
The sin of the Countess of Malibrán.

Back in the early 80's, at a time when there was no cell phone or Internet, the fastest and most effective communication system was the telephone, telegraph, and the ordinary mail, the slowest but functional, and when population statistics indicated that there was 7 women for every man in the world, this story is developed full of myths and old popular legends, all of the area surrounding the historic port of Veracruz in Mexico, the story pretends to be of paranormal terror, but it has its touch of comedy, where 3 high school student girls who lived in a boarding house for young ladies, accidentally release the evil spirit of the countess of Malibrán, one of the oldest popular legends of Veracruz, who, full of fury, struggles to take them to hell from where they had her awakened, to be able to go back to sleep and stop suffering for the forgiveness that nobody knows what it consists of, but the powerful Countess has a weak point, a staunch enemy, to He who cannot win and cannot even fight with him, the count of Malibrán, who returns for her every time they invoke to assassinate her, as he murdered her in life, and between the desperate cries of forgiveness of the evil Countess who flees to escape from her executioner, and the screams crying out for revenge from the count of Malibrán, this story unfolds that threatens to end in an apocalypse, but not a zombie apocalypse, nor nuclear, nor by the fall of a celestial body, much less biblical, not alien invasión, and Nor is it due to a pandemic or bacteriological war, but an apocalypse caused by the sin of the countess of Malibrán, who at the end of the whole story, shows us that everything is fine as it is, in perfect balance, because if only it were to be missing Even one of the most common sins, would be the end of mankind and society as we know it, It’s a true love kiss story; Just like in a fairy tale!

YurikVazquez · Fantasy
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63 Chs

The syndrome of women killers

A day after all this, on the news on Sunday, May 30 at 8 pm; Leticia Correa transmitted her documentary in order to inform the population of the theories obtained from the investigations and experiments developed in the Román mansion, of the possible causes of the syndrome of the living dead that affected men, and of the time unknown syndrome of women killers.

-The absence of the sin of infidelity that took the Countess of Malibrán during its apparent defeat, according to our theory, is the cause of both syndromes that are seriously affecting the population, for some sectors of the population such as commerce in restaurants, bars and canteens, the effect is negative, because in the absence of night owls of the male sex, semi-abandoned places are seen, with only isolated groups of girls, that not finding men to meet and with whom to have fun, they end up paying for the little they have consumed to leave the place.

The reporter says showing some images and videos edited already of what she narrated.

-On the promenade of the boardwalk, although you see some cars with groups of men who, because they are single, go out to have fun and look for someone to have fun with, because obviously they are not affected by the syndrome, they are very few, causing some ambition contained in the groups of girls that accompany them, we will try to interview one of the groups.

Leticia says in another recording where she showed the pre-recorded videos of what she narrated.

- Good evening guys! I'm Leticia Correa from XEW newscast.

-Siiiiii, the exclusive reporter of the Countess of Malibrán!

Says one of the boys already drunk, listening to the reporter who intended to interview them.

- Tell me buddy! Tell me your name and what you're celebrating? —The reporter asks.

- Hello, my name is Miguel Cruz and what I celebrate is singleness and nothing else! With all those reports that are happening on televisión, I have realized that being single is the maximum, not even in beers spending.

The boy answers, throwing an empty can while one of the girls passed him another.

- Are any of these girls or will be your girlfriend?

Leticia asks, as she instructed the cameraman to focus on those who accompanied the pair of boys who were in the group.

- I already told them not to lose hope! That when I want to become a walking dead like most of my friends who were married or had a girlfriend, one of them will be the chosen one, so as long as they keep paying the Beers.

The boy says asking for another drink, while the others did not let the other boy or approach the reporter, when suddenly they began to fight among themselves showing an excess of abnormal fury in a group of friends, leaving clear signs of the syndrome of the murderous women that started them to affect, and also making evident the fact that they were fighting over the other boy.

-This is what currently happens in all the streets of the port of Veracruz, correspondents from other cities report similar situations throughout the country and perhaps around the world, because reporters from the sister network: Telemundo, report similar situations in the different counties of the United States, where the situation has already become uncontrollable. good evening, I am Leticia Correa from the total chaos in the port of Veracruz, to its XEW newscast, radio and television.

The reporter says goodbye, while showing scenes of the boardwalk where fights between women began to expand.

- Apparently there will be no end-of-semester school holidays this year! And I'll have to Falling in love with myself up to Mr. Hermelindo, if I don't want to end up as one of the murderous women on the news. – Adelina says provoking the laughter of those who heard her.

Well, at the rate we are going and if we do not find a solution to the problem that the Countess left us, even Mr. Hermelindo we will have to hide it, I think the idea of Leticia's reports was bad, with that we only managed to get single men to be quoted as gold, like those boys she interviewed, that they practically brought the girls from their slaves, they were inviting them the beers and the whole party. –says Soledad.

- And who knows how they fared in the fight? Because clearly you can see that there were about 6 women who were with those two boys, I mean, it sees that they know perfectly well in the situation of single and quoted men that they are, what scares me is that if they do not know in the situation in which they really are, says Romaia. Maybe the syndrome of women killers does not allow them to really understand it.

- What exactly do you mean Romaita? —Soledad asks. –Because you're already scaring me.

-Yes, woman, look, for example, at Érika; How do you see it? —Romaia asks, pointing to the girl.

—I looked at her calmly eating ice cream. —Soledad replies.

"Now I will give you Mr. Hermelindo as an example. –says Romaia. How do you see it?

-Just as calm, enjoying the privileges of being single that this situation gives. —Soledad replies.

-A few days ago; Érika and I were hysterical without knowing it, affected by the syndrome of the murderous women, that it was controlled until we went to see Nathan and Gregory; Truth?

-Yes, right! But; What's the point? —Adelina asks.

-The point is that we were affected by the syndrome of women murderers, because somehow we were committed to the gringos and that is why we acted like this, now, neither Leticia, nor you, nor Soledad have a boyfriend, nor are they married, which makes them immune to the syndrome, like Mr. Hermelindo because he is single and without commitment, but in women. –Romaia continues.

-Aja. –says Soledad very interested. - And the point is?

-Not bad. –says Romaia. -I'm not done yet, here we had another couple of murderous women, I mean Belinda and Carolina, who also had pen pals were hysterical; Truth?

- Get to the point! –says Adelina.

-The point is; Why the other 5 girls in the boarding house, not counting Ana Lee, are hysterical? If none of them are supposed to have a boyfriend, neither here, nor by correspondence and the syndrome does not act in single women and without commitment, just as it does not affect you two and Leticia, more, however, the single girls we have seen in the reports and in the news, if it affects them; How with you is breaking the rule, don't you think?

- Maybe it's because of age, and the syndrome only affects the schools! –says Adelina.

Maybe it's because I'm one of the guardians of humanity. –says Soledad.

  -Maybe and in your case, it is for that, now we just need to know why Leticia does not affect her. –says Érika. —According to her, she is single and without commitment.

Unless you are deceiving us and have something to do with your cameraman. –says Adelina. –By the way, it is always the same.

- Mmmh? That's doable, and maybe she didn't tell us because wants to keep their relationship a secret. –says Romaia thoughtfully.

-So the conclusions we draw from this talk is that men with commitment get the syndrome of the living dead when they are not with their women, and men without commitment nothing happens. –says Soledad. And women without commitment get the syndrome of women killers.

-Exactly. –says Adelina.

-Now we just have to wait to see how the symptoms evolve. –says Romaia.

And that's if we survive the apocalypse. –says Érika.