
the six fake gods and the one to expose them (fanfic)

In a world where systems exist the power of a country is nothing something that matters. The whole world has been united underneath one government that rules everything, including the system users. System users are remembered as legends of the past. But with almost everything being available to see online, the current system users have gotten arrogant and live as they please, believing themselves to be Gods. In history only six system users have ever exists at a time, and it has stayed that way. Even if you look back during the most ancient scriptures you'll only find six system users at a time. But although only six have ever existed, it was always possible for there to be seven systems users at a time, but there never was. So what happens if a seventh system user comes along? And what would they do with their powers?

Original_Sin · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: “breaking news and planning.”

(*3rd person POV*)

The whole world was watching the tv, to see what the system users and the government was announcing, this included Jayden and his family plus Dabi.

In the studio where all the system users were was the professional introducer who greets the world. A big responsibility but it pays well but if he screwed up the consequences would be big.

"Hello and welcome to one of the biggest announcements in the last century, possibly the last thousand years in my opinion." He started energetically. "I'm sure you've all heard the rumours about a new system user. And you're right. But did an old system user die? Or is it the mysterious seventh? Well let's ask the only people that could give us a proper answer shall we? The system users!"

He started clapping and for the people watching on tv it switched from him to show all the government system users, with their names and titles under it.

All of them were wearing the same as they were earlier in the day and Evelyn had the illusion back on and had a fake name.

The man soon stopped clapping and turned to the users. "I'm just saying it is an honour for me to be with you guys, even presenting this. But that's not why we're here. So, what is the big news you guys want to tell the world?"

Alexander spoke. "There is indeed a new system user. But an old system user has not died." He said.

The spokesperson looked shocked but composed himself. "So, the rumoured seventh system user?"

"Yeah." Josh said.

"So, if you don't mind me asking. Where is and what is he like?" The spokesman questioned.

"That's the thing, he didn't show up at any government facility. And we gave him time, we waited two days, so unless he is on a mountain somewhere then he is wanting to not get involved in anything or he has joined jochen. We believe the latter is less likely as they would have announced that." Endou said in perfect English.

"I see. I don't suppose you know what his powers are?" He asked.

All of them stayed silent and Endou secretly nudged Evelyn. She coughed and the others turned to her. "We have a possible idea of what their powers are." The others turned to her and she could see the hate in Josh and Marfa's eyes and the emotionless gaze of Alexander and the supporting look of Endou.

"What are the speculations if you don't mind me asking?" He asked, this was one of the system's users that rarely spoke and some called her mute.

"Their titles give us a clue, they have three but only two are relevant. [Summoner] and [Osiris], from this we can assume he summons something if he didn't give his other title and just [Summoner] we could assume it could be elements or spirits, if they exist. But with his other title [Osiris] it narrows down a possible list of abilities. Osiris was a god of the dead and afterlife and with these two titles together we have speculated he is summon the dead." She paused to get a drink and to let it settle in. "We don't know if there is a limit but it is possible for there to be a limit on how many they can have at the same time or if there is a big difference in level."

The spokesman took a moment to think before asking a question. "Doesn't that mean they can 'summon' past system users?"

Evelyn answered before someone else. "Yes, it is a possibility. That is why after this or possibly as we speak there will be increased security around the tombs of dead system users."

A complete lie but now that it was said on live television they would have to do it. She would get in trouble for it, possibly less funding but if this new system user decided to go rogue this was the best option.

He nodded and asked a question. "What if his second title is just to throw you off what his powers actually are?"

Alexander then spoke seeing as josh and marfa are too mad to speed and might mess up and letting Evelyn and endou continue speaking while cause others to think the rest of them were not well informed or are stupid. "Increases of mana. Mana is something that makes skills work and is the most common type of energy and easiest to detect, it is easy to track the more a person has, it is also what most system users try and upgrade first so they can use skills. If we find a dramatic increase of mana in a person then we know that person is a system user."

