
The Silver Saga

Silver, a high school student who is suddenly reincarnated into a fantasy world where he is a member of the evil royal family, the House of Silver. Would he be able to escape his family's cruel fate? Or would he succumb to their dark influence?

Swift_Wayne · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Unbreakable Diamond

The Games Of Silver had finally arrived, and the entire areana was buzzing with excitement. Lord Ravenswood with a chiling smiled annoumced the first main evnet.

"For the stupid gifts from House Blue. I present you Diamond."

"There's no need..." As Neon was saying with kind words, Lord Ravenswood suddnly glared at him.



As chikls ran down the entire arena, Silever with unfazed eyes knew what he's father is planning for them.

"I allow your House Blue Member Ceaser to fight and face off My Son Silver's brother, Diamond."

Silver and Diamond both rolles thier eyes when he said that as Diamond was set to face off against Caesar of House Blue in the main event.

As the two opponents faced off in the arena, the crowd erupted into cheers and chants. Diamond, with his striking silver hair and piercing blue eyes, cracked his knuckles in anticipation. Caesar, with his chiseled jawline and piercing green eyes, smirked confidently.

Lord Ravenswclaw with imposing figure with a stern expression, held up a small crystal orb. "Let the games begin!"

With a burst of speed, Diamond charged at Caesar, his fists flying in a flurry of punches and kicks. Caesar laughed, dodging and weaving with ease, his own attacks swift and deadly.

The two opponents clashed in a flurry of steel and sparks, their movements a blur as they traded blows. Silver watched from the sidelines, his heart racing with excitement.

Diamond landed a solid punch to Caesar's jaw, but the Blue heir shook it off like it was nothing. Caesar launched afury of attacks and rain of punches at Diamod. He took itvas nothing. It was alomst as if he was bored.

"Hey you are borimg."


"I made myself weak ans still can't feel your punches, I will give you 30 seconds in that period i will make myself as weak as you let's see how fast you can deafeat yourself."

'Shut up you Silvered.."

Suddenly Diamond launched a punch at Him as Ceaser took it. He felt confident enough to take Everything. As he felt it was weak. As Ceaser launched himself to attack him Diamond Took it And attack back Ceaser retaliated with a vicious kick that sent Diamond flying across the arena. Ceaser smiled with confidence and arrogance that now fully confident he could defeat and break Diamond.

As Diamond struggled to get back to his feet, Caesar sneered at him. "You're no match for me, Silver's brother."

But Ceaser Didn't underatand Diamons Is Unbreakable as Diamond refused to give up. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he launched himself at Caesar once more. The two combatants collided in a flurry of punches and kicks, their movements lightning-fast as they battled for supremacy.

Like this 30 seconds passed as suddenly Diamond Stopped in the middle of arena.

"Haa...All right that's enough warm up."

"Huh? Warm Up. I was doing the same too."

Ceaser answered back.

"Oh. Okay then Sneaser I give you chance Hit Me."

Ceaser was frustrated with Diamond's attitude as he launched himself at Diamond as soon as he said that as he punched Diamond. Diamond remained unfazed and standing at position as Ceaser cracked his own fiat and hand into pieces.


Ceaser screamed loudly as the imfected blood rushed inside his hand couldn't find way out. Diamond sighed as he was covering his ears with pinky fingers.

"Hey Quit screaming and star fighting before I Start Killing You."


Ceaser unleashed his large blue flames across the arena as everyone used their magic to shield themselves. Diamond took it head on. As He waved and extinguished THE fire. Everyone with shocking wyes looked at him. As Ceaser got scared.

"Wh-What did you do....!"

Ceaser Looked At Diamond whose eyes with unfazed gas sacred him to death already. As he was shivering Diamond finally said.

"Hey, I give you a choice if you call me your Master and beg like a dog I will spare you."

Ceaser hesitated and tried to act cool and saw at Neon.

"What do you think of it Neon, Stupid Right? I would Never..."

"Shut Up And Do It you fool"

Ceaser got taken aback as Neon replied and did exactly as Diamond said but regardless Diamond smashed his arms and legs as he launched a attack with leg and sent him crashing through arena.

In the end, it was Diamond who emerged victorious, his fist raised high in triumph as the crowd roared with applause. Caesar lying bleeding outside in complete defeat.

As Diamond walked away from the arena, Silver approached him with a grin. "Nice fight," he said, clapping his brother on the back.

Diamond chuckled, wincing slightly from his injuries. "Thanks. I guess I still have a thing or two to learn. Even if I didn't used my magic abilities he still fought okay."

Silver smiled. "I'm sure you'll get better with practice."

Just then, the Queen of Shadows appeared beside them, her eyes flashing with approval. "Well done, Diamond. You've proven yourself worthy of our family's name."

Diamond bowed slightly, his face flushed with pride. "Thank you, Mother."

The Queen turned to Silver and whispered something in his ear before disappearing into the shadows once more.

Silver's eyes narrowed as he watched her go. Back at outside Ceaser bled to death from the hole from his stomach that Diamond cracked open from his kick. As Yen First Official Game came to an end With House Silver emerging Victory.