
The sin of the Countess of Malibrán.

Back in the early 80's, at a time when there was no cell phone or Internet, the fastest and most effective communication system was the telephone, telegraph, and the ordinary mail, the slowest but functional, and when population statistics indicated that there was 7 women for every man in the world, this story is developed full of myths and old popular legends, all of the area surrounding the historic port of Veracruz in Mexico, the story pretends to be of paranormal terror, but it has its touch of comedy, where 3 high school student girls who lived in a boarding house for young ladies, accidentally release the evil spirit of the countess of Malibrán, one of the oldest popular legends of Veracruz, who, full of fury, struggles to take them to hell from where they had her awakened, to be able to go back to sleep and stop suffering for the forgiveness that nobody knows what it consists of, but the powerful Countess has a weak point, a staunch enemy, to He who cannot win and cannot even fight with him, the count of Malibrán, who returns for her every time they invoke to assassinate her, as he murdered her in life, and between the desperate cries of forgiveness of the evil Countess who flees to escape from her executioner, and the screams crying out for revenge from the count of Malibrán, this story unfolds that threatens to end in an apocalypse, but not a zombie apocalypse, nor nuclear, nor by the fall of a celestial body, much less biblical, not alien invasión, and Nor is it due to a pandemic or bacteriological war, but an apocalypse caused by the sin of the countess of Malibrán, who at the end of the whole story, shows us that everything is fine as it is, in perfect balance, because if only it were to be missing Even one of the most common sins, would be the end of mankind and society as we know it, It’s a true love kiss story; Just like in a fairy tale!

YurikVazquez · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
63 Chs


Soledad watched in silence and worried, she seemed to guess that the Countess' game was to distract people's attention and give the master stroke, and that was what she was waiting for, she started to hear a noise coming from somewhere.


Shouts Leticia while one of the girls went out to take Queco into the house, without the megaphone because due to the blackout, it was no longer working, and that was when the real screams of terror began, because something huge was coming out of the sea.


Shouts Romaia while pointing towards the beach, where a huge lizard was coming out of the sea, of course it was not the legendary Godzilla we all know, it was simply a gigantic crocodile that easily went over the boardwalk railing and the cars.

The boys from the neighborhood fired their firearms, which they had not yet shown for fear that they would be confiscated by the marines, but they did not do the slightest damage to the enemy, the marines and police upon hearing the shots, turned to look in amazement, from afar, at the enormous reptile that had come out of the sea, they quickly fired their long and heavy caliber weapons, at the same time that they ran back, the lizard headed towards the mansion because it seemed that this was its main objective, But the loud detonations of a gun fired from one of the turrets of one of the marine units, diverted his attention forcing him to change his course, one of the marines fired his .50 caliber and managed to hit him directly on the side, The gunner exhausted his magazine and had to jump before the lizard crushed the armored unit with its long and huge tail, to resume its course towards the Román mansion.


Pamela's voice is heard from the front fence, through a cone made of cardboard, as a loudspeaker.


And the shout began to be heard everywhere, the mulatto was already standing in front of the gate, ready to repel the advance of her enemy with all her strength, but doubting her capabilities, because that huge crocodile that was heading towards her should weigh several tons, a series of detonations of hand grenades began to be heard, between shots of heavy caliber, and between the shouts that intended to invoke the presence of the Count of Malibrán, but the lizard upon hearing the chained shout, stopped defending himself from the marines and the insurgents who were throwing Molotov cocktails at him, concentrating on reaching the Roman mansion, surpassing the strength of Soledad who tried to stop him, and with a great effort he turned around and raising his tail, with a single blow he smashed the wooden gate; Soledad was expelled as a result of the same opposing force with which she had tried to avoid the terrible tail, with which her enemy had destroyed the wooded landscape from which the Count had emerged, the last time he had come to her rescue.