
The sin of the Countess of Malibrán.

Back in the early 80's, at a time when there was no cell phone or Internet, the fastest and most effective communication system was the telephone, telegraph, and the ordinary mail, the slowest but functional, and when population statistics indicated that there was 7 women for every man in the world, this story is developed full of myths and old popular legends, all of the area surrounding the historic port of Veracruz in Mexico, the story pretends to be of paranormal terror, but it has its touch of comedy, where 3 high school student girls who lived in a boarding house for young ladies, accidentally release the evil spirit of the countess of Malibrán, one of the oldest popular legends of Veracruz, who, full of fury, struggles to take them to hell from where they had her awakened, to be able to go back to sleep and stop suffering for the forgiveness that nobody knows what it consists of, but the powerful Countess has a weak point, a staunch enemy, to He who cannot win and cannot even fight with him, the count of Malibrán, who returns for her every time they invoke to assassinate her, as he murdered her in life, and between the desperate cries of forgiveness of the evil Countess who flees to escape from her executioner, and the screams crying out for revenge from the count of Malibrán, this story unfolds that threatens to end in an apocalypse, but not a zombie apocalypse, nor nuclear, nor by the fall of a celestial body, much less biblical, not alien invasión, and Nor is it due to a pandemic or bacteriological war, but an apocalypse caused by the sin of the countess of Malibrán, who at the end of the whole story, shows us that everything is fine as it is, in perfect balance, because if only it were to be missing Even one of the most common sins, would be the end of mankind and society as we know it, It’s a true love kiss story; Just like in a fairy tale!

YurikVazquez · Fantasy
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63 Chs

The legion of women killers.

  - So another like you was the one that calmed the beasts? —Adelina asks. —You were right when you said there was something strange behind the apparent truce.

-Truce that will give us a break in what we find the solution to all this; I encourage girls, don't fall on me! You will see that soon we will find the solution and our lives will be normal again. –says Soledad.

-Apparently your brothers have already calmed other beasts.

Romaia says when she sees Orlando and Rolando Cienfuegos chat on the terrace with Belinda and Carolina.

-Although they are not boyfriends, the feeling that you belong to someone also calms the beasts. –says Soledad. —Even if it's like friends.

Well, who knows if friendship between a man and a woman is possible in these times of anger. –says Érika. —But since they arrived here, at least 2 of them have not had to be kept asleep.

—Let's just hope that friendship is not forbidden. –says Romaia. —Now let's get back to our business.

"I don't think hope is forbidden Romaita. –Soledad interrupts. – You see? When all seemed lost, a guardian of humanity who had not seen for hundreds of years, stepped in to fix things.

—Well, I don't think she can control the beasts for long, unless I keep them asleep like we do; Can that guardian of humanity keep 37 women asleep like you? And that's counting only those in this barracks!

Pamela says, That she already looked like an apocalyptic warrior, dressed in denim, leather, and a canana belt making a cross on her chest, full of bullets, than a high school student, like the others.

-Actually I do not know what procedure she are using to calm the murderous women, but it is working, by now we would have had to face the matriarchy several times. –says Soledad.

- We'd even be done with them! –says Romaia. They attacked without strategy and without organization, as well as medieval barbarians against entrenched snipers, although they always outnumbered us, they had no chance.

-And how good that a guardian of humanity appeared on that side, because it was sad so much slaughter of innocent women. –says Érika.

-We have already extended the perimeter to Plaza Mocambo.

Nathan Verch says that he arrived accompanied by his brothers and other boys, commanded by Hermelindo, who had become in the undisputed general of his forces, of course, as long as Adelina agreed with his orders.

Another month passed and it was already a Thursday, August 26, 1982, although few cared about the day, the problem with the armies of the matriarchy and the fortified, was still the syndrome of murderous women that only attacked those who were single, at the beginning of the truce agreed by Tenpecutli with Soledad, Most were able to control their symptoms, but as the days went by they had to lock them up little by little, those of the fortified kept them asleep with the help of Soledad and her sleep potions, and with those of the matriarchy, and the housing complexes where the couples lived, while the single warriors were dedicated to kidnapping men to add them to their guild, And so they could occupy a place themselves in that housing complex, they no longer existed, camps and forts of both sides had fallen with The fury of the murderous women of the same side, now each woman kept her man locked in a house, where she provided him with everything while he went out to get it, either looting shopping centers that were already very looted.

And organizing themselves in gangs to go hunting, at least they did not struggle much to get cattle and sheep, because with the collapse of society, they grazed free and were abundant in all the fields and forests of any of the territories, They no longer attacked those of the opposite side, because as their objective was to capture single men and without commitment, since it ceased to be their spoils of war, now both sides defended themselves independently of a new enemy force arising from their own armies, which both sides called: "The legion of murderous women", Because that was precisely, A legion of females without males that although they maintained the reasoning of the species, the effects of the syndrome of the killer women, the effects of the syndrome of the murderous women kept them on the edge of ambition, since they discovered the aspect of: "Until death do them part", Which ruled the couples that made up the enemy sides, being that although sometimes they captured males that somewhere had a commitment to a female, because they did not serve them and had to let them go, Realizing the rejection and aversion they felt against that male, until they discovered that by killing their female, The aversion ended and only then that male could choose another female of the matriarchy, so now the matriarchs and the fortified kept their men locked up, and kept quartered themselves, because now the objective of the legion was precisely them, who had to be killed in order to dispose of their males.

And so, society was divided into 3 groups, 3 armies that fought for their survival, the fortified, which was what they called those of the creed of Soledad, the matriarchy, which was what they called the creed of Tenpecutli, and the legion of murderous women, which was how they had begun to call that third creed, enemy of the other two, composed mostly of that difference of sexual gender that still remained between humans, A difference that still governed the difference of 6 females for each male of the human species.

- The situation has already gotten out of control; Legionnaires are organizing to attack my communities.

-Some have already had to be rescued by members of yours.

Tenpecutli tells Soledad, in another meeting where he had summoned her to the facilities of Fuerte Barrancas.

-The same thing has been happening to us in Veracruz, the main problem is that the legionaries arise from the interior of our own forts, because in all of us we have females without a partner, although I began to keep them asleep to control their fury, now we have to keep them locked up in the jails of the city, because it was impossible to keep them all asleep, and now that the word of the appearance of the Legion has begun to spread, those women that we have imprisoned like animals ask to be released to join that guild that is where they think they should be.

-We have to call the Countess and beg her if necessary to end this situation. –says Tenpecutli.

-It will be useless to call her if we do not get the Count to forgive her, she has hundreds of years asking for forgiveness and he continues to persecute her to murder her. –says Soledad. —If you had seen how she laughed at us the last time the Count murdered her, you would understand why it would be useless for us to call her to help us.

—Well, welcome to the end of the world. –says Tenpecutli.

— We failed in our mission to safeguard humanity.

-From a demon you created. –says Soledad.

-—That you woke up.

—replies Tenpecutli.