
The Sinful Hero (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya was born with a Quirk, but he might as well have been Quirkless for all the good his Quirk did for him. What happens, then, when his seemingly worthless Quirk activates and he recognizes himself as the embodiment of sin? Can he still follow his dream of becoming a pro hero?

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

A Tumultuous Second Day

♫ I could cross into your world at any time

So you better be ready

I know you better than anyone

So leave it to me

Don't be afraid, let's get dancing! ♫

"Luka Luka Night Fever?" Jiro asked as Izuku finished removing his headphones. She continued looking at him with an odd look in her eyes as she said, "The diversity of music you listen to never ceases to amaze me." On their first meeting, she had caught him listening to English rap, yesterday it was a chiptune track from the soundtrack of an old indie game, and now he was jamming out to vocaloid; truly, he was a musical marvel.

"What? It's a catchy song," Izuku said, trying to defend himself.

"Relax, I'm not judging you. Or, at least, if I am, it's in a positive light. Not many people even know about vocaloid in this day and age," Jiro said.

"A shame the genre never evolved past its close-group niche," Izuku lamented.

"Anyways, now that I have your attention… Mind if you fill in the details I missed at yesterday's orientation? My class' homeroom teacher is kind of stickler for being 'serious' and 'logical,'" Jiro rolled her eyes, "so he told our class we didn't have time to waste on trivialities like the opening ceremony."

"You didn't miss out on much," Izuku started. "There were the kind of generic formalities you'd expect from any high school opening ceremony. Though, my class did get to see all the other classes across all years along with all our teachers."

"Damn, I hope that doesn't make the other classes start resenting us."

"Well..." Izuku smiled helplessly, "Some of my classmates, me included, already discussed you guys thinking you're better than us. But, what can you do? It must come with the status of being in Class 1-A."

"For the record, only that blond-haired asshole who came after you during the Entrance Exam actually believes that, or at least overtly shows that he believes that, from my Class," Jiro said with a snort. It had only been a day, but she, and a large part of Class 1-A, had been antagonized by Bakugo to the point of generating mutual dislike.

"Good luck," was the only advice Izuku could offer.

It was the official first day of school; the first day of actual classes, anyways. Immediately, Izuku felt bad about his comments regarding his teacher's teaching abilities being a gimmick as he found their lessons to be comprehensive and easy enough to digest. To everyone else, in both hero course classes, it was a complete shock to the system how ordinary the academic lectures were.

For all of their morning classes, they learned English, Math, Science, Literature, and Modern Art History. Some may ask: why do hero prospects need to learn such trivial subjects? What did knowing the maths and sciences, literature and modern art history, have to do with being a hero?

If principal Nezu were asked such questions, he would simply smile and say, "Even in the Pre-Quirk era, the standard for education was graduation from a secondary school. In the current times, where even janitors are asked for at least that, shouldn't expect at least that much from the next generation of heroes?"

Thankfully, Izuku didn't struggle with schoolwork even before he manifested his Sin of Gluttony; afterwards, it only became easier. He still calmly took notes and participated when called upon to keep himself busy, and before he knew it lunchtime was upon him.

Alas, Izuku was among the very last to leave his homeroom to eat; moving at his own pace and not bothering with the status quo. When he did leave, it wasn't even to the cafeteria as he had brought his own lunch and was given permission by Vlad King to use the microwaves at the teacher's lounge.

When his lunch was warmed up, he went outside to eat with peace and quiet. Of course, oftentimes, usually when he contemplated as he currently was, the universe or fate seemed to object.

"Hmm..." Izuku groaned, annoyed that something had just cut into his autonomous trance. Quite a distance away, where a Quirkless might not have even been able to see, Izuku spotted what looked like bushes rustling aggressively, which didn't make much sense considering the little to no wind currently present.

After transforming with his Wrath and boosting his senses, Izuku's blackened eyes honed in on the anomalous movement before they narrowed dangerously. He started walking, and as he neared, his ears twitched at what could only be perverse giggling.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Izuku intoned as he squatted down to reach eye-level with the pervert before him.

