
Man Out of Time


So, I'll be honest. The whole 'kidnapped son' central arc of the game… It was so badly done in the game, just my opinion, that I felt nothing really for it (except anything with Kellogg. Perhaps the best character in FO4?) The 'revelation' I saw a mile away. And it's been done in this series before: Fallout 3: Find your father. Fallout 4: Find your son. To be honest, I think they could have gone with the Institute bogeyman and made an all-encompassing story about that, the people of the Commonwealth banding together against a common enemy. While I wouldn't get your hopes up about this being anything near what people at Bethesda can cook up, I'm basically ignoring the kidnapped son idea and using the world to create my own story while crafting missions from the game to suit my own ends.

If you've read two of my other stories on this site, there is a mixture of adventure, action and smut. This is not different, though to be honest, there isn't a whole lot of the latter to begin with. The Sole Survivor will be taking on ghouls, bugs, raiders, Gunners, and the Institute, all the while meeting and bedding plenty of women without one central romance (at least to begin with as I write this). If that's your thing, you might enjoy this.

As a homage to one of my favourite characters in gaming, the main character has a particular surname.


After nearly fifteen years in the military, I have to admit there was nothing better than waking up on a soft mattress, warm under sheets and a duvet, feeling the soft skin of your recently married wife hugging into your side. I relaxed with an arm wrapped around her, her body moulded into mine, and I could lie back and not have to worry about incoming shell fire, explosions, bullets flying overhead…

Like many juvenile delinquents, joining the United States Army was a way of getting some discipline in addition to a bed, three square meals, the only concerns being yelled at during training and shot at once training was over. I adapted well to the life, though, enjoying the comradery with my fellow soldiers and part of me did believe in the ideals of fighting communism.

We also knew what was going on back home though, and also the issues going on around the world. Resources were running low. Quite a large minority of the population was deeply unhappy. Canada… was a mess. The wars in Europe and the Middle East had all sides exhausted. The Commonwealth of Europe collapsed as the oil ran out in the Middle East. Little news now reached North America regarding events across the Atlantic.

I spent nearly a decade on the front line, only disappearing as I was selected for officer training. It was a battlefield commission, so required only a twelve week stay in Fort Benning before I was returned to the front. I remained in the army until 2077. Once Alaska was reclaimed and the situation on the ground normalised, I chose to retire. I certainly had no interest in being sent to China.

Returning home to Boston, I lived with a friend as I found work at the docks and quickly found myself in a whirlwind romance with my now wife, Nora. We'd met at a bar near where I worked, as she was working behind it while studying to be a lawyer. Somehow, I'm still now sure how, we hit it off. She was aware of my previous occupation, but figuring it was something I didn't want to talk about too often, we generally spent most of our time discussing other topics, like her studies or the state of the world, politics, and what the future might bring.

We met in February, were married by June, and moved into our new home in Sanctuary Hills by August. We had plans to start a family, though wanted to wait at least a little while. Nora wanted to find work in her chosen profession, while dock work suited as a stopgap, but I was thinking long and hard about what I could do as well. I had plenty of savings, at least. Ten years of pay adds up to quite a wad of savings.

But that was all for later. Things were difficult, not just for us, as many were struggling considering the state of the country and the world, but we'd already done well for ourselves. House in a nice neighbourhood. Brand new car. We'd bought a Mister Handy robot, named Codsworth, so we didn't have to worry about housekeeping. At that precise moment, I was awake, Nora still cuddled into my side, I think still asleep, though when I glanced her way, I noticed her eyes were open, looking at me.

"You're thinking," she whispered.

"Hard not to, even at times like this." I lifted the sheets, glancing at her body, and couldn't help grin. "I do appreciate that, after all."

"I'm still a little tender after last night, Nate. Guess we're still in that honeymoon period…"

I couldn't help chuckle. "I was virtually celibate for fifteen years except for the occasional furlough. I'm making up for last time."

