
Chapter One: The beginning of a long journey.

Trigger warning:

I wake up on my side with a bottle of water infront of my face and nothing more around me other than a blanket I must've kicked off in my sleep. My head aches from a night of long drinking. The last thing I remember is that fight then suddenly being kicked in the back. Everything went black. Now I'm here in this little cell room. It's kind of cold though I wipe my hair off my forehead and feel my body heat. I must have a low grade fever bc. I'm burning up. Maybe that explains why I feel so weak..

Just then as I finish my water the door opens up and there stands a tall man with a doctor coat on. He speaks "Mister I'm sorry to frighten you like this but I just didn't want to take any chances of you getting the wrong idea and attacking me." I speak back saying "I don't know what you mean by that.

The last thing I remember is being kicked in the back and now I'm here." He chuckled at me nervously then steps aside as another figure appears to walk in and right up to me.

She peers down at me and studies me for a moment while the empty water bottle is down in my lap now. I crane my neck to look at her an see her name tag says Mika.

She finally after a few seconds of studying me says "Your every bit of handsome as the night I saw your lovely dancing photos on the leaderboards." I look at her confused. So she continues. "Your the one they call maker. (maker was my dancing name in the competitive leaderboards. they dubbed me maker because I choose to dance seductively an that apparently makes everyone.. (intrigued?))

Your the one who is that one who has those fine hips!

a comment not abnormal to me I usually did push my hips well my whole pelvis out when I did more dancing down on the floor. but not in a way like most do.

I use the technique sparingly. only one in a whole 10 minute routine. the move gained me popularity. it was a fun move to do when on the floor occasionally.

but if I was going to get style points I would have needed a signature move so I just choose that one. I felt like a douche for doing it as a signature move but the judges seemed to think it had lots of style. they were probably influenced by current trends.

Her excited energy starting to rile up her companion. He speaks "let's just let him go Salla this isn't right to do this to him just because u-" she turns around to him. He stops and says "sorry" as he flinches back.

Then I realize that this is more than a doctor and his nurse patching me up. She sends him away with a flick of her hand. He all to ready to leave, as he speeds off. She looks at me and tells me to take my pants off. I tell her no and she smirks and then attacks me out of no where!

Finally she wrestled my pants off me. She steps back satisfied with what she's done. now that I'm kind of incapacitated due to just being hit in the pelvis. "Lay back and spread your legs out far." "Hell no u crazy bitch." I say through clenched teeth. She holds her palm out and then everything starts spewing gas.

as if it were a command to someone on the other side of the walls. She opens the drawer in the hallway in the little cabinet directly across from my door.

She pulls out a mask. I'm already confused an nauseated. Along with pain from being hit in the balls I don't know how but I somehow manage to run out the door but that man is back and punches me in my stomach and I'm doubled over coughing. he came out of no where.. My stomache already had been cramping from hunger and that surely didn't help shit. I know I'm really in no position to run away but hell it was worth a try.

She bends down with a needle she pulls from her pocket and that man kicks me in the face. I instinctively try to protect my face but as his kick lands on my hands she stabs the needle into my neck vein that was popped out like it always was when I drank too much.

Now I'm fucked I think as I keep trying to fight off the man who is holding me firm on my side now. Then everything goes dark again. I wake up this time in my boxers and my necklace my mother bought me when I was ten. I'm laying on a table strapped to it. I groan as I come too. The unnamed woman (mika was a fake name she had declared to me by throwing the name tag off her scrubs.) turns around and says "GOODY! UR AWAKE!" She touches my knees and then everything hips down turns black like I am burnt paper.

My muscles disappear and my leg bones turn small and are nothing but thin twig like bones now. My pelvis looks the same except everything is enlarged. No skin or muscles just bone.

She laughs delighted at my horror and fear. Strangely it didn't hurt, but now I was freaking out on the table staring at my lower half in shock as it was now nothing even really resembling what I'm used to seeing when I look down. The first thing I manage to ask is "w", the slobber out of my mouth collecting on my swollen lower lip. "where did my boxers go?.." she snorts at my speech. She victoriously states she cut them off me before I was transformed.

But since I was so shooken up I must've not seen her cut them off and throw them on the floor.

her fake sympathetic tone enrages me.

She hummed for a moment then said yonkers I forget to mention that rn while ur no longer hooked up to the iv u where hooked up with some pain medication for your ease of comfort.

I gasp as she smirks wide and starts examinign my pelvis bones.

I start trying to fight against my bindings.

my breathing coming in short rasp and slobber goes all over my face. I feel enraged and afraid she mocks me as she,

bone by bone she makes her way down from my pelvis to my stick like legs.

was she some sick ass stalker stan or what?!

She goes back up to my hips but as she finishes examining her handy work on my legs the medication started to wear off now I'm just here strapped to a metal table cold,afraid, transfixed by the sharp objects behind her head and utterly terrified. my sight blurry with tears that had not yet been shed as they were just forming as whole body intense pain starts.