"Eek!" what looked to be a three and a half foot tall boy, with grape-colored balls for hair and a crinkled nose, screeched as if he had just been stabbed. "What the fuck, dude?! Don't jumpscare me like that!"

"Perhaps I'll consider it if you explain whatever it was you were doing in these bushes while making those noises," Izuku said as a streak of red glimmered in his eyes, increasing his intimidation factor exponentially.

"I… I was just looking, is all," the short boy said as he edged away from Izuku.

Looking in the direction he had caught the other boy looking towards, Izuku grew confused as he asked, "Ok... But, why were you making those disturbing noises while looking through the glass panes to the cafeteria?"

"Tch, can't a guy just fantasize in peace?" Finding confidence somewhere, somehow… the boy said, "Look at all the smoking hot babes. All of them, even the ones outside of the Hero Department, have model potential; girlfriend potential… I'm just trying to see which would be the best for me!"

"By hiding in some bushes and giggling like a pervert? You do realize how creepy you would seem to someone, you know, like me, who so happened to have stumbled upon you, yes?"

"So? It's not like I was doing anything wrong! Even if you find me creepy, what are you going to do about it? Tell some teacher that I was looking through the windows to the cafeteria?"

"Uh, no?" Izuku's words caused the short boy to do a double take. "At this point, I more or less understand and no longer care what it is you do. It will remain that way, until," Izuku's eyes narrowed, "your fetish or whatever escalates to the point that I have a reason to intervene."

Izuku gave the short boy a wave as he left to go eat his food, leaving the shorter boy dazed and confused. He thought, 'It's only been a day and already I've been caught; as expected of U.A. Though… I never imagined this would be the reaction I would get.'

Whether it was the grace of God or the Devil, the shorter boy didn't know, but something within him just found Izuku interesting…

"Hey!" The shorter boy called out. Once Izuku turned around, he found his peer start to approach with a telling smile as he said, "You're like me aren't you?"

"A student at U.A?" Izuku smirked.

"A pervert," Izuku's smirk shattered.


"Come on, don't play dumb." The shorter boy now whispering, said, "Why else would you forgive my behaviour so easily? You know, it's actually a relief to see another of my kind make it to U.A. Well, aside from that idiot Kaminari..."

"Wait, you're in Class 1-A?" Izuku asked, a doubtful look cast upon his eyes. Jiro had told him Kaminari had made it into Class 1-A with her on a morning trained ride earlier. But he couldn't picture someone as athletically unfit as the short boy before him in a place like Class 1-A.

"Unbelievable right? I mean, not that I'm complaining, but they put me in Class 1-A and the record-breaking top ranker of our year's entrance exam examinee in Class 1-B."

"That would be me," Izuku snorted. "Izuku Midoriya. I won't say it's nice to meet you, after you called me a pervert for no reason, but hopefully you can change the impression I got later down the road."

"What you call being pervert, I call being honest; it's a compliment, honestly. Oh, and my name is Minoru Mineta."

"Honest?" Izuku paused to consider Mineta's words. "I guess only time will tell," Izuku then left without being stopped again.

"Joint Battle Training? Isn't it a bit too early to not only fight, but fight against our sister class in 1-A as well?" Kendo asked, acting as the voice of her class.

"I'd count my lucky stars instead of complaining if I were you," Vlad King said with a sigh. "Usually, at least half the school year would go by before enough kids would either drop off or get kicked out of my class to match Class 1-A for one of these joint-class exercises."

"How ominous of you to say," Kuroiro snickered as he commented.

Awase, the boy whose Quirk allowed him to weld things together at an atomic level, started sweating before he said, "Shit… I did hear that at best only around fifty percent of a Hero Department class makes it through the first year here at U.A."

"Anyways," Vlad King pressed on a remote control, "your costumes have already been prepared." As wall-mounted suitcases started slowly sliding into view, Vlad King continued, "They are ordered in accordance with your seat order, so take yours, change, and meet me and Class 1-A at Grounds Beta."

Izuku lined up and eventually picked up his suitcase — number eighteen. As he walked to the locker room to change, he smiled as he felt the weight of the contents within the suitcase. Once he made it to the locker room, he started changing when his disciple showed up and started asking questions.