She kissed my cheek as she slid up to straddle my body, the sheets falling away as my eyes drifted down her face and body. Her heritage showed, with the red hair and green eyes, and rather pale skin. Slight freckling over her nose, and a pair of lips that suggested I should kiss her constantly. Her breasts were perfect, no more than a C, and when wearing one of her push up bras, the cleavage sometimes on display was incredibly distracting. Being on her feet all day, she was more athletic than you would think, a pair of legs that, when in a dress, left you wondering how long they were.

"I love it when you look at me like that," she whispered.

"I have a hot new wife." I paused before adding, "Still wonder what she sees in me sometimes!"

"Oh, my new husband has a body that makes me feel very funny at times." She made a movement, sliding herself along the shaft of my cock. "But, I'll be honest, the thing I'm sitting on is why I married him." I couldn't help chuckle as she sat up just enough that she could slide down it, hearing her gasp as she settled herself down once again. "I'm thinking we make love, get up and shower, then head out for the day. Maybe a picnic by the lake?"

"Last time we did that, Nora, we ended up having some very public sex. Still surprised the police didn't show up."

"Well, we take our bathing suits and enjoy a dip in the lake. You can pleasure me there instead this time."

"And you think I'm insatiable at times."

"Got to take advantage of this honeymoon period, Nate."

Talking stopped as we made love. Watching my wife slowly ride me was still as much a thrill as it was the first time. To be honest, sex in the morning wasn't a surprise. We enjoyed it nearly every single morning. Certainly put a smile on my face as I went to work. Of course, it led to plenty of jokes at my expense, but being a newly happily married man, I took it all on the chin.

But she also brought me peace. After fifteen years in the army, I'd experienced nothing more than war. And you eventually grow to despise and hate the enemy, so much so that… well, let's just say I'd seen things that would make the stomachs of the ordinary civilian churn. Rules of war went out the window in Alaska. It didn't help that, despite the money poured in, despite the men sent to fight, half the time we still had to make do with what we had, god knows when the next supply drop would arrive... And after a couple of years in the trenches, there were plenty of questions from the men under my command about why we were fighting. Was it only about oil? Was it to stop the communist bastards? Or was it all some giant grand conspiracy?

You never get used to seeing the inhumanity of war. Soldiers of either side butchered. The civilian toll was equally as horrific. The killing was indiscriminate. Whenever we got our hands on Chinese prisoners, we were not kind. The Geneva Convention meant nothing on the Anchorage Front. Rules of engagement meant nothing. The orders were simple. Kill Chinese Communists. They had invaded sovereign United States territory. We would send them back in body bags in return.

Adjusting to civilian life did take getting used to. Not being woken up by gunfire or shellfire was a new experience. The silence of the night was a little disconcerting to begin with. The first few weeks, I found more comfort sleeping on the floor than the bed. Even after getting married, I would occasionally end up on the hard floor. Nora would sometimes join me, understanding why. She knew I was slowly unwinding after fifteen years of violence. It usually takes something of beauty to cure the beast.

Nora ended up on her back, legs wrapped around me, her mouth insistent hers was pressed against mine the entire time. We'd fallen into bed together the first night we met. The spark was instant. I knew why I fell for her so hard. Beautiful. Intelligent. Witty. Ambitious. Listening to her speak about anything she had passion for simply made me love her that little bit more. Some thought it was a fast union, particularly her parents. I didn't have any, so it didn't matter. But she saw something in me worth being around.

After enjoying an orgasm, where I came first but I always make sure the wife gets off as well, we headed for a shower, where there was a lot of touching, caressing, and her giggling a lot as I may have tickled her, before we dressed to get ready for the day. Dressing in civvies was still an experience I was getting used to. Having spent so long wearing uniform, having to clothes shopping was actually a daunting experience. Nora helped with my wardrobe.

Being ex-military, I received more rations than the average citizen. Still shook my head at that. Richest country on Earth, farmlands that spread across the centre of the country that could feed twice the number, yet despite that, food was being rationed for most people. Everyone was aware of the energy crisis but surely there was still modes of transport that would get food onto the plates of hungry Americans. I'd read of more than one food riot just in Boston. News from around the country wasn't any better. It wasn't just food rationing either. The global situation worsened every day.

