actually swung over with force as well, obviously not willing to let go of this piece of fat meat of Guldan.

Only when he leaped to halfway, a strong wind suddenly came whistling, the white bone warrior fixed his eyes to see that it was actually the guy Guldan who went and returned!

The white bone warrior with a shocked face just brushed past Guldan, and as he crossed him, Guldan didn't forget to arrogantly raise a middle finger towards him.

"Madfark! Hahahahahaha!"

This was Guldan's plan! He never needed to completely get rid of the enemy! He only needed to get rid of the enemy for a while! Even if he could only get rid of them for a second, that would be enough!

As long as he hid back in the Skeleton Squad, the district was just a single White Bone Warrior, not enough to worry about at all!

Looking at the white bone minions that stood piled up in a heap at the edge of the cliff, Guldan was overcome with tears of excitement.

It's finally safe! When he manages to disembark! If that bastard dares to come after us! I'll have to have my little brother dismantle him in a hundred and eight pieces!

Just as Guldan was thinking about what to do with the enemy, he finally came to the edge of the cliff with the help of the power of the vines, and then ......


The sound of impact rang out as Guldan slammed headfirst into the skeleton minions standing in a row, and the skeleton head hanging from his neck even spun around twice in a row!

A dumbfounded Guldan, staring wide-eyed at his own minions wordlessly, while his body swung back under inertia!

"You! Da! Master! Ah!"

A miserable voice rang out, and Guldan, who had been silent for a long time, finally figured out what had happened!

The douchebags actually didn't leave themselves any room at all!

They're thinking of finishing themselves off, right! They're definitely thinking of finishing themselves off, right? Why else would they go against themselves at every turn! Why else would they be digging holes for themselves!

"You retards!!!"

Pulling an ear-piercing scream, Guldan instantly swung to the opposite side, and halfway there, he and the White Bone Warrior, who relentlessly chased back, once again brushed against his face.

In this instant, Guldan clearly saw the confusion in the White Bone Warrior's eyes.

He couldn't seem to figure out why Guldan was back again.

In fact, it wasn't just him, Guldan likewise didn't understand! Didn't understand why he had come back!

Turning his head to look at the edge of the cliff that was getting closer and closer, Guldan sighed and stretched out his paws ready to go up first.

However ......

In Guldan's shocked expression, his desperately straightened paws were still a palm's length away from the edge of the cliff!

Although it was close at hand, this short palm-sized distance had become the last straw that crushed Guldan at this moment.

Can't reach it!!!


With a scream, the vines swung once again towards the opposite side after their force was exhausted, with a despairing Guldan still hanging on top of them.

And Guldan, who came back from his third swing, unsurprisingly rubbed shoulders with that white bone warrior again.

Then the fourth, fifth, and sixth ......

The two of them who already had no place to borrow strength, the vines in their hands shook with less and less strength, and eventually stopped completely.

With a clicking sound, the two of them with their hands grasping the vines met at the center of the cliff and crashed together viciously.

Looking at the white bone warrior who looked down at himself, Guldan only felt chills all over his body and raised his head to speak, but the skeleton hanging on his neck made a clicking sound, and his jaw directly fell down.

"Quite, quite a coincidence huh, hahahahahahaha! Have you eaten yet?"


It was true that the White Bone Warrior had not eaten, and he did not want to eat, all he wanted to do nowadays was to nibble on the ancient second egg!

Two rows of fangs bit down hard! They directly gnawed on Guldan's skull! And let out a clicking and eating sound!

Where can the poor sky spirit cover stand this kind of destruction, on the spot was gnawed out a hole, scared Guldan screaming!

Just as the White Bone Warriors were preparing to ride the attack, the sound of whistling wind suddenly came from the distance, hearing the commotion, the White Bone Warriors stopped their attack and hurriedly looked up, only to see a large number of Skeleton Soldiers swinging over with their hands grasping the vines!



Dozens of skeleton soldiers went forward! As they crossed the duo's side! Without any hesitation, they let go of the Templar Vines and flew at them!

Their courage is commendable! Their attitude is resolute! Their will is firm!

It's just a shame the IQ isn't enough.

A large number of skeleton soldiers didn't calculate the distance and flew directly past the two of them, then just plummeted straight downwards.

Some of the skeleton soldiers did hit, either crashing into the two of them or being kicked out of the way by the white bone warrior.

Crackling sounds rang out, when the sound stopped, Guldan consumed half a month of hard work to save out of the family, has been sharply reduced from more than sixty to more than a dozen, all hanging in the duo's vines under the aspect.