"Dude, just how much stuff did you ask for your costume?" Tsuburaba asked, more than a little ashamed to see Izuku only halfway done with changing when he was already done. Compared to all the technical and auxiliary components that went into Izuku's costume, Tsuburaba's might as well have been a cosplay; it was literally designed with only cosmetics in mind.

"Eh? Not much," Izuku said as he slid his arms through a vest and equipped what looked like a canister to his back. Looking down at his utility belt, he said, "I've got some projectiles for long distance combat, a utility knife built to resist sonic vibration pressure, and a med kit."

After sliding on his exoskeleton-like mechanical gauntlets and connecting it to the small backpack-like tank on his back, he added, "I've also got these Kinetic Amplifiers, and..."

"Holy… Is that a fucking katana?" Awase asked, approaching in his fully equipped baggy costume.

"Yeah, you know, for when the small utility knife just doesn't cut it; no pun intended," Izuku said.

"Are you a swordsman?"

"No," Izuku admitted, "and I almost didn't get to keep the long blade. But, after the principal had me tested, he found that my enhanced reaction time and speed whilst using my Quirk made me about as competent as a veteran swordsman."

Izuku put on a white-accented black domino mask to complete his mostly black attire and strapped the katana just under his belt to the side of his body. He noticed that the three of them were the only ones left, so he said, "Thanks for waiting on me, but we should really get going before we're late."

As the three made their way to Training Ground Beta, they talked about their costumes and how it would help them out in the field before the silhouette of nearly forty people came into view. Izuku was caught by surprise when he saw all the costumes being put on display as everyone from the students of both classes to their teachers looked like they were ready to patrol the streets.

"Midoriya, I'm really feeling that outfit," Jiro said as she approached with a smile.

"That hottie, Camie, would totally call it 'lit, my guy,'" Kaminari added as he burst into laughter.

"You're not wrong," Izuku sighed. "She actually helped me design it; the aesthetics, anyway."

"Whoa, dude," Kaminari closed in and started whispering conspiratorially, "you're not together, are you? I mean, I'd believe it, but..."

"No, we're not. We're just friends," Izuku said as he flashed a look of incredulity. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Izuku changed the subject, "Anyways, what about you two." He smugly smiled as he gestured at Jiro and Kaminari, "Your costumes almost match."

"T-that's just a coincidence," Jiro stuttered as the slightest tint of pink graced her cheeks.

"Y-yeah, dude. Our Quirks don't offer much in the form of versatility, so we don't need any special costumes..." Kaminari said as he looked everywhere but directly at Jiro or Izuku.

"Ha!" Izuku failed to stifle a snort, "You of all people shouldn't talk about lacking versatility. Your Quirk is literally Electrification! Just imagine how much power you'd be able to store over the course of a day if you passively discharged your Quirk. Actually," Izuku stopped his teasing as he grew focused, "what the hell? Do you really not have any equipment? Even Jiro at least has those boot amplifiers."

"I told you he was an idiot," Jiro said, jumping ship to join Izuku in their mutual disappointment of Kaminari.

"Kaminari… I really hope your control over your Quirk is unparalleled," Izuku's expression became downcast as he saw Jiro's lips quiver as she struggled and failed to stop herself from laughing like a lunatic.

"What? I don't need control!" Kaminari whined, "I just need to run up to the bad guys and touch them and it's game over."

"Are you… Ok," Izuku took a deep breath. "Use your Quirk on me," he said.


"Just do it," he started glowing green.

"You asked for it," Kaminari said, though he was still somewhat hesitant as he slowly reached with an electrified hand.

The hand made contact with Izuku and… nothing happened. Izuku didn't flinch or recoil, much less look like he was in pain, thus, Kaminari increased the output of his Quirk until the immediate area around him and Izuku was crackling with thunderous electricity.

"What the fuck?" Kaminari stopped before he crossed his limit and short-circuited to become a temporary imbecile.

Just about everyone's attention was on them as Izuku patiently explained, "See? You can't just rely on overwhelming power. You'll never know when you might come across a perfect counter to your Quirk and if you don't prepare, you'll be royally screwed."

