
The Sins of Man

The Sole Survivor wakes after two hundred years in the fridge to be greeted by an irradiated wasteland. Using his years of military experience, he must band together with those willing to fight, taking a stand to overcome the greatest threat to the Commonwealth. The Institute.

hackwriter29 · Video Games
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26 Chs


"I'd better go check on her," I muttered, checking my watch. "She's usually up by now."

"Maybe she had a good night?" Piper only half-joked

"Well, all the more reason to go check."

She was still in the same room, now paying for herself as Tommy had given her a considerable number of caps that even she couldn't spend all on booze too quickly. Knocking on the door, I didn't hear a response. It was unlocked as always. Stepping inside, I almost sighed before I noticed she was even paler than usual. But when feeling her forehead, she was absolutely burning up, though a check of her heartbeat proved to be erratic.

"Cool her down, I suppose," I muttered to myself.

Gently picking her up, she felt like dead weight in my arms, managing to keep a hand on her head so it didn't fall back. Stepping into the bar area, Piper and Vadim noticed immediately, Vadim gesturing towards the showers, Piper running ahead to get it switched on. Asking for a little privacy, I sat down again the wall under the cold water, holding Cait against me, looking up at Piper.

"Heart's still going. Still breathing. But the room needs a clean."

"I'll grab Vadim and we'll work together, Blue." She paused before adding, "Not your first rodeo?"

"This was the usual thing when soldiers had seen enough at the front. Attempted overdose. Actual overdose. Honestly, better this way than with a shotgun." I shuddered at what I could remember. "I'll stay here until she's woken up. Then we might need to talk afterwards, but it has to be on her terms."

"Of course, Blue. Shout if you need anything."

Didn't take long for Cait to come around. She fought me for a few seconds, unsure where she was and certainly wondering why she was under a shower. I simply gave her a gentle squeeze and reassured her that she was fine. For some reason, that seemed to settle her down immediately, feeling her almost sag back against me, the fight going out of her far quicker than I expected.

"Should have just let me die," she murmured.

"I don't give up on people that easily, Cait," I whispered back, "No idea what you've been through. Can take some guesses. But I don't give up. Just need to find something to live for."

She didn't say anything back to that, simply rubbing her arms as I held her. When I felt her shuffle back against me, I figured that, for the next few minutes, she might be okay. "Don't give up?" she eventually whispered.

"Never," I whispered back.

"I'm cold."

I blindly lifted my hand to switch off the water before I stood up and grabbed one of the towels left by Vadim. Helping Cait to her feet, she was a little unsteady as I wrapped the remarkably thick towel around her, grabbing a second one to help dry her hair, then wrapped that one around her too. Lifting her up in my arms, it was almost a concern at how light she was, but when she leaned her head against me, I couldn't help grin. Maybe she was starting to feel safer around me.

Her room was already cleaned up by the time I carried her in. Pulling back the blankets, I sat her down and removed the towels. Asking if she had clean clothes, she gestured to her bag. I helped her undress as far as her underwear. She ready to take off her bra but suggested that would be fine, long as we wrapped her up in some clean clothes. Once dressed again, I made sure she was snuggled under the blankets.

"Will you stay?" she asked softly.

"I'm just going to grab a chair. Not going anywhere else right now."

Piper knew we wouldn't be going anywhere for a couple of days at least now. Hadn't told her what Cait said in the shower, but despite what Cait had tried to do, or at least that's what she suggested, then I think she trusted me enough to have me stay with her. Piper said she'd head home but would pop in when she could.

Taking a seat, Cait was wide awake but obviously not feeling particularly talkative, so I flicked on the radio to provide a little noise. The occasional song provoked a memory which I'd share, generally trying to keep them happy to help make her laugh or even just smile. She managed to eat a little something for lunch, sitting up in bed, though she still seemed to lack energy, lying back down straight away.

Piper wandered in later, asking if we wanted dinner. Cait sat up and said she was hungry, managing to help her to her feet and slowly led her into the bar area. Vadim had some meat cooking on the grill, a plate each placed in front of us within a few minutes, Cait's appetite returning with a vengeance as she polished off one plate quickly and requested another. When she asked for a drink, I shared a concerned glance with Piper.