But Nora and I tried not to think about that. We headed to a quiet spot we'd discovered during one of our first dates. There were a few other couples around, one or two families, though we found a secluded part by the lake, surrounded by trees that provided shade from the sun. Nora wasted no time stripping down to her two-piece suit, showing off more of that pale skin I just loved. "Lying like that in the shade won't get you a tan," I told her.

"And here I thought you loved my pale skin, Nate."

"Oh, I do… Makes that red hair of yours stand out even more."

She lifted the sunglasses and her eyes twinkled with mischief before she removed the lower half of her suit. "Well, I am a natural redhead, Nate. I know you've always approved of that."

That was an invitation if ever I heard one, my wife spreading her legs suggestively and definitely enjoying what I did with my mouth over the next few minutes. I'd done the very same thing on our first date, which had surprised her completely. Think that's why she married me. Women loved to gossip, and let's just say some of her married friends were not satisfied. I liked to think my wife had no cause to complain, at least in regards to that facet of our lives. Once I'd made her orgasm, she happily took off her top and laid nude next to me. I liked to just run my hands up and down her body, amazed at how smooth skin could be, though we eventually laid back together, my arm around hers as she turned and cuddled into me.

"If I ever went into detail with my friends, I'd tell them that is why I married you," she stated with a giggle.

We stayed at the park all day, enjoying the food we'd put together, and we did end up swimming and making love, though we did that on the shore, not in the water. We were not being careful, if you catch my meaning. We'd done the sums and knew we could afford to have at least one child. Perhaps wasn't the best time to start a family, but then again, when was there ever a good time. Considering the state of the world, we could end up waiting forever, or it would all end before we even had the chance. It hadn't happened yet, not through lack of trying, but we were not desperate. We knew, once we had a child, certain aspects of our life would change.

During the next week, it was a hard day of graft by the docks each day. Despite all the apparent technology, it still took men to unload and ship enormous steel boxes. It was backbreaking work at times, but at least I wasn't being shot at, and generally not being yelled at either. And each night, despite the fact she worked herself, Nora was happy to cook the evening meal. Codsworth might have been around, but Nora had always enjoyed herself in the kitchen. Our third date had been at her small apartment, where she cooked me dinner before we spent the rest of the night in bed. I think we'd fallen in love within a week.

One evening, I'd managed to get us tickets to see the Boston Red Sox in the World Series. One passion we both shared was baseball, both of us heading to the old stadium in all the gear. Shirt. Hat. Glove each. For the first time in over a century, there was a chance we were finally going to win the championship. No-one spoke such words in the stadium, of course. I mean, the fuckin' Cubs managed to win another World Series before us! Those of us who believed in god generally thought he just didn't like us. But going up 3-0, with the next game to take place on Saturday, I think we all thought that now was finally our time. One hundred and forty-five years of hurt to end…

Friday had an unusual visitor during breakfast. We'd just finished eating and I was ready to head out for work when there was a knock at the door. Opening it, I was greeted by what looked like a man from Vault-Tec, the emblem on his coat confirming that.

"Major Nathan Shepard?"

"Er, ex-Major. I'm retired. Some like to be called the rank regardless, but I'd rather just be called Nate."

"Of course. Is your wife, Nora, home as well?"

"She is. One second." I turned back to the kitchen, to see she was already approaching us. "Alright, what do you want?"

"Are you aware of the vaults being built across the United States?"

"I've read about it in the Boston Bugle. Seen a few of the billboards around too."

"Well, I have good news for you, Nate. Because of your service to your country, Vault-Tec have pre-selected you and your wife for entry to Vault 111, built just up the nearby hill, in the event of a… nuclear holocaust."

Everyone was aware of these vaults under construction, further proof that the government was now worried about conflict turning into nuclear armageddon. Considering I'd already been selected, there was no point in saying no.