"I see." The spokesperson said. "Is there anything else you would like to inform us of?"

Marfa, deciding to save a bit of pride, decided to spread false news, not like anyone would be able to tell. "Me and Josh have gotten closer to taking down Jochen. We are close and if things progress smoothly only a few more battles and we will win and put an end to his terror."

The spokesman smiled. "Well that is good news." He then turned towards the camera and made a joke. "Well if you see zombies or skeletons outside of your house give the police a call so we can track down this new system user."

Inside Jochens 'organisation' as he calls it, he scoffs. "What terror? You're all happy here right boys?!" They all cheer. "Exactly! Let's go show those dictators some 'terror', if that's what they want that's what they'll get! Right boys?!" They all cheered louder than before. "Get your weapons! We're going to battle!" The cheers were so loud it almost shook the building.

Meanwhile with Jayden. He was thinking of what Alexander said. Mana was a good skill to upgrade because of the skills but if it was going to get him caught easier then he needed to get a skill that made it easier to suppress his mana or maybe an item.

Dabi, seeing Jayden worrying, put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, just don't upgrade your mana. Maybe strenght? Agility?"

"Yeah… guess you're right." Jayden then thought back to anime's where the protagonist didn't have mana but was one of the strongest. The first one that came to mind was black clover, even if asta had anti magic he was fast enough to surprise some magic captains with his speed into thinking he had a magic that made him go faster.

Asta trained to get fast, he could do it even faster if missions and he had a system with system points, he hadn't spent any points yet because he wasn't sure, he wasn't going to upgrade mana for a while because of this new information.

But what about his summons, he wasn't worried about Dabi; he didn't have any magic but could in the future if he trained. But what about future summons? What if he got really lucky, or unlucky depending on how you look at it, and they have a bunch of mana?

It would attract attention and possibly lead to him being attacked and forced to work under the government he didn't want that. Oh well, he I'll figure it out in the future.

He hadn't even told his family he was the system user that the tv was talking about earlier in the day. And he was glad his plan had worked that they would think he can summon the dead, although now that he thought about it, it was a very powerful ability.

He also noticed the hate they had for [The Eclipsed], he knew that the name they used on tv wasn't the real one as she would have it shown on the system communication thing.

He also discovered that his system had different pages. He didn't know what to call them, different menus?

This was his main menu:




Skill tree!]

The systems status and communication were obvious in what they were and their purpose but the skill tree was a very interesting thing, you would think that it would only be skills to get better summons for Jayden and although that was something it could do that wasn't all the system could do.

The system said that Jayden could use the skills of his summons if he trained hard enough, and Jayden guessed that because of that the system just threw everything in there.

He could get resistances, element affinities, skills of his summons although the only skill there was cremation and that cost more points than the other skills.

But right now Jayden didn't have a plan, he just wanted to help his sister when he got his system, but now he has no goal.

Although he would say world peace, that would be impossible. The closest thing to world peace is when there is one ruler of the entire world, but even then that fails in the end as there would be resistances.

And he didn't want to rule the world, maybe he would if he got a summon that had the skill to do so. But then again that was stupid.

Jayden knows that the world is 'broken', they see the system users as gods. But if they were gods what would the person who created the system be?

It just doesn't add up. And if the person who created the system was god, why give them systems? To Jayden it doesn't make sense.

Oh? Maybe he should become a god? Well not a god per say, but on the level of one, so he could find out why they were given systems. Jayden chuckled at that ridiculous thought.

Although that was a long term thing. But he had to think of the present right now.

Jayden remembered he had something to summon random items so he decided to use one of them.

"System summon one random item." He says as a, like last time, a ticket appears in front of him. It glows and then something appears before him…

I hope you all enjoyed this!

I’m not sure if you guys noticed, but when referring to Jayden, everyone refers to him as ‘he’, even though they don’t know his gender. While Evelyn refers to him in neutral pronouns. Just a little fact about the chapter!

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