"A counter to Electrification?" A tall girl from Class 1-A, who donned a spiky ponytail, asked, "What are you, made out of rubber or something?"

"Kinetikinesis," Izuku taciturnly said.

"You mean to say, you can actually stop the kinetic energy of electricity itself?"

"Among other things," Izuku deadpanned. "I can manipulate the kinetic energy of pretty much anything."

"That's a pretty versatile Quirk, dude," A big-lipped boy from Class 1-A said.

"What do you think you're doing?! Quirk-use before our teachers allow it is strictly forbidden," another blue-haired boy added as he chopped robotically at the air.

"Fascinating. What's the upper limit of your power?" The same spiky-ponytailed girl from before asked.

"You don't honestly think you can stop my twinkling, now… do you?" A blond-haired boy asked with a dangerous undertone.

Alas, before Izuku could respond to even a single question, Eraserhead activated his Quirk to bring about an intimidating aura and said, "Behave yourselves. Socialize on your own time. Now that we're on mine, line up so we can get started with the day's exercise."

The two sister classes quickly settled and the day's assignment was laid out. It would be a two-versus-two indoor battle trial by fire for both classes to both compete against and bond with each other. Each team would be made up of a Class 1-A student and one Class 1-B student, which would either act as heroes or villains in the context of their trials.

The name of the game was to capture the heroes or defend a makeshift bomb for the villain teams, and to capture the villains or reach the makeshift bomb for the heroes. Teams got five minutes to plan and discuss strategy before a time limit of ten minutes was set for each battle trial.

Thus, the students quickly drew from a ballot to decide their partners at random.

"White 'M?'" Izuku asked as he looked for his partner. He purposely avoided looking anywhere near Bakugo until…

"No way…" Mineta approached with an identical white-colored "M" tag.

"Oh, it's you," Izuku blinked owlishly until he accepted the situation. The others from Class 1-A though, could be seen silently sending him their condolences.

"Moving on," Vlad King suddenly said. "The first two teams to go will be…" He reached into two ballot boxes colored white and black respectively before he pulled out an 'M' and a "K" tag. "Izuku Midoriya and Minoru Mineta as heroes versus Jurota Shishida and Katsuki Bakugo as villains." Both Vlad King and Eraserhead were cringing as the last name was spoken, and it had very little to do with the sudden shift in atmosphere around the two classes.

Whilst Izuku simply smiled maliciously, Bakugo couldn't resist taunting, "Ha! Against shitty Deku this soon? It's as if fate itself wants to see me kick your ass you fucking—"

"Move along, Bakugo" Eraserhead intoned.

"Tch," the explosive blond clicked his tongue before he abruptly walked away and was chased by the beastly Shishida.

"Deku? I thought your name was Midoriya?" Mineta asked Izuku as they walked behind their opponents; they were a dozen meters away from them at the very least.

"It is," Izuku said as his features started to transform. "That asshole just calls me that as an insult; it means 'worthless,'" Izuku added, looking almost like the inverted version of his classmate Kuroiro.

"So…" Mineta struggled to swallow before he tried to deflect the subject back to the trial at hand, "you must already know that his Quirk is Explosion and how it works, then."

"Oh I know it rather intimately," Izuku chuckled sinisterly. "What about you? My Quirk is called "Sin" and it gives me three abilities. Basically I can store things like information, sleep, food, and water infinitely within my body, I have Kinetikinesis, and I have this transformation that makes me physically stronger."

"I call my Quirk "Pop Off," which are basically the purple balls on top of my head. I can pluck around fifty of them before I start bleeding from my scalp and they pretty much stick to everything except for me."

"Oh? How sticky are they?" Izuku asked as his malicious smile intensified.

"A single ball could immobilize the three-pointers during the Entrance Exam to the point that they would need to sever whatever part was stuck to the balls if it were connected to a wall or the ground. That or they would have to wait around half a day for the ball's effects to waste into nothing."

"That sounds… promising," Izuku said as he extended a hand. "Can you give me one to test something?"

Mineta looked confused as he had just told his partner the potency of his Quirk, but he knew better than to talk back to Izuku when he looked as deranged as he currently was. He picked one of the purple balls on his head and gave it to Izuku, whose hands faintly glowed green. Izuku took it... and threw it as if he were handling a baseball.