"Anything I need to know about?"

"Oh, no. All I need you to do is sign this form. You can read the small print, but no-one ever does. All above board. These vaults will end up holding hundreds in the event the worst does happen."

I glanced at Nora. "What do you think?"

"You've been selected already, Nate. Just sign if off so we can get ready to go out."


I seemed to make his day as I signed the paperwork. "Most people just slam the door in my face."

"Well, that's a little rude, I guess. Though we can all hope that these are built but never used."

"You and me both, sir. Anyway, I'll send this to HQ. You'll have confirmation of your acceptance in the mail within the week. You have a nice day now."

"You too."

Saturday, October 23, 2077 dawned bright and sunny. Nora and I woke early as we wanted to head out into town for some shopping before heading to Fenway that afternoon. If the Sox actually won, the town would be painted red tonight and for perhaps the entire month. Baseball fever had gripped Boston like never before, or at least in living memory. Posters hung up everywhere. The players were celebrities, with numerous radio and television interviews. If they actually managed to win the whole thing…

We enjoyed a shower together, something we always did on the weekend, gently pressing her against the wall, our mouths locked together as my hands were rather busy otherwise. She made those sounds I always loved hearing, her hands looped around the back of my neck tightening the closer she approached her orgasm. The entire time, she just gazed into my eyes. "I love you," she breathed.

Then she orgasmed, crying out loudly as I kept my hand moving until she had to ask me to stop, unable to take any more. Taking a minute or two to recover, she eventually rested back against the wall as I definitely looked smug. Grasping my cock, she asked, "Want the favour returned?"

"No. I just love making my wife cum." The smile that formed dazzled me, another reason I'd fallen for her. Whenever she smiled, the room she was standing in lit up. After years of being surrounded mostly by men, to have a feminine presence such as hers, those delicate features… It soothed the beast within, let's say. I hugged her tight to my body, feeling her soft hands on my back. "Oh, and I love you too," I whispered into her ear.

"I think we should start trying, Nate."

"I'm game if you are."

She leaned back, the smile broadening, if possible. "I'll go see a doctor next week, make sure everything is okay."

Shower over, I brushed my teeth as I looked in the mirror. I had blue eyes, which Nora loved. I kept my hair short, like I was still in the military, though allowed myself some dark stubble nowadays, as I'd always hated shaving. Nora warned me that, as long as it didn't get too long, she wouldn't mind. My body, covered in some scars, was still as if I was still in active service, retaining a level of fitness that would have seen me making fools of men many years my junior. I was tall though not overly, six foot and maybe an inch at most. Nora was about five-five, five-six, but it worked easily.

I'd just thrown on my jacket when I heard Codsworth calling us into the living room. No idea what the robot would want as they never wanted for anything, though he'd been a perfectly acceptable addition to the household. Certainly knew when I was in the need of an ice cold beer after work. Nora and I both wandered out as the television was switched on.

"And now a look at sports. Something that is, unquestionably, inescapably, American. I am referring of course, to our great national pastime, baseball."

I couldn't help chuckle. "Jesus Christ, Codsworth, I thought something was going on."

"Apologies, sir. Thought you would like to see this bit."

"This afternoon, right here in the city, Boston's swatting sultans will swing for the fences. Led by star pitcher Matt "The Missile" Murtagh, Boston hopes to defeat Texas, and deliver their first World Series victory since 1918."

"You and us both, my friend," I told the television anchor.

"I've just got to finish my hair, Nate. We'll take the car?"

"Why don't we get the bus into town and walk around?"

"You just want to hold my hand all the time."

"I'm an old-fashioned guy, Nora. It's why you married me."

She kissed my cheek. "One of the reasons."

I relaxed on the couch, the volume low on the television as I could hear her sing in the bathroom. She couldn't really, but it was endearing to listen to. The news anchor droned on about the situation in Asia. Having pushed the Chinese out of Alaska, the United States had gone on the front foot in the Pacific, with units arriving on the Chinese mainland, while there were reports of units going to and from the Philippines. The United States was now exacting vengeance for ten years of occupation of Alaska.