"I don't think…"

"Just water, Nate," Cait said, "Don't think I could even handle the smell of liquor right now."

In addition to the food, she must have enjoyed three or four bottles of water, no surprise she had to excuse herself to go to the bathroom quite quickly. While she was gone, Piper grabbed my hand and smiled, not feeling it necessary to say anything else. Cait returned, certainly looking better than when I'd found her this morning. I was left thinking she hadn't taken an overdose, it was more a combination of drugs and booze that, thankfully, didn't seem to have worked.

I wasn't going to leave Cait by herself that night, Piper kissing my cheek after dinner, letting me know she'd come back the next morning. Returning with Cait to her room, she was far livelier with some water and food in her, sitting back on the bed side by side, listening to the radio. She took my hand in hers and rested against my upper arm. I almost sighed with relief at the fact she just felt comfortable around me.

"I'm going to take you to Sanctuary day after tomorrow. Get you away from Diamond City. Give you a little peace and relaxation."

"Guess you're now thinking I'm totally fucked up?"

"Not at all. As I said, I don't know your story, Cait. When you're ready to tell me, I'll listen. We're all carrying wounds, one way or another."

"Not sure I'm capable…"

"You tell me when you're ready. And if you need others to hear, I'll make sure they're around too."

When it came to going to bed a couple of hours later, Cait seemed to be aware that I'd stay with her. I would have been fine with sleeping on the floor, but once the door was closed, the radio and lights turned off, she made sure I was lying next to her, and she wasted no time relaxing against me, ensuring I was cuddling her. "Daisy looked happy being held like this," she whispered.

"You weren't uncomfortable watching?"

"As I said, totally hot, Nate. A little weird, considering she's a ghoul, but she's still a woman. Still has wants and needs. And there was no missing how much she was loving your cock."

"I enjoyed myself too."

"Would you ever…"



"You have issues that need working through first, Cait. You know that. I know that. I know you find it hard to trust anyone. Hope I've gone a little way to show not everyone is a piece of shit."

"That's why I stayed to watch you with Daisy. Listening to your conversation in the bar, I knew within ten minutes she wanted you to take her back to the room. Wasn't sure if you would or not."

"Well, either way, I don't have any regrets. And I let her know, when I'm in Goodneighbor again…"

"She's getting fucked?"

"All fucking night." That made her giggle, which was a sound that caused a surge of relief through me. "And when you're ready, and I mean truly ready, maybe you'd like what Daisy had the other night?"

"I want it now. But thank you, Nate. Nice to know someone actually gives a shit."

"You were in a cage fighting for your life. Soon as I laid eyes on your properly, I wanted to help. That's just how I am."

"The cage wasn't the worst bit," she muttered.

I kissed her cheek. "Let's sleep," I said softly, "And if you fell alright in the morning, we'll leave for Sanctuary immediately."

By the time I woke up in the morning, she turned around in her sleep so her head rested under my chin, an arm wrapped around me as I held her in both of mine. Leaving a soft kiss on the top of her head, she stirred slightly but remained sleeping a while longer, gently stroking her back as she slept. She seemed to be at peace, completely comfortable and relaxed. No idea what she'd been through in her life, but I could only guess it was horrific. I'd noticed plenty of scars on her skin when undressing her the day before, but I could only take a guess at the wounds she carried deep within. I had a feeling it was going to be another horrible story.

When she did finally wake up, she leaned back and there was colour in her cheeks for two reasons. One, she was simply feeling better, and two, I think she was perhaps a little embarrassed. I didn't make a big deal about it, simply kissing her forehead as I wished her good morning. She told me rather simply she hadn't slept that well in years.

"It's nice not having to sleep with one eye open," she said.

"I'm glad you feel safe with me."

She smiled. "I do. Thank you, Nate. For yesterday. I was in a really bad place. But it was the simple things that… That just made me feel better. You gave a shit. No-one has given a shit before, not unless they wanted something from me in return."

"I just want you safe and happy, Cait. Knew that the moment Tommy gave me that contract. Showed me what he thought of you, which is why I ripped it up straight away."

