
The Sinful Life of The Emperor

In the age of mutants and technology, everyone is after power and eternal life, but Kiba lives for his dreams of lust and vanity. A man on a mission to live the life to the fullest. The tale of the legendary Wife Hunter whose very name terrifies husbands around the globe. This is the story of the devil who does as his heart pleases, unafraid of the labels of good and evil. ----- Fan synopsis: Entangled in the schemes of two-faced government, a futuristic divided world, and a holy mission of his own, follow Kiba's journey of sins! (Note: The starting 20 chapters are very short and slow paced. The main story starts from the 30s so please give it a try till then ^_^ You can rest assured the novel has a good plot besides the R-18 elements ^.^) I do not own the cover. Support: http://bit.ly/trueseeker Discord: https://discord.gg/TGmqHw3 Glossary/Wiki: http://trueseekernovels.com/

True_Seeker · Urban
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791 Chs

Doubting Reality

Circe watched, jaw agape, as Penelope and Tempest fawned over Kiba's cock with a mixture of fascination and something akin to reverence.These were two of the strongest women Circe knew – Penelope, the tribe leader whose muscles strained against her simple dress, and Tempest, the border force's unmatched phantom in terms of agility and speed.Yet, here they were, reduced to giggling fools by a man's… well, a nether region!If they weren't such formidable warriors, Circe might have considered a good, old-fashioned concussion cure.Forget their ignorance about male anatomy – Eden's isolation explained that. But to blindly trust a prophecy, especially one as ludicrous as this "Feminist" savior business?Especially when his "proof" of prophesied status came in the form of a… well, a package!Circe snorted.The very idea of a man being their savior, a source of mystical bliss, was laughable. The women of Eden were self-sufficient and independent by their very nature!