Then everything changed as the anchorman was passed a piece of paper. "Followed by... yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions... We're... we're trying to get confirmation..."

"Nora!" I yelled.

She came running out, hearing my tone. "What is it?"

She sat down next to me in silence as we listened. "But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations..." Nora grabbed my hand tightly. I kept my eyes on the television. The anchorman ran a hand through his hair as he was handed another sheet of paper. "We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania."

The screen then blanked out as we stood up together, Nora immediately hugging me. I expected a blinding flash immediately and for us to be wiped out. Instead, there was a siren. I knew it well, as I'd heard it more than once during my time on the front line. Thankfully, it was only ever during a drill, thankfully never a false alarm. But I knew this was very real.

"We need to go."

"Where?" she asked.

"The vault."

There was no point taking anything. I knew the vault would have everything we would need. Without a backwards glance, Nora and I headed out of the door, making sure it was shut, though it seemed pointless if everything was about to be blown up. Neighbours were doing the same thing as us. The noise was one of either screaming or loud discussions. The army had arrived, blocking the street leading south, directing everyone to the nearby vault. All of Sanctuary Hills was heading there, Nora and I passing by couples and families, some dragging luggage, most others being smart and simply getting to the vault as quickly as possible.

Thankfully, we managed to make it to the vault quickly. "Your names?" asked the captain with a clipboard.

"Major Nathan Shepard and my wife, Nora."

I figured using my rank would make things go smoothly. He nodded. "You're on the list. Follow the corporal here. He'll lead you to where you need to go."

Taking her hand again, we hurried up the hill and were told to stand on a platform. Nora hugged me tightly as we could hear sirens in the distance. The screaming seemed endless. And there was no end of gunfire. Sirens started to sound nearby and then, for a brief moment, everything went silent, and I knew exactly why.

"Close your eyes!" I whispered into her ear.

She knew why as the bomb landed somewhere in the distance. The effect was immediate. Even with eyes closed, you could see and feel the flash. Thankfully, the platform began its descent at exactly the same time. I dare not even look for a moment, and thankfully we were already heading underground, the roof closing above us before the shockwave hit us. Nora hugged me even tighter as I opened my eyes to be greeted by darkness.

"Fuck," I muttered.

"Nate," Nora whispered, hearing the sob caught in her throat. I lifted her chin with a finger and kissed her forehead.

"I love you. We're alive. And we'll survive now. We're safe."

"Everyone out… so many…"

I looked around as lights starting to switch on below us, noticing there were no more than a dozen of us. I could only hope there were more survivors already being processed, otherwise we were going to have one hell of an empty vault.

The Vault-Tec employees were ready for us, at least, and noticing that most of those around us were scared, their voices were incredibly soothing, gently leading us towards a reception area, where our names were again taken, and we were given new clothing, a vault suit. I had no problem changing in public, while Nora was still in a bit of shock, so I ended up helping her get into hers. Once we were in our vault suits, I hugged her tightly again.

"I don't know what to do…"

"Take it day to day, Nora. That's all we can do."

Once everyone had changed, and been given a few minutes to process the fact our homes had just been nuked, another representative, this one dress in a lab coat, stating he was the vault's doctor, and that we needed to go through a decontamination process before heading into the vault. Nora grabbed my hand as tightly as she ever had, just a face in the small crowd as we were led towards a series of pods. Never seen anything like them before, but no-one argued as they stepped into a pod. Before stepping in, Nora turned and kissed me. It lasted long enough that the doctor had to clear his throat. I simply caressed her cheek before telling her I loved her.

"And I love you so much, Nate."

Stepping into the pod, the door closed and I heard a countdown, starting from ten. By the time it reached five, I was feeling rather sleepy, and before I knew it, my eyes shut.

When I opened them again, I was freezing cold, the pod door opening and I heard an announcement about some sort of malfunction. I collapsed to the ground, frozen to the bone, sucking in a series of deep breaths before I managed to sit back on my knees, looking around.