That earned me a tighter hug, head resting against me again as I continued to stroke her back. She was relaxed. So was I. She did joke about me moving my hand slightly lower down her back, making us both chuckle, but she shuffled a few times to get comfortable. Must have laid there for longer than I thought as there was eventually a knock. Piper popped her head through, smiling at both of us, asking if we planned on getting up.

"We're going to Sanctuary. Want to come?" I asked.

"You bet. When do you want to go?"

I looked down at Cait, who nodded. "We'll leave in an hour," I replied, "I'd better contact Preston and let him know."

After a quick breakfast, Piper headed home to quickly pack, Cait packed away her few belongings, while I headed outside, getting into my armour so I could speak to Preston. He told me things were okay at the Castle, and wasn't all that surprised to hear I was heading north. He didn't ask why, simply stating he would hold the fort until my return, though was already more than aware that I'd be on the road more often than not for the time being. We still had a list as long as my leg of things to do.

As we left later than usual for the walk north, it was already dark by the time we made it to Concord. We now had checkpoints on roads leading in and out of the town. Now that my armour at least had the Minutemen emblem prominent on the chest piece, the trio on guard were obviously nervous, but once I announced who I was, the sense of relief had Piper and Cait giggling away.

Each checkpoint had a ham radio for communication, announcing my arrival so that, by the time we'd crossed the bridge, a welcoming committee was there for us. Inquisitive as always, they were obviously aware of all the changes that had taken place once we'd taken back the Castle, so I had to get used to people calling me 'General' in Sanctuary. As soon as I was out of my armour, Jennifer appeared from nowhere to give me a hug.

"Looks like someone missed you, Blue," Piper joked.

"Where's Alicia?" Jennifer asked.

"Haylen? She's back with the Brotherhood for now," I replied.

"That's a shame. I liked her."

"Well," I said, letting her go and gesturing, "You've obviously met Piper. This is Cait. Cait, meet Jennifer."

Jennifer offered her hand. "Nice to meet you."

To my surprise, Cait grin and took her hand. "You too. Fuck him?"

"Cait!" Piper exclaimed, though couldn't stop the giggle.

"Definitely," Jennifer said in that sort of tone that suggested she wanted to again.

"We should dump our things at home," I suggested.

Cait put two and two together rather quickly that I was living in my old house. Seemed that some of the settlers had made further improvements. The settlement was a little noisier with all the generators running. Sturges had been talking of putting together a power supply that would run on fusion cores. I was amazed at how many we'd found already, and given that it was an almost limitless supply of power, I had immediately given him the go ahead.

"So where am I sleeping?" Cait asked, "I'm guessing Piper is sleeping in here. Or is Jennifer?"

"You're sleeping here," Piper replied.

"I can handle him having sex. I watched him fuck Daisy. If you need to get laid…"

"God yes," Jennifer murmured.

"Hang on, what about the young man who…" The sigh was all the answer Piper needed. "Okay, you're staying here."

"What about you, Piper?" I asked.

"I'm sure…"

"Fuck it, bed looks big enough, no reason why four of us can't share, right?" Cait suggested.

All three looked at me. I grinned but shrugged. "I'm easy. Whatever you three agree to."

The settlement now came with what I would call a fully functional kitchen. There were a couple of spits upon which meat was roasting, and there were at least three stoves now upon which all other manner of food was being cooked. From what I was told, the kitchen was on the go from morning until late at night as people would eat at different times, depending on what was going on during the day.

It had been a long walk north from Diamond City so we headed to bed at a reasonable time. Soon as we were in my bedroom, Jennifer wasted no time letting it known what she wanted that evening, as while Piper distracted me with a kiss, I found the belt of my trousers and button undone, fly pulled down and a pair of soft lips around my rapidly thickening cock rather quickly. Groaning into Piper's mouth, she broke the kiss and grinned. "She's going to make you very happy tonight, Blue."

I was blown until they knew I was turned on and, admittedly, rather open to suggestion. Jennifer looked up at me with my cock in her mouth with such a look, I couldn't help reach down to stroke her cheek, feeling my own smile broaden. She looked so happy doing it.

