
The Skeleton Lords' Diary of Getting Stronger

Accidentally crossing over to the other world, other people become immortal and become a Buddha, the worse is also a waste of reverse. But when it came to Guldan, he realized that he had no hope at all. Because this guy became a skeleton soldier! Or a lower class handicap without a head...

Janch · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 1: A system that can evolve itself.

The dark undead realm was filled with mountains of corpses and seas of bones.

300 kilometers to the left was the Land of Rotting Corpses, piled high with blood and flesh, with all kinds of rotting corpses or walking corpses everywhere.

On the right, 500 kilometers away, was the famous Ghost Forest, filled with countless ghosts and spirits.

As for the center of the two, it was the Sea of White Bones, which covered a very large area.

Here, the mountains were made of bones, the earth was made of bones, and even under the streams of black water, all the bones were blackened.

The bones piled up here were both old and new, some were still strong and sturdy, while others had been destroyed by the wind and sand and were not only yellow, but also brittle and pitiful.

The black sun was high in the sky, and at one of the edges of the Sea of White Bones below, a large number of skeleton soldiers were gathered together, seemingly resting and recuperating.

There were even a few skeleton soldiers standing guard at the far end.

It was just that these skeletons, constantly shaking their skeletons, turning their heads, and having a pitifully slow reaction speed, could not make people feel any sense of security towards them.

Expecting them to recognize the enemy? You might as well expect the enemy to come out of the bushes himself!

The leader of this skeleton squad of a hundred skeletons was a skeleton wizard.

It was the kind of skeleton that could cast a few necromantic spells and had a relatively high IQ.

And next to the skeleton wizard was a skeleton soldier with yellowed bones, clad in tattered armor, and holding a half-broken iron sword.

Most importantly, this skeleton soldier had no head!

There was a gaping hole above the broken neck vertebrae, and a black mist seeped out from the chest cavity, with a vague hint of light green spirit fire.

This is the soul essence of the undead, as long as the spirit fire is not extinguished, even if you cut the undead into 108 pieces, they can live to show you.

Guldan looked at the group of large skeletons sitting beside him, then at the skeleton mage sitting beside him in a tattered cloak, then at his own small arms and legs, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There were 100 skeletons, the majority of which were the first-order skeleton cannon fodder, more than seventy of them.

On top of that, there was the rarer first-order skeleton variant, the Skeleton Archer, which could number around twenty.

Then there were the second-class skeletons, the Skeleton Guards, who sat around and acted as the personal guards of the Skeleton Sorcerer.

This group of large skeleton soldiers could condense armor with white bones, and they also held white bone-condensed weapons.

Don't look at the fact that they were made of bones, but the offensive and defensive power was definitely not weak.

You have to know that the Skeleton Guards were elite skeleton soldiers who could fight with human soldiers to the point of being indistinguishable from the first-order skeletons that were annihilated when they encountered the militia, and they didn't even have an official name.

If this group of guys fought with the skeletons, it would be modest to say that they fought one against ten.

As for the boss of this team, the Skeleton Wizard, he was the most ordinary third-order power.

To be precise, any skeleton wizard would have third-order strength.

It was just that their strength was a bit exaggerated, and it was questionable whether or not this group of guys could defeat a second-tier skeleton guard with their own fighting strength.

The reason why these guys were able to reach the third tier with their beginner's strength, and became famous among them, being called the strongest third-tier monsters in the undead system and even terrifying humans, was only because of their ability, which was quite incomprehensible.

Skeleton Resurrection Technique! This was the signature skill that a Skeleton Sorcerer needed to know, they could turn any corpse into a first-order skeleton and use it to replenish their troops to fight for themselves.

It can be said that they are born leaders, so if you leave a Skeleton Sorcerer unattended and are unlucky enough to have them find a grave, beware.

It may be that in a few months, when you set foot on that grave again, you will be surprised to find that your ancestor has turned on you and is putting on his size 13 shoes and preparing to come over and slap your size 12 face.

One man is a disaster! If it weren't for the fact that they could only resurrect first-order skeletons, and if it weren't for the fact that such weaklings couldn't pose a threat to large cities even if they gathered in a sea, I'm afraid this group of monsters wouldn't have been classified as a third-order existence.

Silently, Guldan compared the fighting prowess of both sides in his mind, and as he looked down at his yellowed arms and legs, he forced down the impulse in his heart once again.

Guldan was human, or at least he used to be.

Guldan didn't know how he got here, but when he crawled out of the white pile of bones, he had become a headless knight.

A headless knight with no mount, no armor, no strength, and what could simply be called the ultimate inferior version of nothing.

The only thing that was the same as the real Headless Horseman was that Guldan, as an impostor pretending to be the Headless Horseman, had no head, just like the real Headless Horseman.

When he woke up and realized he had no head, Guldan was distraught.

And when he looked down and saw that he had lost his other head, Guldan collapsed instantly.

If it weren't for the unfamiliar voice that suddenly rang in his head as he was about to die, giving him a glimmer of hope, Guldan's undead career would have ended before it even began.

System, the Golden Finger necessary for travelers, Guldan had it too.

Only his system is a bit special, others are confirmed in advance, just waiting for the host to open the ability.

Only his strange system, actually with his will against evolution.

Guldan thought to himself that it was not easy to get a second life, it is not possible to still be a wage earner like in his last life.

So if he had a high ideal and wanted to be a king or something, the system should be able to understand that, right?

The facts proved that the system could understand, but it was a pity that it understood too much.

The system evolved, from the original incapable whiteboard system, it evolved into the Skeleton Lord System.

Name: Skeleton Lord System

Energy: 947

Ability: Consume energy to strengthen undead creatures, 10 points of energy required to raise the first rank to the second rank, 100 points required to raise the second rank to the third rank, 1,000 points required for the fourth rank, 5,000 points required for the fifth rank, 10, 000 for the sixth rank, 50,000 for the seventh rank, 100,000 for the eighth rank, 500,000 for the ninth rank, and 1,000,000 points of energy are required to evolve into an Undead Overlord (the equivalent of a human Braveheart, the Demon King of Hell).

Evolving from an Undead Lord to an Undead Monarch (equivalent to an earthly demigod, a demon king of hell) requires 10 million points of energy.

Evolving from an Undead Monarch to an Inferior God required 100 million points of energy.

And that wasn't the end of it, after that, there was the progression of gods, such as mid-level gods, higher-level gods, main gods, creator gods, this system could actually strengthen every level, but the energy consumed was becoming more and more outrageous.

What made Guldan feel bad was that this system was actually just a lord system.

It could only strengthen the soldiers! He could not strengthen himself!

And he couldn't guarantee the loyalty of the soldiers! In other words! If he accidentally raised a white-eyed wolf! Then he's dead!