"What the fuck?" I asked, "Where is everyone?"

Rising to my feet, I immediately went to Nora's pod. What I saw chilled me to the bone. "What the fuck?" I pulled at the pod door, straining to lift it. "Open up, you bastard!" I pulled again and again before noticing the pad next to it. Pressing the button, I felt relief surge through me as the pod door slowly opened, but when Nora didn't move, I stepped closer and noticed she looked… frozen.

"No, no, no, no," I muttered to myself, stepping forward, shaking her gently by the shoulder. She felt like ice. Placing two fingers to her neck, I didn't feel a pulse. I lifted her up out of the pod, and she felt like a dead weight. I hugged her tightly for what felt like a minute, just trying to warm her up before laying her down on the ground. Checking her pulse again, I thought about CPR but…

I caressed her face and gasped at how cold her skin felt. It was like she'd been… frozen. On my knees, I lifted her body and held her against me, blinking rapidly as I held back the tears that wanted to form. "Bastards," I muttered.

Lifting her up, the only thing I could think of to do was put her back in the pod until I knew what was going on. Sitting her down, I took a moment to just look at her, so peaceful, like whenever I'd watched her sleep next to me. This time, though, I knew she was never going to wake up. I had no idea what was going on, but I was damned sure going to go on the warpath now.

Closing the pod, I waited until it was locked before I turned and checked the others. They were all the same. Everyone was dead. Somehow, or for some reason, only I had survived. As I began to walk back towards the entrance, nothing looked right. It felt abandoned. Everything was rusted, which didn't make sense. We'd only just arrived! And where was everyone?! These vaults were meant to be full of people, up to a few hundred to ensure the survival of the species. There had been around twelve pods in total. Were there more around in other parts of the vault?

Coming to a different area of the vault I hadn't been through, I gazed through a window to be greeted by what looked like an enormous cockroach. It actually made me jump back for a moment. "What the fuck?!"

Nothing seemed right. An abandoned vault and now giant cockroaches. The fact I'd seen one actually concerned me, so finding a baton nearby was something I figured picking up was a good idea. There was no-on around. The vault truly was deserted except for myself, my dead wife and others, and maybe some giant cockroaches. Finding a security station, there was a terminal that was still powered. Thankfully, it didn't require a password, and that's when, to my horror, I discovered the truth of Vault 111.

"Vault 111 is designed to test the long-term effects of suspended animation on unaware, human subjects. Security staff are responsible for maintaining installation integrity and monitoring science staff activity. Under no circumstances are staff allowed to deviate from assigned duties. Insubordination or interference with vault operations are capital offences. Security staff are authorised to use lethal force."

There were four dated logs, the fourth being April 23rd, 2078, and a final undated entry that suggested the staff would be heading off to face down the Overseer so they could escape the vault. As for us, I guess we were meant to be left… forever? Sure seemed like it. But it appeared we had been abandoned less than a year after being frozen. So what year was it now?

Figuring finding the Overseer's office was the best way of getting out, the route wasn't direct as doors had been locked, and that meant I had my first run-in with those giant cockroaches. And they were aggressive, vicious little bastards. I was used to just squashing them under my shoe. Now? I needed to beat them with the baton and the stench that erupted as they died made me gag more than once. If these were in the vault, what the fuck was waiting for me outside?

I must have killed a dozen of the bastards as I weaved my way forward, following signs for the office of the Overseer. Walking into it, I was greeted by an abandoned room. Behind the desk was a skeleton. I felt my shoulders slump at seeing that. It was clearly the Overseer, but if I was being greeted by nothing but a skeleton, it was definitely longer than a year after I'd been put in the pod.

