
The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

**Nominated for 2020 Spirity Awards** Bitten by a werewolf, Dawn Wyatt becomes a Neotide – a werewolf who has no place in the world of pure bloods. What follows is even more harrowing. Targeted for being killed by their father’s enemies, eighteen-year old Dawn Wyatt and her ten-year old brother Cole escape the capturers and literally plead to be taken in by a farmer's family. The family complies, but when the captors offer a huge reward of ten million dollars for the escaped siblings, the family betrays them. To save their lives, they flee the country. Dawn returns back five years later as a 'Bitten' werewolf and brilliant market analyst to carve her niche. And also to avenge those who turned her into a werewolf and took everything away from her, without realizing that she is a cynosure of multiple conspiracies. ------------- Daryn Silver is the lethally sexy Prince of a rare Silver Clan of pure blood werewolves. Cold, ruthless and merciless, he is arrogant. And she is bitten. He wants to eliminate all the bitten—the rogues from the face of the Earth. He's been hunting them down for years. What happens when he meets her? It's difficult to resist her, and challenging to accept her. Dawn’s life is turned upside down when she meets him. She realizes dangerous things about him - He is a pureblood werewolf and is the prince of a rare Silver Clan who every other pack bows to; He has had numerous girl-friends. In fact he had to get restraining orders from some of the crazy ones; He maneuvers her in his world with a proposal she never anticipated. Dawn uses that to her advantage! She knows she is playing with fire. ------------- She nodded and walked inside as he held the door open for her. As soon as she closed the door, Daryn held her hand and pulled her against the wall.  "Daryn…"  He leaned down and placed his hands on either side of Dawn. Their faces were an inch apart. Daryn parted his lips as if to say something. Dawn could feel all the heat that emanated from his body, from his breath. She clasped the cold wall and stared into his eyes. He drew a faction closer and her breathing hitched. Her mind left all the reasoning. This was not what she had expected in his office. It was the first time she had even stepped in there.  "I am unable to stop thinking about you Dawn," he whispered. She bit her lip to stop herself from touching his lips and feeling him.  Daryn grabbed the back of her neck and his lips fell on hers. She shuddered. At first he lightly brushed them and then his kiss turned deep, full of passion, which he had held back for a long time. It was getting harder and harder to not kiss her senseless, to feel her. And Dawn—she closed her eyes. --------- Join me in reading the adventurous journey of Dawn Wyatt and Daryn Silver. Like I said, this is going to be one suspense/thriller/steamy romance novel! So strap your seatbelts for a roller-coaster ride! Warning: This novel is fast paced and contains suspense, thrill and romance. Don't expect typical cliché romance that you keep reading. And if you are looking for that, then I am sorry this book isn't for you! The book contains MATURE CONTENT! ------------- Feral Confessions Series: Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha (Completed) The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince (Completed) Ileus (Ongoing) Other books: Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife (Completed) Two Contracts: My Lover is a CEO (Completed) Join me on Discord at https://discord.gg/yqKgCvQ

MishaK · Fantasy
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Kick Dawn Out of the Team

The team consisted of four players – Cire, Dawn, Elize and Niall.

That day the clouds were lightly cast overhead. Dawn wondered if it would rain, while walking to the Driving Range.

While Dawn was practicing the three of them watched her from a distance and snickered. With her heightened sense of hearing these days, Dawn could hear a fly buzzing from ten feet. And she also heard what they were whispering about.

"Why does she always use small clubs?" Elize asked.

"I know, right? I have never seen her using one wood! I think her drives are bad and just because she can't use the club, she has been avoiding it," replied Niall looking at Cire. She was instigating Cire from the past few days about Dawn.

Cire crossed her hands across her chest and blew a bang out of her eyes, "I don't know why the college even made her join the team. And sometimes I do wonder about her capabilities."

"Why don't you ask her to use the one wood? Or tell her to have a match with us?" said Elize, keeping her elbow on Niall's shoulder.

"Oh right! Let's challenge her. After that I have a brilliant idea to report to the coach that she is unfit for the team," Niall giggled excitedly.

"What idea is it?" asked Cire. There should be a good plan if they were going to go against Dawn. She was so excited and angry at the same time that her impatience to kick Dawn out of the team notched up.

