
The Sin of the World

Yearning for a simple life, a man is abruptly whisked away to a mysterious realm. To his surprise, he realizes that he is not the hero of this narrative but, instead, an unwilling carrier burdened with the sin of sloth. He just wanted a quiet life amid routine, but somehow ended up in a strange place burdened with the sin of sloth. The one who seeks peace often finds trouble in pursuit. Amidst the challenges, can he still achieve his dream of a happy and content life?

Withered_Snow · Action
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1 Chs



The alarm clock rang continuously, shaking him from his sleep.

Letting out a tired yawn, he grumbled, "Another day to waste," in a distinctly lethargic tone.

Slowly he reached for the alarm clock, finger finding for the snooze button, finally managing to silence the annoying sound.

Trying to get up, he felt dizzy and decided to close his eyes.

"Ah yes, one of the benefits of being anemic," he grumbled.

When he opened his eyes, everything went black, and he couldn't see anything he had just seen when he got up.

He can't see his hands, feet, or body. All he sees is complete darkness, pitch black.

He touched his eyes to feel it if they were open.

His eyes were indeed open, but he couldn't see anything.

He even attempted to touch his eyeballs.

"Ouch!" He yelped when he tried to touch his eyeballs. He quickly blinked and rubbed his eyes

"What's happening here!?" He exclaimed.

The pain made him realize that the darkness he was in was real, not just a dream or illusion.

His heart began to race, pounding faster in response to the unsettling situation.

"Could someone have trapped me in some kind of prison realm?" He chuckled, though the laughter held a hint of uncertainty.

After he laughed, he realized that he had to face the real world again.

He tried to walk in the total darkness, and he could feel his feet touching the ground.

The ground had no temperature, it was neither hot or cold.

He attempted to dig into the ground, but it was incredibly tough, and there was no opening or gap.

"What the hell is wrong with this place?" He thought as he stomped on the ground.

He suddenly noticed that when he moved or spoke, there was no sound at all.

Even though he is laughing and talking earlier he just noticed now that there was no sound coming from his mouth even though his throat is vibrating.

"Despite the absence of sound in this place, I don't feel like I'm going crazy, even though it's incredibly quiet."

He sighed and wondered, "What should I do now?"

He used his first few minutes trying to figure out how to leave this mysterious place.

Despite numerous attempts, everything proved futile for him.

In the end, he surrendered and attempted to sleep, hoping to wake up in the real world.

His hunger grew, and he struggled to sleep soundly.

He endured a night with his hunger.

The following day, despite the absence of sunlight, he awoke to the growl of hunger in his stomach.

"What can I eat in this place?" He said while his stomach grumbled

He sighed, contemplating, "In the worst case, I might have to eat myself."

As he uttered those words, something stirred in the shadows.

A creature emerged not far away from him.

He stayed seated, holding his grumbling stomach.

He felt something, even though he couldn't see anything. He thought it might be another person stuck in this mysterious place.

Unable to shout or talk in the silent space, he extended his arms, reaching out in an attempt to connect with something or someone.

While reaching out, he felt a sensation on his left calf.

It was pain.

"AHHGHRH" He shouted in agony, even though there was no sound in the space, and stumbled due to the sudden pain.

"What the hell was that?" He exclaimed.

He touched his left calf and felt his blood gushing out.

"Shit!" He uttered in anger. Already hungry and sleep-deprived, someone had just injured his calf, adding to his frustration.

"Shit!" he exclaimed in anger.

'It felt like someone had bitten me. I will f*cking catch it the next time it attacks'.

He sat there, waiting for the creature to strike again.

As his blood slowly spread on the ground, he focused his attention on his senses, determined to catch the creature, no matter what it took.

Seconds later, the creature struck again, but he anticipated the attack and swiftly turned around.

Turning back, he readied a punch, hoping to strike the creature despite not seeing anything.

His punch missed, and the creature bit his left arm, causing him to collapse to the ground from the force.

"AAARGHHH!" he shouted in desperation. Despite dying, he refused to give up and locked his legs around the creature, preventing it from escaping.

He noticed that the creature was covered in fur. Its shape resembled a dog but was much larger.

While the creature bit his left arm, he repeatedly punched its head, each blow expressing his intense emotions.

Despite his efforts, his punches had little effect, and the creature's claws and teeth dug deeper into his skin.

"Ugh!" he exclaimed in pain. With no other option, he grabbed the creature's mouth and twisted, attempting to break its jaw.

Unable to free his arm, he bit the creature back to make it feel pain and create a chance to open its mouth.

The creature shook its head violently in an attempt to destroy his left arm.

The creature loosened its bite after being bitten, seizing the opportunity, he inserted his right hand into the creature's mouth.

Enduring the pain as his hand was pierced by the creature's teeth, he firmly grabbed its mouth from the inside.

Using all his strength, he pulled the upper jaw to the right and dragged the lower jaw to the left, despite his left arm being pinned between the creature's lower teeth.

"Arrgh!" he grunted, covered in blood from the intense struggle.


Huff... Puff...

Dislocating the creature's jaw, it fell to the ground. The creature continued to twitch on the ground.

Despite extreme fatigue and hunger, he knew he needed to finish off the creature.

While the creature twitched, he searched for its eyes. Upon touching something soft, he immediately dug into it.


The creature twitched more intensely, and he dug even deeper into its eye until it ceased all movements.

"...finally," he uttered softly before collapsing.


As he collapsed, his life flashed before his eyes, filled with both happy moments and regrets.

"... what a waste," he said slowly.

Losing temperature from blood loss, his body weakened, and he lacked the energy to move.

"... shit."

[ You have died. ]