Searching for supplies, I found a 10mm pistol and definitely grabbed some stimpaks. Soldiers relied on those on the front line as they certainly helped cure most ailments. Still needed a doctor for broken bones and major diseases, but for more minor wounds and illnesses, just jabbing a stimpak into the area concerned worked a charm. Making sure I grabbed some ammo, I slid a clip into the pistol, checked it work with a test fire. The evacuation tunnel was locked down, thankfully the terminal at which the skeleton was sat was still powered, and I managed to find the command to open it.

The tunnel was full of cockroaches, and now with a pistol, I just shot them whenever they appeared. I'd always been a crack shot, though much preferred a rifle rather than a pistol, but my scores had always been proficient. One shot each time, making sure I held my breath passing all the corpses as it was simply disgusting.

Thankfully, I finally reached the exit to the vault. More skeletons lay around and it was obvious the vault had been abandoned for a long time. I found another skeleton, this one with a Pip-Boy. I knew what they were as I'd used a variant of it in my role as Major of the United States Army. It just helped me keep tabs on orders, subordinates, mission parameters, and my own personal details. The elevator was thankfully still powered, so I wasn't trapped in the vault. After a quick search for more supplies, finding some more ammunition, a screwdriver and bobby pins, grinning to myself as memories of being a juvenile delinquent returned, before I remembered one thing.

I headed back through the vault, all the way back to the pods, and I collected my wife, carrying her back through the vault, standing on the platform and pushing the button that would take us back to the surface. The scene that greeted me nearly brought me to my knees. It was nothing but utter devastation. I knew the bomb had landed in the distance, but everything just looked dead. Skeletons lay on the ground around us, remembering that many had not been accepted into the vault. To be honest, they might have been the lucky ones.

Carrying my wife home, I looked up and down the street on which we'd lived and couldn't believe the devastation. Every home was in ruins, some in complete disrepair. Approaching our home, I was surprised to see Codsworth tending the dead garden. When the robot noticed me approach, it turned towards us. "Sir?"

"Codsworth? What are you doing here?"

I noticed his eyes move from me to Nora in my arms. "Is… is she dead, sir?" I could only nod. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure, Codsworth. But I'm going to get some fucking answers. But I had to bring her home. I'll bury her in the backyard."

"Of course, sir. There should be a shovel in the backyard still."

Carrying her through our home, it looked like it had been abandoned for decades. Rust and ruin, that's all I could see. Placing her on the ground out in our backyard, I headed back inside to grab a rug to at least wrap her up in, finding a shovel near the benches I kept, noticing our car was now nothing more than rust. "What year is it?" I wondered to myself before heading to the backyard.

Digging a deep enough hole didn't take too long. Nora was still cold to the touch, though that was probably just a sign she was now dead. I caressed her face a final time before leaning down to kiss her forehead. The last thing I did before wrapping her up was take her wedding ring, sliding that into my pocket for now. Once wrapped up, I carefully carried and placed her down in the grave. Only then did Codsworth appear as I started to fill in the hole.

"Are you okay, sir?"

"No, I'm fucking not, Codsworth," I replied, continuing to shovel dirt onto the rug containing the body of my wife, "I have no idea what's going on now. All I know is that I stepped into a pod with my wife alive, and I exit the pod to find my wife dead, along with everyone else who came with us down to the vault. I find out I've actually been cryogenically frozen for god knows how long. I exit the vault to find nothing but destruction and ruin." I looked at the robot. "What year is it?"

"It is October 23rd, 2287, sir."

I could only stare at him, knowing my jaw gaped wide. "Come again?"

"It is exactly two hundred and ten years since you disappeared, sir."

I patted down the dirt before jammed the steel into it, leaving it as a marker before I could think of something more permanent. "Am I the only one alive? Did everyone die?"

"No, sir. I'm aware there are plenty of survivors. Some have headed here over the intervening years, scavenging for supplies. They… did not take kindly to me being here."

"Sorry, Codsworth. I don't think you would have been allowed in the vault."

"No need for apology, sir. I am dreadfully sorry about the wife."


"So what will you do now, sir?"