She follows my line of sight and tells me not to worry she won't be using those on me the purpose of her kidnapping me was because She knew I wasn't only a dancer. She knew I was a famous assassin under the name of Corpse maker. she goes into detail about who she interugated and payed to find out this information.

my blood runs cold an I really think that was just the icing on the cake she figured out my true identity in some capacity at least! but she had been the one who hurt my best friend. the one who killed him. my rage is back I feel stronger than ever but it's still no use the bindings hold tight.

(scary name but I wasn't even half as scary as the media painted me out to be.)

She speaks to me like we're old friends and like she's not examining me down to the bones. quite literally my BONES! I'm exhausted and near passing out by the time she reaches my chest cavity. I can't breathe I feel more waves of panic scratch their way to the surface as I literally cannot breathe I can't. i just can't. the real possiblity of death seems so imminent.

I don't even know if she turned me back to my original state as she went or if she even could or what. The pain was intense and I was shaking from the intense spasm that wracked my body as I started having a panic attack on the table.

but mentally not physically as I literally cannot breathe. She stops and doesn't speak but places her hand on my head an I start to feel sleepy and my remaining muscles relax I think I let out a sigh but I was transformed how could I have let breath out? drifting off into a dreamless sleep my face falls slack as my body gives up on me an surrenders to the urge of sleep.

When I wake up I'm dressed and on a bed but with just my shirt on. My lower half is still turned. I realize this when I jump up and try to walk but I fall. She comes in hearing me crash to the floor and then I notice the window mirror thing at the end of my bed well it was on the wall across from my bed. The fall knocked the breath out of me so I'm just here on the dirt floor dirty and panting.

She picks me up by dragging me to the chair she had placed at the end of the bed. When she finally gets me in the chair I just kinda fall the way she adjusted me too. When I'm back up on the bed and she's fixed me back up with a pillow and blanket she speaks to me. "About earlier when I cut ur underwear off, I didn't see anything.

I am many things, but I am no sick fuck."

Then she turns and leaves but the door is open. After a few moments of me wondering where she went she comes back with a plate of tuna and a water bottle. She places the tuna sandwich infront of me and the water infront of the plate. "You still need some things like nourishment to keep some energy but while I have u transformed, you won't be able to function on the parts that are transformed." I gingerly bite into the sandwich infront of my chest and my stomach growls and I just fucking start going to town like a digisting pig. I basically swallowed that sandwich.. not a very professional look.

Shes sitting in the chair she drew up from the foot of the bed. The door was now closed and the key around her neck but she was not looking at me with that crazed excited delight as she had earlier when she had tortured me or in her words examined my skeleton because I was a fascinating creature.

She now was watching my gently like I was her pet or something. which makes my insides churn. through my side eye glaring an avoiding her gaze I do manage to notice her hair was down now.

She just watched me eat and then she picks my plate up and makes me drink a big sip of water before she brings back a wheel chair that she'll use to transport me around I'm sure. She explained nothing much just says "in case I decide it's necessary to detransform you."

I look up as I hear a meow. A kitten walks up and jumps up on my bed and I smile at it as it brushes against me. She talks to me again saying "y'know I just wanted you to know that I'm honored your my first examination subject." The smile fades from my face as that energy and wildness is back. I'd been playing with the cat and ignoring her the best I could.

I look at her with open mouth horror unable to understand what she means. my head flys with racing thoughts.

She simply walks out and slams the door closed I hear the lock slide into place.No further explaining was offered or anything. the racing thoughts now take more solid form an I feel anxiety bubbling up in my stomach again. I sip on my water again an again. trying to ease my churning stomache I start to tear up after a few minutes an shake even harder.

The cat rubs itself against me again and again wanting more pets. I end up freaking out having trouble breathing, I am gasping for air grasping my shirt front as my heart palpates from the feel of things..

I was her first.. the first one she had ever done that too. so. SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING TO ME WHEN SHE DID IT?

Later that day I know she's watching me bc. I feel like she is maybe I'm paranoid but I think she is but my stomach hurts and is cramping like crazy.

She walks back in and not so randomly transforms me back after she put me in the wheel chair.

my legs were too weak to move anyways.

I'm wheeled to a new room with a bathroom in it an another single bed. she tells me to stand up when we enter the room an she locks it behind her. although I'm hesitant I do as she says fearing she would transform me and leave me like that again. I stand up an immediately wobble. my legs ache but they sensations feel like I've been swimming. she watches me do this an barks out another command something like walk around the room.

It was a small bathroom where a few minutes of painfully trying to use it to no avail I get up an don't try to push my body too much because I fear I could have some explosive issues bathroom, the thought of that makes me gag.

the actual book name is Silver Moon. but unfortunately that name was taken.

he dances competitively in formal competitions so he can hopefully get cash prizes an save up for the things he wants to help him with his more femenine side. he's fluid in gender he uses any pronouns but prefers those that match his appearance at that time. if there is something I wrote wrong please do let me know!! I will fix it!

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