"Our Quirks make for quite the devastating combo," Izuku smirked as he took in Mineta's look of absolute shock. "But. Because we're facing Bakugo specifically, I'm afraid I won't be able to utilize mine as well as I could," Izuku then went on to detail what would happen if his Wrath towards Bakugo crossed his limit.

"Fortunately, against pure battle types like Bakugo and Shishida, we can more than make due with what we have."

"You have a plan?"Mineta asked.

Izuku chuckled and explained the idea he had concocted after learning about the shorter boy's Quirk, and soon, Mineta was chuckling as well.

If it were within his power, Shishida would have cursed his luck for being put with someone as disagreeable as Katsuki Bakugo. After catching up with his "partner," he had tried to reason with the blond boy and make a plan to triumph over the other team for his first foundational heroics class' exercise, but his partner would at best shout profanities and demand that he simply guard the bomb.

Before he could even tell Bakugo about his and Izuku's Quirk and learn about the blond's and Mineta's, the battle trial had already started and he had been left to fend for himself. Shishida could thus only sigh and lament his misfortune, suck it up and prepare himself in a position he wasn't even confident might have been optimal, and wait for either the enemy to approach or for his partner to pull off a miracle and defeat their class' black star.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to prepare himself. But when he opened his eyes again, it was already over for him.

Less than two minutes prior, Izuku started outlining his plan by saying, "First, we'll go to the roof and work our way down. Knowing Bakugo, he wouldn't place the bomb anywhere lower than the highest floor of the building and from a strategic standpoint, it would make the most sense to also put it as high as possible to make the hero team waste as much time as possible checking the lower floors for the bomb."

"Ok, but how do you plan on getting us to the roof exactly?" Mineta asked, shooting a questioning look at Izuku for proposing such a flawed first step.

"I'll carry you and then jump," Izuku nonchalantly said.

"The building is six stories tall!" Mineta shouted.

"I literally stopped Kaminari's electricity earlier and it took less than half the max potency of my Pride. To make such a small jump, it probably wouldn't even take a tenth of my total power, especially since I'm also transformed with Wrath."

"Fair enough," Mineta said. "After that, though, I'm guessing we'll sweep the floors until we find the bomb, right?"

"Yup," Izuku nodded. "We'll probably find Shishida, my classmate with the Beast transformation Quirk, alone guarding the bomb."

"Yeah, I can't really imagine Bakugo being able to patiently cooperate with anyone and wait for us to reach the bomb." Mineta sighed, "So, then we capture Shishida or the bomb and win."

"No," Izuku shook his head as his smile reached chestshire levels of insanity.

"No?" Mineta shrunk away from Izuku.

"No," Izuku repeated. "I want total unequivocal victory. I want to utterly and completely humiliate Bakugo in front of all of our peers and shove a pile of shit down the metaphorical throat of his ego. This," Izuku laughed a final time, "this is what we'll do."

Once Eraserhead announced for the battle trial to start, Mineta jumped onto Izuku's back before they took off into a silent leap to the roof of the building. The green glow that followed them erased all the effects of friction and air resistance, all the sounds and signs of damage that might have come from Izuku jumping such a distance.

Moreover, it followed both Izuku and Mineta's feet to wipe the sound of their footsteps as they began to clandestinely sweep the sixth floor for the makeshift bomb. Mineta, taking advantage of his otherwise disadvantageous height, took the vanguard as he checked rooms left and right, and before two minutes had come to pass, he found Shishida alone with the bomb.

Shooting Izuku a look which was reciprocated, Mineta held a hand up to halt Izuku until he found that Shishida had his eyes closed and subsequently gestured for Izuku to follow. The two quickly, but soundlessly, entered the room and flanked Shishida, getting into his blindspot even if he were to open his eyes.

"Get the capture," Izuku said, and Mineta didn't need to be told twice. The shorter boy approached hesitantly and skittishly as Izuku's muffling ability was potent enough that only Shishida's breath could be heard, until he got within reaching distance and in one swift motion, Mineta wrapped Shishida's leg with the capture tape.