"Jenny, I have a question," Piper asked. She just nodded as she only slowed down blowing me. "Now, you can ride him but he won't eat you out after he's cum in you. So do you want to sit on his face first the ride him later? That way I can ride him first." Jennifer made an approving sound, nodding her head as she kept blowing me. "Cait?"

Even I glanced at her as she sat on the edge of the bed. "I'll just watch," she replied softly. I reached out to stroke her cheek. The smile on her face as she closed her eyes… "It's okay," she added quietly, "It's just nice watching people who genuinely like each other and show it."

"Cait," Piper stated to say.

"It's okay, Piper. I don't want to be involved right now." But she gently grabbed my wrist and the smile returned to me lit up her face. It was the first genuine smile I'd seen on her face since we'd met. "You three have fun. I'm happy just watching for now."

"Are you sure?" Piper asked, "Just in case… If you're worried…"

"Piper, it's fine."

So I laid down on my bed, Cait lying down next to me once she was in her bra and panties. I glanced at her and grinned as I already thought her gorgeous, but as I was naked and hard, she got a good look at me in return. The smile only broadened, remembering that she's watched me with Daisy in Goodneighbor, but this was different again.

Piper wasted no time sliding down my cock, Jennifer waiting long enough for Piper to lean forward so she could kiss me. "Know she's got you going already, Blue. If you need to cum…"

I smiled, kissing her, then looked at Jennifer, who wasted no time straddling my face, not overly surprised when she positioned herself backwards so she could face Piper, left in no doubt the pair were making out considering Jennifer was leaning forward, and they both made the sort of moans that suggested the two women were making out.

Jennifer certainly enjoyed what I was doing with my mouth, but when she leaned forward into a certain position, her arse was rather prominent and I got a good look at a very clean, tight little arsehole, and part of me wanted to touch it. So I licked up from where I was concentrating all the way up her tight little butt, which provoked a better reaction than I thought.

"Do that again," she whispered.

So I did, and she squirmed but told me she liked it. Rather quickly, her pussy was being ignored as I focused on just tickling her, and Piper laughed, suggesting I was getting even harder doing that to Jennifer. But the fact she reacted positively was good until she started to shed a few tears that only Piper saw to start.

"Jenny," Piper said softly.

"Not what he's doing," she whimpered, "But…" She trailed off, but didn't need to say anything else.

"Jennifer," Piper stated seriously, "Are you okay?" Jennifer obviously nodded. I'd stopped by now as I could sense something. "Do you want Nate to continue?"

She moved forward and immediately hugged Piper tightly. Seeing Piper gently stroke her back caused me to smile as I shuffled backwards as Piper had lifted herself up off me by now. "The only time it's happened…" Jennifer started to say.

"Was it before you arrived here?" Jennifer nodded. "Did you like what Nate was doing?"

"I want him to… you know… When I close my eyes now, I only think of him. So now I want him like that, because I know when he's with me like that, it will be… He'll make feel good."

"You sure?" Jennifer's nod was adamant. I wasn't going to say a word. If this was what she wanted, and if it made her smile even more, I'd be happy to do it. Piper then looked at Cait. So did I, to see glistening eyes, but such a grin on her face, I couldn't help reach across to stroke her cheek. "Are you okay?" Piper asked.

"Keep going," Cait whispered. She was in her underwear, and there was no doubt she was excited by everything, but also a little overwhelmed and emotional. I had an inkling as to why. In fact, I think Piper knew her story already but would wait until Cait sat down to talk to us. Neither of us wanted to push the issue. It would only be on her terms.

"You got lube, Blue?" Piper asked. I snorted to that question, gesturing to the safe where I still kept plenty of things, now unlocked all the time as no-one entered my house without my presence. Plus, who'd go looking through my things looking for lube?

Spinning Jennifer around, she straddled my lap as I felt Piper slide lube around my cock before she definitely helped get Jennifer ready, watching her face light up as Piper happily explained when sliding a couple of fingers into her arse. Piper than suggested she'd do the same thing to herself, which made my eyebrows raise in surprise. "Oh please, Blue, like you haven't thought about fucking my arse," she said with a giggle.