"Just keep watching!" Niall grinned. "You ask her that, okay?" she said as she wore her glove. Niall snickered. She narrowed her eyes. This was going to be interesting. The thing was that Niall's younger sister was also a golfer and she couldn't make a cut in the college team because of Dawn's entry at the last minute. This irked her a lot. Her sister had cried for two nights and she was looking for a way to get back at Dawn. This was the first opportunity that she had got after a month to throw her out. She had watched Dawn practicing and noticed that she never used long-distance clubs. She would always use short distance clubs on the pretext that she was aiming to hit the ball straight rather than long. Did that mean that her long shots went awry? Was she hiding it from the team? If that was the case, Niall had full confidence that she would expose Dawn and it would carve the perfect opportunity for bringing her sister in the team.

Dawn bit her lower lip. She walked to her set, wiped the iron-head of the club, and placed it nicely in the bag. She picked up another shorter one this time and when she was walking back to her area of practice, she saw the coach standing afar and talking to another player. She decided not to get into the drama. This scholarship meant a lot to her. Apart from the money that she had brought with her, she really didn't have any other source of income and that was what she was using. She had been on a shoestring budget all the time and not indulging in any kind of luxuries. Only the utmost that was needed was bought.

She fetched another fifty balls for herself from the Range Keeper and started hitting them.

"Hello Dawn," said Cire. Dawn took the shot calmly and very gently. It went straight up to where she wanted it to reach. If she would have applied her strength, the shot might have crossed the boundary of the range.

Dawn brought her club down and rested her hands on it. She gave a sweet smile to Cire and replied politely, "Hello Cire!"

"I would like to see your shots with one wood. I haven't seen you use them at all," she said fiercely narrowing her eyes.

Dawn pursed her lips. "Cire, there is no point in doing that. Actually, I have to practice my small shots. You see fifty percent of the game is dependent on the small shots. If you are perfect in that, you can win any game."

By that time Elize had walked to them. She interjected, "Do you mean that drivers and putters have no use? You are talking like a novice. Have you faked all those certificates in the college admission form?" Elize turned to Cire and said, "We must tell the coach that she is not the right fit for the team. She should be replaced with a better player and I think Niall's sister is way better."

Dawn shifted in her place. On the inside, her anger was rising but if that gave way, she might lose control over her personality. She could transform. She let out a long breath. She looked up and reiterated her stand, "I want to continue with my short chips. Why don't you all also go and practice your game rather than wasting time here?"

"What do you mean, Dawn?" Cire almost screamed. "I am the Captain of the team and I need to see your game. Pick that wood and show me your drives, else I am going to report to the coach that you are not right for the team."

At the back, Niall poked her tongue in her cheek at the drama unfolding in front of her. She had to choke her laughter. She sauntered to the group and added, "Why don't we compete over the best ten balls, Dawn?" Her light grey eyes bored into Dawn's green ones.

Dawn didn't want to get into it. So she politely replied, "I am not interested. Let's just practice our game for today. As for the competition, we can always show our skills on the courses against the teams we are pitted with."

Niall's eyebrows furrowed. This girl was not falling in the trap. "Are you scared already?" That one statement usually rubbed the opponent in the wrong way.

"I am not scared, Niall," Dawn replied. She looked up and noticed that the coach wasn't there. She heard his footsteps coming up to the first floor of the range where they were all standing. She really wanted these girls to go now. "It's just that I am not in a mood. Maybe, next time."

Niall and Elize laughed wickedly. Now they were sure that Dawn was actually hiding the fact that her drives were horrible. "Loser!" Niall said.

Cire frowned and her mouth curled down. She went to Dawn's golf bag, picked the driver and held it horizontally. "This is Callaway Burner. Latest, very powerful and expensive. The University has provided it to you to play with. If you feel you don't need it, why have it? Have you ever seen this kind of equipment in your life?"

Dawn had only played with the most expensive custom-made sets throughout her life. Her last golf set was a whopping $250,000, which was the same price as her father's latest Ferrari.

"This is not the latest in their line," Dawn corrected.

Annoyed as hell, Cire's mouth twisted. She looked at the graphite shaft of the driver and caressed it. Suddenly, she lifted it and pounded the shaft on her golf bag. The shaft broke into two. "Here, since you don't need it," she said, giving it back to Dawn who was shocked.

Niall and Elize laughed heartily.

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