"Shishida has been captured. Seven and a half minutes remain," Vlad King's neutral voice announced.

Apart from the total confusion Shishida exhibited, the only other thing of note was the angry shouts and explosions that quickly approached the room. Yet there was no announcement of the hero team winning as both Izuku and Mineta simply stood next to the makeshift bomb without touching it.

"I… I know I probably shouldn't be distracting you since I've already been taken out of the match," Shishida started, "but just how did you two manage to sneak in and capture me without me noticing? This room has no windows and even if it did, I would have been able to hear or smell you approaching with my enhanced senses."

"Kinetic Isolation," Izuku said as his smile widened at the sound of the gradually approaching explosions. "Since the very moment the battle trial started, I covered both myself and my partner with my Kinetikinesis to isolate every possible sign of our existence apart from sight; I still haven't managed to learn how to redirect the kinetic energy of photons."

"Deku! Face me you spineless coward!" Bakugo screamed as he burst through the floor right next to Izuku's left side.

"Hmm, nah," Izuku taunted as he turned the other way in the most overtly arrogant way possible.

"Then die, motherfuc—" Bakugo was cut off by the barrage of balls Mineta threw, two of which caught him on the right elbow and torso.

"Fuck off! You grape bastard," A massive explosion subsequently either destroyed or deflected what was left of the barrage heading Bakugo's way.

"You play the villain role quite well," Izuku taunted as he flashed his power of Pride to clear the dust Bakugo's explosion had kicked up. "I wonder why?" He dodged the hand that had tried to sucker punch him from behind, before he flicked a gale of wind pressure to create some distance between him and Bakugo.

"Shut up and die!" Bakugo reached for the pin on his grenadier bracers and aimed at Izuku's general direction.

But before he could pull it, Eraserhead's voice announced, "Bakugo, lethal use of your equipment will not be tolerated. If you fire with the intent to maim or kill you will be severely punished."

"It won't kill them if I don't land a direct hit!" Bakugo screamed before he pulled the pin.

Under what looked like a bullet-time effect from his enhanced reaction time, Izuku squinted his eyes as he watched a small light grow into the intensity of the sun as a hurricane of volatile explosive energy shot his way. He thought, 'Wow, forget me and Mineta, the makeshift bomb is right next to us. I guess I really shouldn't have expected anything less from this absolute retard.'

In a fraction of a second, Izuku raised his right hand and flexed his index finger. His gauntlet, the Kinetic Amplifier specifically, activated to form a barrel-like component and from it, Izuku fired off a blast of concentrated wind pressure. Instead of dispersing the wind like a flick would, the barrel focused it and turned it into pure penetrative power.

In a literal blink of an eye, Izuku's air cannon sniped through the still forming explosion and snuffed it out of existence, it's source in Bakugo's right bracer was also completely destroyed.

"Leave it to this idiot to jeopardize both our lives and the bomb for a simple battle trial exercise," Izuku derided with closed eyes as he shook his head with mock disappointment.

Through the shock that flooded his system after witnessing his greatest attack utterly trounced, Katsuki managed to bark the start of another curse only to stop at Eraserhead's announcement, "Bakugo has been captured."

He looked down to see Mineta's hands tightening the hold he had on the capture tape set on his right leg. For a second, Bakugo saw red and almost attacked the short boy, but Eraserhead continued, "Midoriya has also captured the bomb; the hero team wins."

"I'd say Midoriya was the MVP," Yaoyorozu, the girl with the spiky-haired ponytail said. "Without his powers, it would have been impossible for the hero team to even initialize their plan of scaling the building and making sweeps for the bomb from the top down."

"Yeah, his Kinetic Isolation technique is what ultimately defeated Shishida and put the hero team in a checkmate position with the bomb at their fingertips," Iida, the tall blue-haired boy who chopped at the air, added.

"I think Mineta should also credit," Pony started. "Small but important overall, he took control and ended up catch Bakugo and Shishida. But Midoriya best in end."

"Should we even be discussing this?" Izuku asked as he delighted in the contorted expressions Bakugo made as he was completely disregarded. "I mean, when it was so effortless for us to win," he gave Mineta's shoulder a pat, "I don't think we should talk about MVPs. We barely even used our Quirks and we got a total victory," Izuku boasted.