"I have but… I'll shut up now. But before we start…"

Jennifer took her time lowering herself down on my cock. She was ever so tight. Once she was comfortable, I sat up and managed to move myself so I was sat on my knees, wrapping an arm around her waist as I left soft kisses along her shoulder, to her neck, up to her cheek and her ear. She moaned softly as she started to move. "Last time this happened…"

"Jenny," Piper whispered, moving towards her, caressing her cheek.

"I need to, Piper," Jennifer whispered, "I need this with him. With Nate. I love him."

Piper's face lit up with a grin. "I love you too," I whispered into her ear, hearing the choked sob almost immediately, "You were the first woman I was with after I woke up. I'll remember you always."

"You know what happened to me?" she asked. I nodded. Piper shuffled forward to hug her while Jennifer slowly rode me. "That first time we were together, I was so nervous as it was the first time since what happened. But he made me feel so loved. He treated me nicely… He made me cum!" Even Cait chuckled at that. "What they did to me back at the farm, I'll never forget. But Nate has helped me realise there are those who do care about me."

"We all do, Jenny," Piper whispered. I simply kissed her cheek again.

"It's why I don't want anyone else," she admitted, "I know the life he leads. I understand, and I don't care. As long as I'm here like this with him every so often…" She turned her head to kiss me. "I want you to fuck me, Nate. I need you to fuck me. Because I know when you do, it will be with love."

"Lean forward," I whispered, Piper moving as Jennifer rested forward on her forearms. Getting into position, she glanced back and grinned. "Like this?" I asked. Her nod was so eager, I felt my heart swell. "You sure?"

"I'm loving this feeling already. Your big cock inside me."

"I know that feeling," Piper joked.

"But this time he's in my arse. You have no idea how long I've wanted him like this."

I worried about hurting her as I fucked, but she seemed to enjoy every second. Piper managed to move herself so she was lying underneath her, the pair making out as I started to really fuck her. All she did was beg me to keep going, her moans and cries suggesting nothing but complete enjoyment in what I was doing.

Little wonder I came quickly though, or so it felt. Once I slowed down and stopped, she glanced back and gigged. "Like my tight little butt, Nate?"

I sat back and pulled her back to rest against me. "Jennifer…"

She turned so she could look back at me, reaching to stroke my cheek. "Nate, I feel wonderful. Trust me. Please."

"I do."

"This isn't something I'll want often, but I wanted it because…" She trailed off and shuddered, so I just hugged her tightly. "You've seen the scars on me. You know why they are there. Though they remain on my skin, you've helped heal those inside. I love you, Nate."

"I love you too, sweetie. You'll always be special to me."

"Lot of love in this room," Piper said, "Though it's about time you told her, Nate. Knew she loved you the first time I visited her."

"Want your arse fucked now, Piper?" Jennifer asked.

"I'd rather he lay down and I control it."

"Think I'm going to complain?"

Jennifer and I didn't move for a few minutes, simply enjoying the feeling, though I was already thinking we'd need a long discussion over the next couple of days. I'd always thought she'd been through something horrific before arriving, but I'd never pushed her for the story. Now I was thinking she might need to finally get it off her chest, not just to me, Piper seemed to be a confidant she'd trust.

Lying down, Piper wasted no time straddling my chest, and I groaned loudly as I felt my cock slide in her too. Her face lit up as she clearly enjoyed the feeling, leaning forward to kiss me deeply. "Big cock in my tight arse, Blue," she whispered. Jennifer was lying to my other side and started to giggle. "Oh please, you've just enjoyed it, Jenny."

"Best feeling ever," she whispered.

I turned to my other side to see Cait looking at us, her cheeks wet, eyes looking a little red, and her hand down her panties. Holding out an arm, she moved across to cuddle into me, none of us saying anything but her eyes were a mixture of conflicting emotions. "Keep going," she eventually whispered.

Piper rode me, but I kept my eyes on Cait, and I was sure Piper understood why. Cait looked at me but spent most of her time watching Piper, and while she did that, she was clearly masturbating. "Oh god," she whispered.

"You okay, Cait?" Piper asked.

"Going to cum," she murmured.

"You want to be in my position?"

