
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 11:Undead Instincts.

Name:White Bone Warrior

Status: Second Order Undead (Lower)


First Ring Spell ~ Hardened Bones

Second Ring Spell ~ Ghost Gun Throw

Introduction:If a first-order skeleton soldier against an adult human is like a dog bumping into a human, then in front of a second-order skeleton soldier, the identities of the two sides can be switched.

Looking at the stats of the few skeleton soldiers in front of him, the ghostly fire of the soul within Guldan's chest cavity pulsed.

Evolved! These guys actually evolved!


Soul Ghost Flame passed through the cracks in the armor and scanned the corpses on the ground for a while, and Guldan instantly understood what exactly had happened here.

Nine times out of ten, this group of skeleton soldiers, after finishing off the skeleton sorcerer, faced with the temptation of the third-ranked undead ghost fire, finally instinct overcame their oaths and chose to devour the loot alone.

The reason they died so much! It's also very likely that they fought each other for the loot! Resulting from killing each other!

Looking at the second-order skeleton soldiers that stood in front of him, numbering nine, Guldan's brain buzzed, suddenly roaring loudly and angrily while frantically bursting back.


With a command, the skeleton soldiers standing behind Guldan didn't hesitate, drawing their weapons and pouncing on them.

And those Advanced Skeleton Soldiers who were attacked, seeing this, did not have any ambiguity, grabbing their respective blades to counterattack on the spot.

The skeleton soldiers, who had been a group before, instantly fought in a big way, and that's how the undead world survives!

There is no family, no friendship, no bond, no trust.

The weak obey the strong, this is the principle of this place, once the weak become strong, then the strong will fight each other until one side is weak again or die in battle.

A brutal battle was fought on the spot, and although there was no blood and flesh flying, there were broken bones splattering.

There were constantly skeleton soldiers whose heads were chopped off, and there were constantly skeleton soldiers whose limbs were crushed.

Absorbing soul ghost fire takes time, it's not like you just shove him towards your mouth when the thing arrives and you're ok.

Downgrading to absorb ghost fire may take seconds.

Absorbing a ghost fire of the same level, on the other hand, could consume several hours or even days.

When crossing over to absorb ghost fire, then the absorption time would be very long.

It's just like when you're pouring water into a bottle while you're trying to expand the size of the bottle, the absorption rate is naturally not fast enough.

Therefore don't look at this moment when these few skeleton soldiers had successfully advanced, but their true strength was nothing more than a remnant of the second rank.

Guldan, who was standing at the back, continuously commanded the Skeleton Soldiers on his side to surround the enemy, a dozen or so minions surrounded a single enemy and quickly inflicted serious damage on them.

Guldan commanded while carefully observing, and after spending more than ten seconds, he finally found the target he was looking for.

"That one! Just that guy! Oops! That's the one with the onion in his head! Ah no! It's the guy with a horn! He's the one who took my third-order ghost fire! Let's kill him! Get it back!"

At this moment, Guldan was still pining for his loot this time, especially that highest quality Skeleton Wizard Ghost Fire.

The main reason was that he was greedy for the Skeleton Wizard's spells, and if he could get lucky and obtain his Skeleton Revival Technique, coupled with his own Skeleton Lord System, then Guldan would still not take off on the spot!

As Guldan gave the order, the skeleton soldiers began to gather towards that enemy.

This guy was able to grab the best loot, and there was no need to say much about the strength of his body.

I don't know what race he was in his lifetime, growing up to be a tall man, with a skeleton of more than two meters high not to mention, the degree of thickness is also very outrageous, the arm bone is as thick as someone else's thigh bone.

In conjunction with the white bone giant axe in his hand, with the white bone armor coalesced from the first ring spell, this guy was simply a war machine.

The skeletons that rushed up to him were knocked down by his sweep, but it was a pity that the killing power was more than enough speed, and the guy's bone life was declared to be over after he was locked up by a few skeleton soldiers with their lances on his bones and forced to stand up.

With a clicking sound, the head of the one-horned skeleton was chopped off with a slash, and the skeleton soldier who bent down to pick up his head and pulled out the ghost fire directly from the eye socket didn't directly hand over the trophy, instead, he held the ghost fire motionless.

Obviously, in front of this strong temptation, he was also a bit unable to hold on.

However, Guldan didn't give him a chance to rebel, taking a step and rushing over to snatch the ghost fire away while not forgetting to give him a blow to the head.

"Get to work!"

As if the tone of a black-hearted capitalist had caused the poor skeleton to tremble and hastily grab his weapon and run to the crowd.

As for Guldan, he held the mass of products that consisted of the mutual fusion of a second-order skeleton soldier and a skeleton sorcerer's ghost fire for a while and giggled.

Without any hesitation, Guldan directly grabbed this ghost fire in his hand, lifted his chest armor, and shoved it in with a raised hand.

In the next moment, Guldan's entire body was shaking like a sieve, the ghost fire inside his chest instantly rose, and some green soul flames even gushed out from the cracks of his armor!

In this instant, a rhythmic melody once again resounded in Guldan's mind.

It's a big bowl.

"Toodle-oo! Shit! It's electrifying the little master's electric voice! This thing deserves to be a third-order ghost fire! It's awesome!"

Guldan, who had never devoured such a strong flame before, was so excited that it was difficult to control himself at this moment.

The renegade skeletons that were fighting with the skeleton soldiers around them suddenly turned their heads in unison, and their pale green ghost flames locked onto Guldan's figure!

A first-order skeleton soldier! To actually get his hands on something he wasn't even qualified to touch!



Howls that rose and fell with each other rang out, and these few second-ranked skeleton soldiers actually directly ignored the enemies around them, frantically pouncing in Guldan's direction.

Guldan, who didn't expect this scene to happen, was scared out of his wits, commanding his juniors to go over and block them while hastily retreating to pull away.

The vast majority of the Skeleton Soldiers were stopped, after all, even if they were brave, a good tiger could not stand up to a pack of wolves after all.

But it's only the vast majority of them, don't forget that when the undead advance, it's a wide variety of necromantic spells that they will realize!

And this one! It includes some very off-the-wall spells!

Just as Guldan let out a long breath, he only heard a bang! The ground under his feet suddenly exploded! A second-order skeleton covered with slash marks violently poked out half of its body, while opening its mouth to viciously bite at Guldan's ankle!

Second ring necromancy spell! Inferno Stalking!

Can travel through less dense matter at an extreme speed in a state close to that of a spirit body!

"Fuck me!"

Guldan, who was startled by the sudden appearance of this guy, kicked up almost instinctively, actually forcing this enemy, who had opened his mouth to try to bite, back into the fluffy bones with another kick.

After doing this, the reactive Guldan didn't dare to have any hesitation, turned around and started running wildly.

All the while not forgetting to call out for an escort.

Only one thing he forgot was that these brain-dead skeleton soldiers didn't know what it meant to have regard if he didn't command what to do with precision!

There was a whoosh! Five skeleton rib arrows flew through the air! They were precisely inserted beside Guldan! The entire arrow body sank within the sea of bones!

The next moment, in Guldan's horrified expression, the explosion boomed!