"A little humility would go a long way for you," Eraserhead said as he eyed Izuku.

"You want me to be humble?" Izuku sneered, "What a joke. I'm only speaking the truth and everyone here knows it."

"Bastard, don't look down on me, you worthless Deku!" Bakugo barked like a broken record.

"Why shouldn't I, you second-place reject?" Izuku snorted, "You lost to me in the Entrance Exam, you lost to me here, and you'll be lucky if you lose before we have a direct confrontation during the Sports Festival. Never in your miserable existence will you ever surpass me, nor will I ever have to use even half my power to beat someone like you."

With those words, it was like a weight had been lifted from Izuku's spirit. Having had this confrontation and seeing the myriad ways he could utterly waste his childhood bully illuminated the simple truth that he would never be lesser of the two. He simply didn't have to care about someone with a power like Bakugo.

Apathy, the lack of caring specifically, as extensive as Izuku currently felt at that moment gave birth to his fourth tiered Sin in Sloth. It was built upon the arrogance he subconsciously carried after training his powers to the point of utterly overpowering most Quirks he knew of, and manifested when the concentration of the feeling boiled over after the "fight" with Bakugo.

Izuku flashed a startling yellow glow before the energy receded into his body as it had when he unlocked Gluttony. Instead of celebrating or answering the questions his peers or teachers tossed his way, though, Izuku simply laughed as he addressed Bakugo with even more scorn, "Look! Thanks to you, I've only gotten stronger; I've unlocked a new power!"

"Alright, that's enough," Eraserhead sighed as he physically got between Izuku and Bakugo. "You," he looked at Izuku, "go figure out what that yellow energy does, and you," he looked at Bakugo, "stop letting his words affect you so much. If you've got time to be angry at this loss, you've got time to think over the ways you might have acted to come out on top."

I've yet to perish my precious readers. My interest in this novel has yet to wane. For my extended absence, then, I bring you an extra long chapter +5k words long. Rejoice for I've returned; on father's day no less.

Anyways, Day 2 — or the official Day 1— of U.A. arrived and the promised Battle Trial came to pass. What's the deal with Mineta? I can already hear the challenges to my sanity for doing anything but ostracizing the little pervert. BUT, he is needed as an apostle for the Sect of Ultra Perverts, headed by it's patriarch the future holder of Lust incarnate; Izuku Midoriya! Not sure what I want to do explicitly, but I think it'd be funny if all the perverts from U.A, plus Izuku, join the aforementioned sect for this novel; Kaminari and Tsuburaba were already following Izuku, so it only makes sense.

Last thing I want to mention is a thanks for all growth the book has seen on both Webnovel and Fanfiction. With a cumulative total of 750+ followers, ~45k views, and 400+ favorites in the barely two weeks this story has been out, I think it's pretty insane growth; especially for a no-name author like me~

And before I forget: Should I include other battle trials? If not for the insanity I might come up with, then just to refamiliarize some of you with both Class 1-A and 1-B's Quirks.


1st Tier | Wrath [Negative Resonance (Placeholder name)]: Grants Izuku a unique transformation — turns him into a hollowfied visored, sans the hole and mask on his body; like from Bleach? In this state, his instincts take absolute control over his body and focus the entirety of his intent on neutralizing whatever garnered his hatred/wrath. He's learned to control himself with a surplus negativity quotient of upto 5%.

2nd Tier | Pride [Kinetikinesis]: Gives Izuku the ability to manipulate kinetic energy. Has Low-Mid Level Kinetikinesis powers: Can add/subtract kinetic energy from objects and people, can add kinetic energy to himself to move at superhuman speeds, can manipulated gasses to manipulate temperature, can project Pride outside of his body, can shoot pressurized air.

3rd Tier | Gluttony [Abstract Storage]: Allows Izuku to consume and stockpile an infinite amount of resources, ranging from the corporeal (Food and Drink) to the abstract (Sleep and Knowledge). His body then only uses up his stockpiled resources when they are needed in the most optimal fashion.

4th Tier | Sloth [To be determined]: To be determined...

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