"More than anything." Her eyes widened a moment, then she choked back a sob. "I just want…"

I kissed her forehead and held her tightly. "It's okay," I whispered.

"Hold me until I cum," she whimpered. Piper stopped moving, so now the only movement was Cait. I held her tightly, feeling her hand rub herself furiously. She started to make these adorable little noises as she grew ever more excited. "Don't let me go," she sobbed. I didn't, and it didn't take long for her to orgasm. The sounds she made when it hit was almost like a primal release, a deep guttural groan that suggested, to me at least, that it was something desperately needed, but also something rarely experienced.

Then she burst into tears, and I managed to turn enough to hold her in both my arms. Piper leaned forward to hug her too. Jennifer shuffled across to join the jug. "We're here for you, Cait," Piper whispered.

"Don't deserve this," Cait murmured.

I shushed her. "We're not leaving Sanctuary until we talk. Don't care if it takes a day, a week, a month, a year. I have no idea what happened, but you need to tell someone. And that someone will be me, Cait. I will take it off you, you heart and your soul, and I'll carry it for you. The physical scars I can't heal, but if I can help those under the skin…"

"You already have," she whispered.

Piper moved off me, sliding so she lay on the other side of Cait, moving her rather easily so she could spoon against me. The four of us then cuddled together on the bed. Piper kissed her forehead. "We're her for you," she whispered.

"Thank you," Cait said, barely audible as she shuffled against me.

I ended up on my back with Jennifer in one arm, Cait in my other, Piper snuggling Cait from behind. No chance of Cait saying anything, Piper gently caressing her body as it was Jennifer who got everything off her chest. It was what I expected. The settlement she'd lived had been attacked my raiders. Nearly everyone was killed, including her parents and siblings. She and two other girls had been taken for obvious reasons. She'd endured abuse until she managed to escape, her hands coated in blood, taking vengeance for everything done to her and the other girls.

"That's why I needed that tonight, Nate. I needed to experience it with someone I loved, and knowing that man loved me in return."

"You've been special to me since that first night, Jen," I assured her. Despite everything, I think hearing that meant the world to her. I hadn't intended on the depth of feeling I now had for her, but it wasn't really a surprise. I enjoyed her company and the sex was fantastic.

"If you can, bring Haylen back again. She was cute."

"And you like her?" Piper teased.

"I did. Think she liked me back in return. Liked you the most though, Nate."

"We all like Nate the most," Piper said.

"Definitely," Cait whispered. I glanced at her again, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead. She met my eyes and another slight grin formed before she closed her eyes, feeling her cuddle against me. Piper, lying behind her, met my eyes and grinned as she spooned against her.

Waking the next morning, I was surprised to find only Cait in bed with me, stilling cuddling into my side, turning onto my side as she immediately shuffled closer to me. She woke slowly as I gently stroked her back, not missing all the scars I'd seen. She had plenty of faint ones, with a few more recent ones seemingly more prominent. Seeing her eyes open, she leaned up to kiss me, the first time our lips had met. I immediately pulled her towards me, her mouth opening quickly as the kiss deepening as it grew rather passionate. Breaking apart a little later, I couldn't help grin. The smile on her face was simply breath-taking.

"Needed to do that," she whispered.

"I'm not complaining."

"Seeing you with the girls last night… I was so turned on, Nate…"

"I'm glad you were. What I was doing with Jennifer didn't…"

"No, because it was what she wanted, and it's obvious she loves you."

"And how do you feel, Cait?"

"I trust you, Nate. And I don't trust anyone." She took a deep breath. "I'll tell you everything later."

"In your own time, Cait. There's no rush. Not leaving here until I know you're a little better."

"Keep holding me like this…" I pulled her tighter towards me, earning a slight grin, considering I was naked. "I do like feeling your body against mine," she said softly.

"Yet here I am, naked while you still have underwear on."

"Want me to take it off?"

"No pressure, Cait. Merely a little humour."

We laid together until Jennifer walked in, asking if we wanted to join them for breakfast. Cait's stomach grumbled upon hearing he question, so that answered the question, both of us rolling out of bed. Jennifer couldn't help grin at the fact I was still naked, pressing her body into mine as she kissed me, and she wasn't subtle in suggesting she'd enjoyed the night before, and wanted to do it again and soon.

