
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 10: A Downward Blow from the Intelligence Quotient

If you meet a strong enemy, it is difficult to resist, you need to first cut off its wings, cut off its supplies, disturb its mind, and then you can break it.

The skeleton sorcerer was indeed considered a strong enemy for Guldan at this time, but it was not to the extent that it was difficult to fight against.

It's just that fighting the enemy to the death is the stupidest reckless behavior, especially when you know that the other side can inflict huge kills on your side.

Seeing the skeleton sorcerer transforming into a turret, Guldan made a snap decision and directly ordered the skeleton soldiers under his command to start slaughtering his subordinates.

For the death of his subordinates, the skeleton sorcerer at first did not care, after all, the death of his subordinates this kind of thing, for him has long been accustomed to.

It wasn't until he realized that he was surrounded by less and less cannon fodder that he could use to recharge his energy, and gradually began to be unable to cast the Spear of the Dead, that he realized that something was wrong.

At this point, the Bone Armored Mantis was basically dead, with only two or three kittens and puppies left.

In fact, if they were to face an ordinary third-order undead, they would not be so miserable, and even if there would be deaths and injuries, there would be at most four or five deaths and injuries.

But who expected that the skeleton sorcerer also hid such a hand of cards it, in the face of the penetrating force of the spear of the dead, bone armored mantis had been proud of the white bone armor, completely lost its usefulness.

With the Bone Armored Mantis retiring, the battle had developed into a duel between skeletons.

A large number of peak first-order skeleton soldiers swarmed here, greeting them with both long and short weapons, only hitting the skeleton guards with their hands in a frenzy, unable to fight at all.

Especially between this group of Skeleton Soldiers, there were actually five or six Skeleton Archers, always preferring to focus on targeting a Skeleton Guard, and basically taking one away with each round of attacks.

Even the Skeleton Guards were so miserable, not to mention the Skeleton Archers who were weak in melee combat.

As more and more skeleton soldiers fell under his command, the Skeleton Wizard, who had a decent IQ, began to panic.

If the fight continued like this, there was a high possibility that he would be beaten to death by the group, and once all of his minions were dead, and the energy in his body was completely depleted, then I'm afraid that his combat power would not even be as good as a Skeleton Guard.

Withdraw! We must withdraw!

Thoughts flashed through his mind as the skeleton wizard commanded the few remaining skeleton guards to shield themselves in an attempt to break out.

Rushing straight between, rely on skeleton guards brazen delay, skeleton sorcerer finally succeeded in escaping from the encirclement, only when the breakout was attacked and a lot, originally spotless, white as snow on the skeleton, at this time has been all over the knife marks.

Even the white bone staff that was lovingly held in his hand broke when he attacked the skeleton soldiers that broke through the defense just now.

The unusually woefully shaped skeleton wizard was aggrieved, aggrieved and annoyed.

When has he ever been so down and out! Even before the soldiers under his command rebelled! He was unusually calm from the beginning to the end! As if he were a great general watching from the wall.

And today, they were actually still being beaten by a bunch of cannon fodder like a group of first-order skeleton soldiers! Why did they rebel? Who is in charge of them? Just who was the one who had replaced all of his subordinates without a word!

A series of questions surged from his mind, which made the skeleton sorcerer, whose IQ was not high at all, feel nothing but a splitting headache.

Turning his head to look at the three remaining Skeleton Guards around him, the Skeleton Sorcerer forced down the anger in his heart and let out a secret sigh.

It seemed like he really had to start all over again, but that was nothing, he was about to break through to the Fourth Order Grand Sorcerer Realm! As long as he could advance successfully! Then these losses today are a complete drop in the ocean!

Dropping the broken white bone staff in his hand, the skeleton wizard suddenly reached out, brutally breaking a rib from his subordinate beside him and casually inserting it into his own broken rib, before twisting his head and scanning the surrounding area.

He's looking for Kuji as a therapist.

With an instinctive sweeping glance around the room, the skeleton wizard suddenly froze, and then stifled a sigh a moment later.

He had forgotten that the first-order mongrel had already been casually killed by the Bone Armored Mantis at the very beginning.

Now that the healer he had managed to get died, and he was also very good at lining up troops, this loss hurt him even more than the death of a Skeleton Guard.

If I had known, I would have strengthened him a little bit, even if I didn't let him become a second-order skeleton and grow to the peak of the first-order, a little bit of self-protection ability would be fine.

Was he too cautious before?

Continuing on with a few guards, not daring to make any stops along the way, the running skeleton wizard's mind was filled with thoughts.

Just thinking about it, he suddenly sensed that something was wrong.

In the sea of one's soul, the guy who was a medical doctor and military advisor, the soul fire fragment hadn't shattered, which meant that he wasn't dead yet?

Snapping to a halt, the skeleton wizard excitedly turned his head and looked far into the field of battle behind him.

He's still alive? This was simply great news! As long as one quickly revives a group of cannon fodder! And succeed in finding that smart guy! Relying on that guy's tactics! I'm sure I'll be able to eat those damnable skeleton soldiers!

Wanting to do it, the Skeleton Sorcerer began to wave his staff, mobilizing some of the recently recovered undead energy in his body, and in one breath he revived a dozen or so cannon fodder Skeleton Soldiers.

He was ready to take the men and kill them!

Just as the Skeleton Wizard was nervously reviving the cannon fodder and preparing to revitalize, the hill of white bones nestled around him suddenly let out a loud bang, the white bones piled up at the entrance of the cave were savagely smashed open, and dozens of skeleton soldiers hidden in the cave rushed out wielding their weapons.

White bones, the peak of the first rank, this group of guys were clearly in league with the group from before!

They're ambushing themselves!

Looking at the skeleton soldiers that instantly rushed in front of him, directly dispersing the cannon fodder he had painstakingly summoned and frantically pouncing on himself, the Skeleton Sorcerer's mind went blank.

At this time, the last bit of energy in the skeleton sorcerer's body was all used up, raising his hand to cast a spell, but he couldn't even cast the most basic skeleton revival.

With the sound of impact, the skeleton wizard with his hand raised was drowned directly under the white bones ......

Intelligence from the living against the minds of the dead, and the result can be a downward spiral.

How high can the IQ of a guy who has just been revived not more than three years ago, and who is either retarded or brain-dead when he encounters his own kind, be high in his own IQ?

Although Guldan wasn't good at scheming, he was still handy when he wanted to bully a silly white bone.

Ten minutes later, Guldan, who was topped with a skeleton head, led a large number of skeleton soldiers to this battlefield in a big way.

Looking at the mess all over the ground, with those skeletons with their heads cut open, especially after noticing the skeleton sorcerer's bones, Guldan nodded with satisfaction.

He's finally free! And with a ministry of his own!

Yay for skeleton wizards! The leader you chose in the beginning! Since we cannot coexist! Then you shall be the first cornerstone under my feet!

Arriving in front of the skeleton soldiers he had ambushed beforehand, Guldan casually stretched out his palms, ready to wait for them to hand over their loot.

However ......

Looking at the Skeleton Soldiers who did not respond and stood motionless in front, Guldan furrowed his eyebrows.

That said, had their numbers gotten smaller? Against a skeleton sorcerer who could no longer cast a few spells, plus just three dismembered skeleton guards, was there a need for more than half of them to die?

More than thirty guys ambushed here, and at this point there are actually less than ten left? How did these idiots fight? They just rammed their heads into each other's weapons?

The more he surveyed, the more he felt that something was wrong, Guldan seemed to suddenly remember something, his face changed violently, and he hurriedly opened the system to aim at them.

In the next moment, a large amount of data appeared in front of Guldan.