"Honestly, no fucking idea. If Sanctuary Hills looks like this, god knows what the rest of Boston will look like. Two hundred and ten years after the bombs hit? Is anything still standing in Boston? If there is, who's now living in Boston? How the hell has anyone survived the radiation? How does anyone manage to live in a world like this now?" I met look at the robot again. "You have seen people around?"

"Not for a few years now, sir. But survivors have made their way here over the years. They seemed to come looking for salvage."

I could only sigh. "Well, here's hoping they couldn't crack my safe. Walking around in bright blue clothing will only draw attention." Walking back into the house, which looked like it had been abandoned for two centuries, our old bedroom was now ruined, our old bed having collapsed into pieces. But the safe I'd kept in the small closet hadn't been picked. I'd selected one with a twelve number collection. My birth date, Nora's birth date.

Pulling it open, I could only stare down into the contents. I'd prepared it in the event of a full Chinese invasion, willing to fight them either as part of the military or as a civilian guerrilla. I never planned for a nuclear strike, simply because I didn't believe it was survivable.

First item I pulled out was some army fatigues. White undershirt. Green jacket and pants. Army boots. Green cap. Also a pair of sunglasses. I'd already realised the light was much different than before, the glare being awful. Shotgun with a couple of boxes of ammo. A few more stimpaks. Unfortunately, I didn't keep anything for radiation, but the Pip-Boy did come with an in-built Geiger counter. Switching that on, I was surprised at the lack of any radiation around me. Truth be told, from what I knew, the atom bomb had barely changed from those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I'd also kept some dried food stuffs and cans in the event of food being scarce. And the best thing was that recipes had been changed to ensure longevity. I'm not sure about it lasting two hundred plus years, and I wasn't feeling hungry. But I was left thinking I had little idea what to do about food. How had the radiation effected things otherwise? Was any land still arable? Could food still be grown? I was left thinking many would now be relying on subsistence farming. How had civilisation coped?

After grabbing all the supplies, putting them on the kitchen bench and taking stock of everything I had, I decided I might as well ransack the houses around me. And, to be honest, I found much more than I thought I would. Most Americans were armed, so I found more weapons and ammunition. Bathrooms contained medical supplies. Kitchens did contain dried foodstuffs, probably a century out of date, but food was food at the end of the day. Found a cellar which contained plenty of purified water, opening one of those immediately as I was thirsty.

Light was fading by the time I had everything back at the house, Codsworth hanging around, no doubt waiting to be told what to do. "What do you plan on doing, sir?"

"I've got one or two thoughts, Codsworth. One is to simply find other survivors and find out what's happened since. I mean, it's been two centuries, so we're talking a few generations. No doubt what happened on the day and immediately afterwards has probably been forgotten. But I also want to find Vault-Tec or at least any other vaults out there. I already have a bad feeling that we were not the only vault that was an experiment. Considering some of the rumours we heard before the war, about what some corporations were up to…" I could only sigh, running a hand down my face. "I'm almost glad Nora isn't here for this. But I'm thinking this might be worth making some sort of base. Walking to Boston centre from here would take all day. Not sure what I'll find when I get there. Probably nothing but ruins. I do wonder where the bomb actually hit. If it hit Boston directly, I doubt I'll find a thing." I looked at the robot. "What the hell have you been doing for two centuries, Codsworth?"

"My job, sir. Though it's incredibly difficult polishing a rusted up car and irradiated floor boards."

"Shit. Sorry, Codsworth."

"Not your fault, sir. As you said, I wouldn't have been let in the vault."

Light had disappeared by now so I headed outside and, managed to find a ladder, clambered up onto the roof. Before the bombs dropped, Boston would have been lit up in the distance. Now? There was barely a flicker of light. But the stars above now shone brighter than ever. I wasn't a pious man, and after the nuclear devastation, I wondered if people still even believed. But I liked to think that Nora was up there somewhere now, safe and sound, not having to endure whatever was to come. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Heading downstairs, I found a bottle of bourbon before heading back up, taking sips from the bottle as I thought about my life up the bombs, and now.

I was definitely a man out of time.

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