"Jesus, Nate, she's going to want her arse fucked every time now," Cait joked, sliding on her trousers.

"I'd rather my pussy," she blurted out, chuckling as she blushed brightly, before stepping closer, "Though I loved your cock in my arse too." She paused as she kissed my cheek. "Love you," she whispered before turning and heading outside.

"Jesus, you've corrupted the young woman."

"Cait, the things I could tell you about my wife…"

Joining the others outside for breakfast, Piper suggested she and Jennifer head off together as she wanted to conduct a private interview. I immediately had thoughts as to what it was about, Piper throwing a towel at my head, telling me to get my mind out of the gutter. She wasn't wrong.

For the next few days, I spent time training new recruits or giving orders to those who had come north from the Castle. Patrols were sent out daily across the north to deter raiders. Scouts were sent further and further afield, returning with news of buildings to search, items that would be worth retrieving, settlements and farms that might require our help. Jennifer and Piper did their own thing, while I kept my eye on Cait. She seemed to enjoy getting her hands dirty, pleased to see her get stuck in. She didn't talk all that much but, with each passing day, she seemed more at peace with herself and with life.

Each night, I was joined in bed by Cait, and Piper, Jennifer or both would join us. Cait and I were not intimate, but she seemed to enjoy watching Piper or Jennifer, or both, have fun with me. Jennifer rather quickly wanted anal again, proving Cait correct. Seeing Jennifer on her knees, begging for me to fuck her hard, soon had Piper requesting it too. That was a fun night, and there was no missing the fact Cait was completely turned on by it.

The night when Jennifer and Piper were being intimate, Cait cuddling up against me, was the first time that things started to really develop between us. There was now missing how turned on she was watching them. I was too. She'd always worn underwear to bed, but she removed her bra rather quickly, ensuring one of my hands gently grabbed one of her breasts, as she also removed her underwear. She lifted her right leg to it rested over mine, moving my hand from her breast to between her legs, no surprise she was wet.

"Touch me," she whispered.

Piper and Jennifer watched out of the corner of their eyes as I gently fondled Cait. Turning her head, that next kiss was something else entirely, whimpering into my mouth as I was barely doing anything. Just being touched so intimately was enough, and it was all because she wanted it. Lifting my fingers to my mouth, I couldn't help the little groan at her taste.

"I want you, Nate," she breathed.

"I know. Feeling is mutual."

"But just this for now. I need to tell you everything first. Then we'll make love." I smiled at the use of that term. "I've watched you for long enough now, how you are with them. I want that too. I want to feel loved, adored… I want to feel special, like I'm the only woman in the Commonwealth."

I fondled her quicker, making her gasp and the next kiss even more urgent. Turning around, lifting her other leg over me, we made out as my fingers never stopped, moving down to her neck, earning other moans. By now, Piper and Jennifer had stopped to watch her.

"You two really need to make love," Piper whispered.

"Soon," Cait moaned, her hips now starting to buck, obvious that she wanted release, "Want him to make me cum like this. Then with his mouth later. Then finally with his cock."

Then she had an orgasm. No tears this time, just the most passionate kiss I could imagine from her, body pressing into mine as I held onto her tightly, moving my hand so she could mould herself. I felt my cock press against her body, which made her giggle. "Can't wait until you're inside me," she whispered, "Hope I'm not teasing you…"

"I like this too. Doesn't always have to be about me being inside a woman. Love making a woman cum any way I can."

Piper cuddled her from behind, kissing me and kissing her on the cheek, Jennifer cuddling behind Piper. Cait couldn't help the grin that formed. "Lot of love in this room right now," Piper said.

"Tomorrow," Cait murmured into my chest, already half asleep.

I kissed her forehead as I helped cover us in blankets. Piper and Jennifer turned around and snuggled the other way, leaving Cait resting against me, gently stroking her back again. I couldn't help trace the numerous scars. Some were wounds. Others seemed to be left by… other means. She was fast asleep though, only shuffling to get closer to me if she moved at all.

But I still dreaded what her story was.